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Англійська мова, 2 курс.doc
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Topic Topical Vocabulary

1.Remember the following words and word combinations:

the Commonwealth

to unite



to concern

to convert

an integrated part


to retain

shaky position

to hold on


Співдружність незалежних держав



прагнення, бажання



невід’ємна частина



хитке становище

триматися за


2.Read and translate paying attention to the active words and word combinations.

The commonwealth

The Commonwealth is a free association of Britain and certain independent states, formerly the colonies of the British Empire. It was founded in 1949. The Commonwealth has no central government, and unites a fifth of the world’s land and population. The Commonwealth includes 50 independent states among them are: Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand /1931/, India, Pakistan /1947/, Uganda /1962/, Kenya /1963/, Tanzania, Malawi, Malta, Zambia /1964/, Gambia, Singapore /1965/, Guyana, Botswana, Lesotho, Barbados /1966/. The British Crown is a symbol of this association. The queen is recognised as the Head of the Commonwealth; she is also the Head of State in 16 member countries.

Though the decline of the British Empire after the World War II made the role, played by the Commonwealth nations in foreign policy of Great Britain less significant, it doesn’t mean that Great Britain gave up her aspiration as far as the Commonwealth nations concerned. Her aim remains the same and the Commonwealth still plays an important part in the foreign policy of Great Britain.

In the economic sphere Britain’s aim is to convert the former colonies and semi-colonies into an integrated part of the world economy on the basis of a division of labour between Britain and these countries. The latter are supposed to act as Britain’s appendages supplying raw materials. The policy of “aid”, the export of capital, technical, economic measures and trade serve as instruments for retaining her shaky positions. Besides, among those independent states some hold on to their former metropolitan state because of their dependence on the British market.

In the military domain the majority of the newly free countries still depend on Great Britain so far as the armament supplies are concerned. Some of them still maintain common military maneuvers and research work.

In the field of education, science and technology, radio, television, press some newly free countries still preserve their dependence on Great Britain.

In the foreign policy Great Britain’s concern is shown mostly for the Commonwealth developing countries. The British government began to realize that in the 20th century Great Britain could no longer lead the way as it used to do earlier.

3.Answer the questions.

  1. What is the Commonwealth?

  2. When was the Commonwealth founded?

  3. What countries are the members of the Commonwealth?

  4. Who is the Head of the Commonwealth?

  5. What is the role of Britain in this association?

  6. What part does Great Britain play in the economic, military and foreign spheres?

4.Complete the following sentences.

1.The Commonwealth is …

2.The Commonwealth was founded …

3.The Head of the Commonwealth is …

4.There are … members in the Commonwealth.

5.The Commonwealth plays …

6.In the economic sphere the aim of Britain is …

7.The policy of “aid” serves as …

8.As for the armament supplies, the newly free countries …

5.Translate into English.

1.Співдружність незалежних держав – це асоціація колишніх колоній Британської імперії та Великобританії, яка була заснована в 1949 році. 2.Роль, яку відіграє Великобританія в цьому союзі, стає менш визначальною. 3.Для Великобританії Співдружність - це інструмент впливу в зовнішній політиці. 4.В економічній сфері члени союзу грають роль постачальника сировини. 5.В освіті, науці і технології деякі країни ще залежать від Великобританії.

6.Make a report on the role of Britain in the Commonwealth.