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Agricultural enterprises of ukraine

Due to favourable climatic conditions Ukraine is traditionally an agricultural area. It grows wheat, maize, buckwheat and other corn, different kinds of fruit and vegetables. The great part of land here is used for cattle raising and dairy farming.

Our Ukrainian village is reoriented towards the market economy. Great changes have taken place in our agriculture. In December 1999 a new presidential decree was adopted to support agriculture. According to the State Statistics Committee 86 per cent of Ukraine’s collective farms incurred great losses and only 15 per cent of them posted profits. That’s why the decree called for reorganizing collective farms into private agricultural enterprises. The workers could use their allotments to organize private farms or agricultural cooperatives.

According to the form of ownership there are the following types of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine.

An individual enterprise is based on the private ownership and labour of its founder. The hired labour is not used here.

Family enterprise is based on the ownership and labour of the members of the family that live together. In agriculture the family enterprise functions in the form of farms.

Private enterprise is based on the ownership of one or more citizens of Ukraine and has the right to hire wage workers. Most of all such enterprises have been spread in the sphere of food processing and food production.

Collective enterprises are based on the ownership and labour of the collective of the enterprise. Economic companies are spread in Ukraine most of all. They include joint-stock companies, Ltd companies, companies with additional responsibility, full companies.

Combined enterprises are based on joining up (association) of property of different owners and organised with the help of foreign investments together with foreign companies.

Any agricultural enterprise can be described as an area of land with the buildings (farms) on it, which are used for keeping different kinds of livestock and poultry. The name of the farm depends on the class of livestock or poultry kept on it. There are different kinds of farms. For example:

A pig farm is a farm where a large number of piglets and sows are kept in huts or pens.

A cattle farm is a farm where a large number of cows and bulls are kept for milk and meat. Barnyards, paddocks and open pens provide places for animals to exercise and secure fresh air. Animals are fed from suitable racks preventing wasting the feed.

A battery farm is a farm where hens, chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese are kept in batteries.

Poultry farm is a farm where different kinds of poultry are kept in yards.

3.Answer the questions:

1.What is grown in our country?

2.What changes took place in the agriculture of Ukraine in 1999?

3.How can the agricultural enterprises be subdivided according to the form of ownership?

4.What agricultural enterprise has the right to hire wage workers?

5.What agricultural enterprise doesn’t use the hired labour?

6.What agricultural enterprises are organised with the help of foreign investments?

7.What kinds of farms do you know?

4.Match two parts to make true sentences.

An individual enterprise …

Family enterprise …

Collective enterprise…

Private enterprise …

Combined enterprise …

… is based on the ownership and labour of the members of the family that live together.

… is based on joining up (association) of property of different owners and organised with the help of foreign investments together with foreign companies.

… is based on the ownership of one or more citizens of Ukraine and has the right to hire wage workers.

… is based on the private ownership and labour of its founder.

… is based on the ownership and labour of the collective of the enterprise.

5.Speak about the types of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine.