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Text b. Driving Tests.

1.Read and translate.

Young vicar

passes driving test

after 632 lessons

over 17 years

Vicar Peter Newman is celebrating success – he has finally passed his driving test. He has been learning to drive for the past 17 years, and he has had a total of 632 lessons.

Peter, 34, has spent over 9000 pounds on tuition, he has had eight different instructors, and he has crashed his car five times. Then, one week ago he changed to an automatic car – and he passed his test immediately. He said last night, “I’ve been praying for a driving-licence for over half my life, and at last my prayers have been answered.”

Peter, of St Andrew’s Church, Repton in Nottinghamshire, began driving at the age of 17.

“It was in the country,” he said, “and I was doing quite well until one morning, in a narrow lane, I saw a tractor coming towards me. I panicked and drove into a ten-foot hedge.”

Peter said, “My big problem was confusing the clutch and the brake. I was absolutely hopeless. My instructors have been telling me for years that I would never pass, but I was determined to prove them wrong. Many of them have turned grey because of me!”

The turning-point came when Peter tried an automatic, and took his test again – for the fifty-sixth time.

He said, “When I was told I’d passed, I went down on my knees and thanked God.”

So how has he been celebrating? “I’ve been visiting all my relatives and people who live in the remote villages around here. I haven’t seen some of them for years because I haven’t been able to get to them. Now I can go anywhere!”

2.Answer the questions.

-Why is Peter celebrating?

-Was it easy?

-What helped him to pass his test?

-What was his first accident?

-What was his big problem with driving?

-What has happened to his instructors? Why?

-Why hasn’t he seen some of his relatives for so long?

3.Here are the answers to some questions. Write the questions using he. They all contain either the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous.

1.Seventeen years. (How long has he …?)

2.632. (How many …?)

3.Over 9000 pounds. (How much …?)

4.Eight. (How many …?)

5.Five times. (How many times …?)

6.For over half his life. (How long …?)

7.That he would never pass. (What …?)

8.Fifty-six times. (How many …?)

9.By visiting relatives and people in the remote villages. (How …?)

4.Tell about your own driving experience and driving test. (If you don’t drive a car tell about your friend’s experience).

Talking points

1.Look through the following topical words:

a driver of long standing

to trace the fault





petrol gauge


досвідчений водій

визначити несправність






потужність мотора

2.Read, translate and dramatise the following dialogues:


Traveller: Hi. I’d like to rent a car for a week.

Agent: What kind would you like?

Traveller: A compact.

Agent: May I see your driver’s license?

Traveller: Will my international license do?

Agent: Sure. Just fill out this form. Write your address here, and sign your name on the bottom of the page. Unlimited mileage and the mandatory collision insurance are included.

Traveller: Do I have to return the car to this location?

Agent: No, you can drop it off at any of our local branches.

Traveller: The keys are in the car?

Agent: Yes. Our complimentary bus to the parking lot is through the door to your right.

Traveller: Great!


-Which of the routes is the best here?

-Take that one. It is the shortest and it is much better than the other one.

-How long will it take me to get to N.?

-No more than an hour. Be extra careful as the highway is slippery and the traffic here is very heavy.

-Thank you very much.


-Fill it up, please. High-test gasoline.

-All right. Shall I check the oil?

-Please do. Check the water in the battery too.

-It’s half full. I’ll fill it up.

-How much do I owe you?



-John, I know you are a driver of long standing.

-So what?

-I want you to have a look at my car.

-What’s wrong with your car?

-I can’t trace the fault.

-All right. When did you have your plugs checked?

-Let me see… Yes, it was last Tuesday.

-Is the carburettor in order?

-I think so. The engine is misfiring…

-I guess the battery has run down. It needs recharging.

-Too bad.

-Don’t get upset about it. They will have the battery recharged in no time.

-Are you sure about it?

-The other day I had the brakes adjusted. They did it in no time.

-Well, John, I must have run out of gas. Look at the petrol gauge. The tank is empty.

-So we have traced the fault.


-What do you think of my new car?

-It’s a beauty. I like the colour. It is modern.

-I am glad you like it.

-May I try it?

-Go ahead.

-The engine runs very smoothly. The pick-up is excellent. How much did it cost?

-It’s top secret.

3.Translate the following dialogues:


-Яка з доріг найкоротша?

-The one on your right.

-По дорозі будуть заправні станції?

-Of course. There will be two.

-А як щодо кафе або ресторану?

-You will see a very good hotel with a restaurant.

-Дякую за інформацію.

-Don’t mention it.


-The brakes are too slack. I want to have them adjusted.

-Добре. Що ще треба зробити?

-The steering wheel is slack too.

-Я обов’язково це перевірю. Це все?

-No, I’ve got a blow-out. Have the tyre changed.

-Буде зроблено.


-Ви давно водите машину?

-Yes. I bought my first car ten years ago.

-Мені б хотілося, щоб ви глянули на мою машину.

-What’s wrong with your car?

-Не можу визначити, в чому справа.

-Is the carburettor in order?

-Так, все в порядку.

-Have a look at the petrol gauge.

-В мене скінчився бензин. Ось у чому справа!


-Що у вас сталося з машиною?

-The plugs are misfiring. They ought to be cleaned.

-Скільки бензину витрачає машина?

-The consumption of gas is terrible. The car eats up gas.

-Це погано. Я раджу вам купити іншу машину, а цю продайте.

-I’ll follow your advice.

4.Read and translate the table:

Talking about journey time, distance, speed and prices

Journey time

How long does it take by car? (It takes) nine days.

How long does it take by train? Five hours.

How long does it take on foot? It’s a five-minute



How far is it? It’s 2,500 miles away.

How far is your University from your home? Ten kilometres.


How fast can you drive? Fifty-five miles per hour. (mph)

Ninety kilometres an hour. (km/h)


How much is petrol? (It’s) $2 a gallon.

How much does petrol cost? (It costs) 25 cents a litre.

How much are hotel rooms? $25 per person per night.

How much do hotel rooms cost?

  1. Imagine these are the correct answers to questions about your country. Write the questions, using How long or How far.

1.An hour. 5.Two weeks.

2.500 kilometres. 6.It’s three kilometres away.

3.Half an hour. 7.Ten hours.

4.20 kilometres. 8.It’s a ten-minute drive.

1.An hour. How long does it take to get from … to … by car?

2.500 kilometres How far is it from ... to …?

  1. Write six questions about speed and prices in your country.

How fast can you drive in town?

How much does it cost to fly from … to …?

  1. Make up mini-dialogues using the table above.


Grammar: Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous Tenses (comparison)

Topic: Travelling by Sea

Reading: Text. A Sea Story

Talking Points