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Англійська мова, 2 курс.doc
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The Plane Is Taking off

Stewardess: Ladies and gentlemen, British Airways welcome you aboard this Boeing 747 and hope you have a pleasant flight. As we are about to take off, you are requested to fasten your seat belts and kindly refrain from smoking. Thank you.

Passenger: Excuse me, miss. When do we land in London and at what altitude shall we be flying?

Stewardess: The plane lands in London at 11 a.m., and we’ll be flying at an altitude of about 27 thousand feet or 9 thousand metres.

Passenger: Thank you. Excuse me, I have another question. What’s the weather like in London?

Stewardess: The weather was fine and warm yesterday.

Passenger: Thank you. I have still one more question. Will any meals be served on the plane?

Stewardess: Yes, of course. You’ll have lunch in half an hour.

On the Plane

  • I say, are you feeling all right?

  • Not quite, I’m afraid. I’m a little air-sick.

  • So sorry. Is there anything I can do for you? Shall I ring for the stewardess?

  • Yes, please, and would you mind lowering the back of my seat a little… Thank you. It’s better now.

  • Would you care for a cup of coffee or a glass of water?

  • A little later, please.

The First Steps on Land

  • Oh, how nice to be on land again. The air is so fresh!

  • Yes, it is. Thank you for the pleasure of your company, Miss Bell. I was very glad to meet you.

  • Oh, it’s me who should thank you. You’ve been so kind.

  • Not at all. I hope to see you sometime.

  • That would be nice. But look here. I’m being met by my father. We can give you a lift if you like.

  • Thank you. It’s really very kind of you.

At the Customs

Customs Officer: Good afternoon, sir. Is this your suit-case?

Petrenko: No, it isn’t. Mine is the brown one.

Customs Officer: Oh, I see. Have you anything to declare?

Petrenko: No, I haven’t. There are only personal belongings in my suit-case. Shall I open it?

Customs Officer: No, thank you, sir. You needn’t. It’s all right. You may go through Passport Control now. Straight on, please.

Petrenko: Thank you, Officer. Good afternoon.

At a Taxi- Stand

Petrenko: Hey! Taxi!

Driver: Yes, sir. Let me help you with the luggage. Where to?

Petrenko: The Europe Hotel, please.

Driner: That’s in Cromwell Road, isn’t it?

Petrenko: That’s right. How long will it take us to get there?

Driver: I think we’ll be there in about thirty minutes.

4.Answer your friend’s questions.

1.Do you like travelling by air? Yes/No. Why? (If you have never travelled by air, can you say that you would like to do it? Yes/No. Why?) 2.What do you think is the flying time from Kyiv to London? 3.How long does it usually take us to get to an airport from the centre of Kyiv? 4.What are the duties of the stewardess? 5.Are meals served on board the plane? 6.When are passengers requested to fasten their seat belts? 7.What do passengers talk about on the plane? 8. What is the first thing you do before starting on a trip? 9.Do you get air-sick when on a plane? 10.Is it easy or difficult to go through the customs? 11.What does the customs officer usually say to those who have just arrived in the country?

5.Say it in English.

1.Пристебніть ремні. Прошу не палити, літак іде на посадку. 2.Стюардесо, мені, будь ласка, води. Я не гарно себе почуваю. – Одну хвилинку. 3.Будьте ласкаві, підніміть спинку мого сидіння. 4.Обід подадуть через 20 хвилин після того, як літак злетить. 5.Оголосили наш рейс, і пасажирів просять пройти на посадку. 6.Мій брат зустрічає мене. Ми можемо вас підвезти. 7.Запишіть, будь ласка, мій номер телефону. Якщо я вам буду потрібен, зателефонуйте мені. 8. Відкрийте, будь ласка, ваші валізи. Дякую. Все гаразд. Ви можете йти, паспортний контроль прямо.

6.Study this problem situation. Discuss and dramatise it.

You are on a plane going to London. It’s your first trip to England. You have no practical knowledge of London, its transport, hotels and so on. A man beside you happens to be a Londoner. He is kind and ready to give you any information you need. You start a conversation.

7.Ask questions so that the sentences given below were the answers:

1.The airport doesn’t take planes because of the weather.

2.The flight is put back because the plane from Odessa hasn’t arrived yet.

3.You have to pay 17 hryvnas extra for your luggage.

4.No, you can’t have this bag with you, you must have it registered.

5.The announcer has called flight 451.

6.We are flying at a speed of 800 kilometres.

7.No, I wasn’t airsick, though the flight was rather rough.

8.Smoking wasn’t allowed.

9.The flight is being delayed because of bad weather.

10.Yes, this flight is often cancelled.

8.What do you do or say when:

1.the announcer calls your flight; 2.your luggage weighs more than one is allowed to take free of charge; 3.you can’t leave on the day your flight is booked; 4.you want to know the altitude and speed your plane is flying at; 5.you want to know when the bus reaches the airport for your flight; 6.you would like to know what airport formalities one has to complete before flying.

9.Memorise the following:

- Where is the information office?

the ticket office

- When does the plane to Kyiv take off?

- Is this a direct flight/non-stop flight?

- How much is a ticket to London?

first class

business class

economy class

- What days and what time do planes leave for N?

- I should like a ticket on a plane to England, flight №115 for tomorrow.

- night flight

- to book tickets in advance

- to reserve tickets

- one-way ticket/a single ticket

- a return ticket

-a round trip ticket

- Where is the check in?

- Your luggage is overweight.

- You’ll have to pay excess.

- Go to gate 2.

- departure, arrival

- departure gate

-departure lounge

- crew

- captain

- Give me an air sick pill

air sick bag

air time table schedule

- Де довідкове бюро?

каса продажу квитків

- Коли відлітає літак до Києва?

- Це прямий рейс?

- Скільки коштує квиток до Лондона?

- першим класом

- другим класом

- туристичним класом

-У які дні і коли відлітають літаки до...?

-Я б хотів придбати квиток на літак до Англії, рейс №115 на завтра.

- нічний рейс

-купувати квитки заздалегідь

- забронювати місце

- квиток в один кінець

- зворотній квиток

- квиток в обидва кінці

- Де місце реєстрації?

- У вас зайва вага.

- Треба доплатити.

- Йдіть до другого виходу.

- виліт, прибуття

- вихід на посадку

- зал очікування



-Дайте мені аерон

гігієнічний пакет

розклад рейсів

9.Look at the following conversation. Number the parts in the correct order.

-Here’s a label for your hand baggage. Do you want smoking or non- smoking?

-Here’s your boarding card. Boarding will be at 10.45. at departure gate number 22. Have a nice flight.

-Yes. Can I have your ticket and your passport, please?

-I’m sorry. All the window seats are taken. Do you want an aisle seat?

-Just that one. This one is hand baggage.

-Hello. Do I check in here for Miami?

-Thank you. How many pieces of baggage are you checking in?

-Yes, all right.

-Thank you.

-Here you are.

-Non-smoking, please. I’d like a window seat, if you’ve got one.

Listen and check your order. Learn this dialogue.


Grammar: Perfect Continuous Tenses (Active Voice)

Topic: Travelling by Car

Reading: Text A. Cars Driving Us Crazy?

Text B. Driving Tests

Talking Points