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In the Cabin

L. (to wife) Quite comfortable, isn’t it?

ANN Oh, it’s just lovely!

  1. Have you got the tickets, Ann?

ANN Yes, here they are. Who are we sharing the cabin with, I wonder?

  1. It won’t be long before we find out. Well, what do we do now?

ANN I’ll start unpacking.

  1. And finish about landing time? That’s where I do say NO. Let’s go up on deck.

I’ll just open the porthole. It’s a bit stuffy in here.


Grammar: Modal Verbs (review)

Topic: At the Customs

Reading: Text. A Custom House Incident

Talking Points

Grammar modal verbs

Modal Verbs



can / could

1)physical, mental ability;

2)doubt, astonishment, incredulity (interrogative and negative sentences)

They can swim well.

Can she have changed so much?

may / might


2)supposition implying uncertainty

You may go.

He may be still working.


1)obligation, duty, necessity;

2)supposition implying assurance

You must know this rule.

He must be there.


ought to

moral obligation, advisability, desirability

He shouldn’t smoke so much.

You ought to be more careful.

to be to

1)obligation resulting from a previous agreement, plan, schedule, time-table;

2)order, instruction

The train is to arrive at 7 o’clock.

You are to go to sleep.

! can = to be able to

may = to be allowed to

must = to have to


1.Determine the meaning of the modal verbs can, could, may, might.

1.Carol can speak three foreign languages. 2.If you don’t take your umbrella, you can get wet through. 3.Could you help me with my translation? 4.What can I do for you? 5.When Bob was a child he could play the piano wonderfully. 6.I can’t drink my tea, it’s too hot. 7.Can he still be at the office? 8.It can’t be true. 9.You may take a day off whenever you like. 10.May I have my test on Tuesday? 11.You may not enter the house unless you have a permission. 12.They might come but I’m not sure. 13.It may be still raining. 14.He might be sick. He ate far too much last night.

2.Complete the sentences with a form of can , could , be able to. Some of the sentences are negative.

a) Speak up! I ______ hear you!

b) _____ I borrow your dictionary?

c) I’d love _____ help you, but I can’t. I’m sorry.

d) I ______ get into my house last night because I’d lost my key.

e)Women _____ vote in England until 1922.

f)I’m learning Spanish because I want _____ speak to people when I’m in Mexico.

g)The doctor says I _____ walk again in two weeks’ time.

h)I asked the teacher if I _____ open the window, but she said I _____ because it would be too noisy.

i) I’m sorry, but I _____ come to your party next week.

3.Complete the sentences with a form of may, might, be allowed to.

1. …. I bring my sister to the party? 2. He asked if he …. bring his sister to the party. 3. After they had finished their homework, the children … watch TV. 4. He … join the sports section as soon as he is through with his medical examination. 5. Becky’s mother said that everybody … take part in the picnic . 6. He … go home if he likes. 7. As soon as the boy … leave the room, he smiled a happy smile and ran out to join his friends outside. 8.The doctor says I am much better. I … get up for a few hours every day.

4.Put the appropriate form of the verbs can, could, may, might.

1.… I use your pen? 2.You … read this book: you know the language well enough. 3. You … take this book: I don’t need it. 4. …. I help you? 5.I… not imagine her speaking in public: I knew that she was so shy. 6. Something was wrong with the car: he… not start it. 7.A fool … ask more questions than a wise man … answer. 8.He knew this period of history very well: he had read everything on the subjects he … find in the rich university library. 9. … tell me the nearest way to the city museum? 10. She asked me if she … use my telephone.

5.Answer the following questions with suitable suggestions, using may, might and the words in brackets.

1)Terry: Why is John wearing sunglasses? It’s not sunny.

You: (have some problem with his eyes).He may have some problem with his eyes.

2)Jill :Why didn’t Jane come to the party last night?

You: (have a row with her boyfriend). She might have had a row with her boyfriend.

3)Sue: Why is Alan in such a bad mood today?

You: (sleep badly last night) ___________________________

4)Roy: Why is Shelley looking under the desk ?

You: (drop something) __________________________________

5)Jill: Where can I have put my bag?

You: (be under the bed) __________________________________

6)Zoe: Why hasn’t anybody said ‘ Happy Birthday’ to me?

You: (plan a surprise) __________________________________

7)Tim: Why does Henry look so miserable?

You: (have some bad news) ___________________________

8)Ella: Why isn’t Sophie in the office today?

You: (work at home) __________________________________

9)John: Why didn’t Rosemary come to the cinema last night?

You: (feel tired) __________________________________

6.Which sentence on the right goes with the sentence on the left?

M O D E L : I must have a drink of water. The doctor told me to.

I have to drink lots of water. I’m really thirsty.

1. a) I must do my homework tonight. I’m telling myself that

it’s important.

b) I have to do my homework tonight. This is why I can’t come

out with you. Sorry.

