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Grammar passive voice Perfect Tenses

The Present Perfect, the Past Perfect and the Future Perfect Passive are formed by means of the Present Perfect, the Past Perfect and the Future Perfect of the auxiliary verb to be and Participle II of the notional verb.

The Present, Past and Future Perfect in the Passive Voice as well as in the Active Voice express an action completed before a definite present, past or future moment or before the beginning of another action.

Present Perfect Passive

Past Perfect Passive

Future Perfect Passive

have been

+ Ved(3)

has been

had been Ved (3)

shall/will have been Ved(3)


A new library has been built in our town.

John said that a new library had been built in his town.

The new library will have been built by the end of the year..


The new project has not been finished yet.

John was sorry that the new project had not been finished yet.

The new project won’t have been finished by the end of the week.


Has the problem been discussed yet?

Had the problem been discussed by 6 o’clock?

Will the problem have been discussed by the moment he comes.


1. Supply the missing part of the analytical form of the verb in the Passive Voice.

1.A lot of houses _____ been built in our town this year. 2.Don’t close the window. It has just ____ opened. 3.The next morning when I came out, I saw that the streets ____ been washed out by rain. 4.I didn’t know that he hadn’t ____ invited. 5.The construction of the bridge ____ not been finished before winter came. 6.His parents ____ been married five years when he was born. 7.How long has this stadium ____ built? 8.He went away last year and he ___ not ___ heard of ever since.

2. Open the brackets, using the Passive Voice.

1.He knew that his mistake (not/discover). 2.She didn’t follow the advice she (give). 3.When she returned, the subject of the conversation already (change). 4.Everybody (send) an invitation? 5.I didn’t know that the letter (lose). 6.He said he had never been there but he often (tell) about this place. 7.All the books from the library (return) by the end of the term. 8.When we came to the cinema, all the seats (sell).

3. Make these sentences passive.

1.They have published her new book recently. 2.The town council has just opened our local museum. 3.Their house looks very smart after they have painted it. 4.The room looks nice. Somebody has cleaned it. 5.She had written the answers to all the questions long before the end of the lesson. 6.Dinner is ready and hot. Someone has just cooked it. 7.No one has lived in this house for the last hundred years. 8.Have they told him about the changes in the time table?

4. John had been away from his home city for ten years. When he came back to Mainfield he saw many changes. Say what John saw using passive structures.

1)they had built a new hospital; 2)they had rebuilt the old library; 3)they had turned the city centre into a real shopping area; 4)they had opened a new fire station; 5)they had changed the names of some streets; 6) . . .

5. Translate the following sentences, using the Passive Voice.

1.Запрошення не було прийняте, так як воно було отримане занадто пізно. 2.Було обговорено лише три питання, коли ми почули дзвоник. 3.Ця кімната завжди призначалась (використовувалась) для гостей. 4.Вони заблудились тому, що їм не показали дорогу. 5.Її щойно забрали в лікарню. 6.Коли приїхав тато, речі вже були спаковані.