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Англійська мова, 2 курс.doc
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Talking points

1. Read, learn and act.

Dialogue A.

-Are all the pupils admitted to higher schools after successful finishing secondary schools?

-Those who pass successfully their entrance/competitive exams.

-Where is higher education provided?

-Higher education is provided at universities and institutes. There are three forms of educational institutions: full-time, evening and extra-mural.

-How long is a university or an institute course?

-The higher school course lasts from 4 to 6 years.

-Are Ukrainian students granted a degree upon completing the course?

-After successful presenting graduation projects or sitting for state exams at some institutes students receive diplomas and are guaranteed jobs in the fields for which they have been trained.

Dialogue B.

-Do the students have to pay for education in Ukraine?

-It’s common knowledge education in Ukraine is paid and free of charge as well. Students are also provided with monthly grants by the state.

-Do all students in Ukraine receive grants?

-Not all, but the majority of them. Those who study well and take part in socially useful work. -Students from other cities and towns are provided with hostel accommodation at a very low cost, but as for their meals, they must solve the problem themselves.

2.Read, learn and act.

-Are there many foreign students in Ukraine?

-Students from about 150 countries study at higher and specialized secondary establishments of Ukraine.

-What is the tuition fee in Ukraine for a foreign student?

-It depends upon the higher establishment and the faculty.

-Do foreign students receive monthly grants?

-Yes, they do. They are paid twice as much as Ukrainian students.

-In what language is instruction given to foreign students?

-Instruction to foreign students is given in Ukrainian. If a foreign student doesn’t know Ukrainian, he has to take a year’s course in Ukrainian before he gets down to studying the specialty of his choice.

3.Speak about our university, about higher education in Ukraine.


Grammar: Direct and Indirect (Reported) Speech. Reported Statements. Sequence of Tenses.

Topic: The Commonwealth

Reading: Text A. What Is International Trade?

Text B. Relations Between Ukraine and English- Speaking Countries.

Talking Points

Grammar Direct and Reported (Indirect) Speech. Reported Statements. Sequence of Tenses.

Direct Speech gives the exact words someone said. We use inverted commas in Direct Speech.

e.g. “It’s a nice day,” he said.

Reported Speech gives the exact meaning of what someone said but not the exact words. We do not use inverted commas in Reported Speech.

e.g. He said it was a nice day.

The sequence of tenses is a certain dependence of the tenses of the verb in a subordinate clause on that of the verb in the principal clause: if the verb in the principle clause is in one of the past tenses, a past tense (or future in the past) must be used.

e.g. I knew he played the piano every day.

Reported Statements are usually introduced with say (that) or tell (that).

Say is used in Direct Speech. It is also used in Reported Speech when it is not followed by the person the words were spoken to. Tell is used din Reported Speech when it is followed by the person the words were spoken to.

e.g. “I won’t do it,” he said. He said (that) he wouldn’t do it.

“I won’t do it,” he said to me. He told me (that) he wouldn’t do it.

Tenses change in Reported Speech as follows:

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

Present Indefinite

“She plays the piano,” he said.

Past Indefinite

He said (that) she played the piano.

Present Continuous

“She is playing the piano,” he said.

Past Continuous

He said (that) she was playing the piano.

Past Indefinite/Present Perfect

“She played/has played the piano,” he said.

Past Perfect

He said (that) she had played the piano.

Past Continuous/Present Perfect Continuous

“She was playing/has been playing the piano,” he said.

Past Perfect Continuous

He said (that) she had been playing the piano.

Future Indefinite

“She’ll play the piano,” he said.

would + V

He said (that) she would play the piano.

Future Continuous

“She’ll be playing the piano,” he said.

would be + Ving

He said (that) she would be playing the piano.

Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous do not change in Reported Speech.

! Tenses do not change in Reported Speech when

  • the reporting verb (to say, to tell) is in the Present, Future or Present Perfect.

e.g. “I’ve always enjoyed going for long walks,” she says. She says that she’s always enjoyed going for long walks.

  • the speaker expresses general truths, permanent states or conditions

e.g. “February the 14th is Valentine’s Day,” he said. He said that February the 14th is Valentine’s Day.

  • the reported sentence deals with the second / third type conditionals or wishes

e.g. “It’s time you went to bed,” Mother said to us. Mother told us that it was time we went to bed.

Personal and possessive pronouns are shifted or remain unchanged according to sense.

e.g. She says, “I work on the farm.” She says (that) she works on the farm.

! Don’t forget about the changes of the adverbial modifies of time

Direct Speech Reported Speech

this that

these those

here there

now then

today that day

tomorrow the next day,

the following day

yesterday the day before,

the previous day

next the following

last the previous

last year the year before

ago before

in two days two days later