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Talking points

Read, translate and dramatize the following dialogues.


  • Could I ask you a few questions about the state structure of your country?

  • You are welcome.

  • As far as I know your parliament is called the Verkhovna Rada. Am I right?

  • You are quite right. The Verkhovna Rada (the Supreme Soviet) is the only body of legislative power in Ukraine.

  • What are its functions?

  • The main function of the Verkhovna Rada is making laws and adopting the State Budget.

  • And how are the members of the parliament called in Ukraine?

  • People’s deputies. There are 450 of them in the Verkhovna Rada.

  • By the way, what’s the term of office of the deputies?

  • They are elected for four years.

  • Sorry, but one more detail. At what age can one be elected to the Verkhovna Rada?

  • To be elected as a deputy a person must be at least 21 years old. Besides he (or she) must be a citizen of Ukraine for previous 5 years.

  • And who may vote in this country?

  • Any person who’s reached the age of 18.

  • It is interesting to know when the last elections to the Verkhovna Rada were held?

  • Last spring.

  • Thank you for your information. It was very interesting and useful.


  • Could I ask you a few questions about the state structure of your country?

  • You are welcome.

  • As far as I know Ukraine is a presidential republic. Is the President the head of your state?

  • You are quite right. Really the President is the head of our state.

  • And what are his functions?

  • First of all the President heads the executive power. He appoints the Prime Minister and the members of the Cabinet and they assist him in carrying out domestic and foreign policy. He is a commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. The President also signs the laws adopted by the Verkhovna Rada. He can veto them.

  • By the way, what’s the term of office of the President?

  • 5 years with no more than two full terms.

  • And who can be elected as the president?

  • Any person not younger than 35. Besides he (or she) must be a resident of Ukraine for no less than 10 previous years.

  • Sorry, but one more question. When will the next presidential elections be held?

  • If I am not mistaken in 2 years.

  • Thank you, you’ve been very helpful.


Grammar: Passive Voice (revision)

Topic: Kyiv

Reading: Text. Where To Go And What To See In Kyiv

Talking Points

Grammar passive voice (revision)

1. Match the two parts of these sentences to make well-known proverbs and sayings and find their Ukrainian equivalents in the box.

  1. Marriages are made

  2. Easily earned money

  3. The devil is not so black

  4. Things done

  5. Better untaught

  6. A man is known

  1. cannot be undone.

  2. by the company he keeps.

  3. than badly taught.

  4. is quickly spent.

  5. as he is painted.

  6. in heaven.

a)Шлюби здійснюються на небесах.

b)Недовчений гірше невченого.

c)Не так страшний чорт, як його малюють.

d)Скажи, хто твій друг, і я скажу, хто ти.

e)Після бійки кулаками не махають.

f)Як прийшло, так і пішло.

2.Rewrite the sentences in the passive, omitting the word in brackets.

  1. (They) opened the theatre only last month.

  2. (People) will soon forget it.

  3. (You) must write the answers in ink.

  4. (Someone) has taken two of my books.

  5. (We) have already filled the vacancy.

  6. What should (one) do in such cases?

  7. Did (they) say anything interesting?

  8. Has (anyone) ever made the situation clear to you?

  9. (One) should keep milk in a refrigerator.

  10. I don’t think (anyone) can do it.

3.In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then write a new sentence with the same meaning. Begin in the way shown each time.

M O D E L: They didn’t offer Ann the job. – Ann wasn’t offered the job.

1.They don’t pay Jim very much. – Jim . . . .

2.They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview. – You . . . .

3.Nobody told me that George was ill. – I . . .

4.His colleagues gave him a present when he retired. – He . . . . .

5.He will send you your examination results as soon as they are ready. – You . . . .

6.They didn’t ask me my name. – I . . . .

4.Translate into Ukrainian.