2. a) We must go to Paris some day. Another boring business

trip. Yawn!

b) We have to go to Paris next week. It would be really nice!

3. a) I must wear something nice to the It’s the rule.


b) Men have to wear a shirt and tie I want to look good.

to go into a posh.

4. a) You must register for next term It’s said on the

before Thursday. noticeboard.

b) You have to register for next term One student is talking to

before Thursday. another.

5. a) I must water the plants today. I haven’t done them for


b) You have to water this plant daily. It needs lots and lots of


7.Underline the correct verb form.

M O D E L : We have a lot of work tomorrow. You mustn’t /

don’t have to be late.

1.You mustn’t / don’t have to tell Mary what I told you. It’s a secret.

2.The museum is free. You mustn’t / don’t have to pay to get in.

3.Children mustn’t / don’t have to tell lies. It’s very naughty.

4.Terry’s a millionaire. He mustn’t / doesn’t have to go to work.

5.I mustn’t / don’t have to do my washing. My mother does it for me.

6.We mustn’t / don’t have to rush. We’ve got plenty of time.

7.You mustn’t / don’t have to play with guns. They’re dangerous.

8.This is my favourite pen. You can borrow it, but you mustn’t / don’t have to lose it.

9.‘ Shall I come with you? ‘ ‘ You can if you want, but you mustn’t / don’t have to ‘.

8.Match the two halves of these sentences. Remember can, may, must.

1.You can’t have lived in Tunisia a) after all your hard work.

for ten years

2.You must know Tokyo is b) after touring the world for

expensive years.

3.You must have met some c) if you’ve lived there.

fascinating people

4.You can’t be tired d) without learning some Arabic.

5.You must be exhausted e) when you’ve just had a holiday.

6.You may find it difficult to f) during your trip to Africa.

settle down

9.Make the following sentences with the modal verb to be to.

M O D E L : What am I supposed to do if they come too early? -What am I to do if they come too early?

1.It was arranged that the youngest children would play on the beach. 2.We expect you to show the place to her. 3.I am expected to leave tomorrow at the latest. 4. Where am I supposed to be taken? 5.This is Dora. It is arranged that she will share the room with you. 6.And who will do the cooking? 7. It is expected that two more apartment houses will be built here. 8.It was arranged that the cup final would be played that afternoon. 9.Who will meet you at the station?

10.Give smb advice using should and the words given in brackets.

M O D E L: Her diction is not very good. (to read aloud) – She should read aloud.

1.The boy is a little pale. (to play out-of-doors) 2.I am afraid you will miss that train. (to take a taxi) 3.There is no one in. (to try the room next door) 4.I have a slight irritation in my throat. (to smoke less) 5.This child doesn’t want to eat soup. (not to give her sweets before dinner) 6.She makes a lot of spelling mistakes. (to copy passages out of a book) 7.The dog is afraid of him. (not to shout at the dog) 8.The students are unable to follow what I am saying. (not to speak so fast)

11.Translate into English.

1.Мені дозволяють користуватися його магнітофоном. 2.Він може забути про це. 3.Йому не дозволяють купатися в цій річці. 3.Я гадаю, мені не дозволять поїхати з тобою за місто. 4.Я гадаю, мені можна дивитися телевізор. 5.Тобі дозволять піти гуляти, коли ти зробиш уроки. 6.Не йди з дому, мама може прийти, а в неї немає ключа. 7.Вчора їй дозволили прийти додому об 11 годині. 8.Скоро може піти дощ. 9.Тобі дозволяли ходити на озеро, коли ти був маленький? 10.Коли мені дозволять їсти морозиво? 11.Я повинна наполегливо працювати над своєю англійською. 12.Ти повинен читати кожного дня. 13.Ви не повинні забувати про свої обов’язки. 14.Ви повинні бути обережні на вулиці. 15.Вона, напевне, вдома зараз. 16.Ви, напевне, дуже зголодніли. 17.Напевне, дуже важко вирішувати такі питання. 18.Я повинна відвідати сьогодні свого друга.


Topical Vocabulary

1.Remember the following words and word combinations:

customs (customs house)

to prolong

to declare

to be liable to duty

duty free

a customs declaration form

to smuggle smth into the country

to smuggle smth out of the country

a check-in-counter

to pay duty on smth

entrance visa

exit visa

to have one’s passport endorsed

a permanent resident

to extend visa

to get in touch with (the Ukrainian Embassy)




підлягати оподаткуванню

той, що не підлягає оподаткуванню

бланк митної декларації

провозити щось контрабандою

вивозити щось контрабандою

місце реєстрації

платити мито на щось

віза на в’їзд

віза на виїзд

поставити візу в паспорті

постійний житель

продовжити візу

зв’язатися (з українським посольством)

2.Read and translate paying attention to the active words and word combinations.