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III Make up a plan of the text.

IV Translate the paragraph in italics in a written form.

V Questions for discussion:

    1. Was an Ancient Geek theatre masked?

    2. Why did European theatre usually use stage make up?

    3. What is the aim of theatrical makeup?

    4. What is the difference between stage makeup and ordinary cosmetic makeup?

    5. Why is makeup very important for many performers?

    6. How do modern designers use stage makeup?

IV Render the text in brief in a written form.


I Mind the following words and word-combinations:

  1. fashion show – показ мод

  2. photographic shoots – фотозйомки

  3. rely on – покладатися на

  4. retractable lipstick – помада, що викручується

II Listen to the text. Decide if the statements are true or false:

  1. The first retractable lipstick was designed in 1950.

  2. In the 19th century, theatrical performers did their own makeup.

  3. During the 20th century the role of the makeup artists remained an anonymous one.

  4. Makeup artist don’t have specialized skills to create style and image.

  5. The professional makeup artist is a modern phenomenon.

III Listen to the text again and be ready to answer the questions:

1. What fields do makeup artists work in?

2. Did the concept of ‘makeup artist’ exist until the 20th century?




I Listen and remember the following words:

  1. thoughtful – продуманий, обміркований

  2. refinement – удосконалення

  3. please – робити приємність, радувати

  4. rhythm – ритм

  5. scale – масштаб, розмір

II Read and remember the following phrases:

  1. eclectic approach - еклектичний підхід

  2. preliminary sketch – попередній ескіз

  3. frank simplicity – щира, відверта простота

  4. introductory step попередній крок

III Read and translate the following text:

The home of ideas

Interior design is a practice concerned with anything that is founded inside of a space - walls, windows, doors, textures, light, furnishings and furniture. All of these elements are used by interior designers to develop the most functional space for a building's users.

People need space and equipment to make home life convenient and equally important. They need opportunity to express their own preferences and ideals of beauty.

The main principle of design of a modern house is the absence of any concrete style, a mixture of styles, an eclectic approach.

An interior designer is a person who designs interiors around contemporary family needs. “The Home of Ideas” meets our needs directly and takes advantage of technological progress. There is common practice of beginning home interior design or furniture selection by choosing a “style” on the basis of appearance alone.

Thoughtful planning leads to success. The needs of persons are carefully considered as the first step in planning of attractive environment for living. They need space for a great number of activities and a place to eat and sleep. Designers prepare many preliminary sketches or diagrams to illustrate the vision of interior space. Last come the refinement of the best sketches. Many designers use computer-aided design (CAD) tools to create and better visualize the final product. The occupants’ activities and needs are analyzed, and then the space is zoned and furnished so that the several activities have logical, well-equipped centers. These centers are sensibly located.

In every room, the interior architecture is a determining factor. The furniture group becomes a visual and a focal point for the whole room. The living room is probably the most important “public” and the best decorated place in our home.

Whether the room is large or small, furniture should reflect the same feeling. The furniture in the living room is related to its background and to the space it occupies. This is a result of planning interior space for furniture, then selecting appropriate pieces and placing them well. A great variety of accessories can be chosen to create decorative elements, to suit your taste and to please the people who to come to your place.

The bedroom is the most important private place in the home. That is why you should design and decorate your bedroom with only your taste to guide you. Each object expresses a purpose and material. There is a basic unifying idea of frank simplicity expressed in the uncomplicated shapes and many plain surfaces.

The elements of design (space, line, shape, texture, light, colour and pattern) and the principles of design (scale and proportion, balance, rhythm, emphasis and harmony) form the foundation for all design. The organization of these elements and principles including colour and light helps to ensure a quality design. These elements help the designer to create an interior that is physically and psychologically comfortable and attractive.

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