1.He is very highly spoken of. 2.I was seldom allowed to visit the Roberts. 3.And how do you get on, and where are you being educated? 4.”Do you like him? Is he generally liked?” “ Oh, yes.” 5.I shall be late at the hospital but it can’t be helped. 6.I cannot trifle, or be trifled with. 7.In the meantime there was her daughter to be thought of.

5.Respond, using an interrogative repetition. Then replace the verb form by the appropriate passive form.

Teacher Student

They took you sightseeing about the town. About the town you say? Yes, I was taken sightseeing about the town.

    1. The exhibition displayed in this museum greatly impressed everybody.

    2. They will invite us to the show by all means.

    3. The goods that are shown in these shop-windows attract people.

    4. They saw Jane in the Central Department store.

    5. They will recognise you in these clothes immediately.

6.Ask questions on the italicised parts of the sentence. Let your partner answer them.

1.Sumy was founded in 1652. 2.It was completely destroyed during the Second World War. 3.After the war it was restored by the citizens of Sumy. 4.Now the city is called a centre of highly developed industry, science, culture. 5.The goods produced in Sumy are sent to different parts of our country and abroad.

7.Express the same in English

1.Коли я приїхав до цього міста, цей міст будувався. 2.Це питання зараз обговорюється на зустрічі. 3.Поглянь! Збудовано новий кінотеатр. 4.На уроці буде вивчатися новий матеріал. 5.Текст потрібно перекласти. 6.Цей фільм, без сумніву, вам дуже сподобається. Про нього так багато говорять. 7.Джона Леннона знають не лише в Англії. 8.Де будують новий магазин? 9.Коли приїхав тато, речі були вже спаковані. 10.Пасивний стан часто використовується в англійській мові.


Topical Vocabulary

1.Remember the following words and word combinations:






research institute









науково-дослідний інститут


вузол (залізничний)


2.Read and translate paying attention to the active words and word combinations.


Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is one of the oldest cities of Eastern Europe. It is situated on the hilly right bank and on the low left bank of the Dnieper river.

The date of the ‘birth’ of Kyiv is approximately 482. Kyy, the prince of the Slavic tribe, is considered the city founder. According to a widely-known legend, Kyiv was founded by three brothers, Kyy, Shchek, Khoriv and their sister, Lybid.

Now Kyiv is the political, economic and cultural centre of Ukraine. Its population is over 3 million people. The Ukrainian capital is the seat of our government.

Kyiv is one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, as well as a treasury of medieval art and architecture. Landmarks of Kyiv include St. Sophia’s Cathedral and the Golden Gate of Yaroslav the Wise, both completed in 1037. The Monastery of the Caves (Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra), which has a network of catacombs, also dates from the Middle Ages. The Marinsky Palace and the Church of St. Andrew, both built during the mid-1700’s, are important examples of the architecture of that period. Kyiv is known for its attractive parks and famous Khreshchatyk Street.

Being an educational centre of Ukraine Kyiv has a number of colleges, universities and research institutes. Among them are the University of Kyiv (founded in 1834) named after Taras Shevchenko and the Ukrainian Academy of Science (founded in 1918).

Kyiv is also a major industrial centre with firms engaged in electronics, instrument construction, aviation, engineering and metal-working, light and food industries, chemical and petrochemical industries, etc.

The city is an important highway and railroad junction, an air transportation hub, and a busy river port.

3.Answer the following questions:

1.When and by whom was Kyiv founded?

2.On what bank of the river Dnieper is Kyiv situated?

3.What is the population of our capital?

4.Why is Kyiv considered to be one of the most beautiful cities of Europe?

5.What higher educational establishments in Kyiv do you know?

6.The Ukrainian Academy of Science was founded in 1834, wasn’t it?

7.What do you know about the industry of the capital?

8.Have you ever been to Kyiv? If yes, when? Why did you go there? What places of interest did you visit ?

9.If you haven’t been to Kyiv, can you say that you would like to go there ? What would you like to see?

10.Why do you think a lot of tourists visit Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra?

4.Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

  1. approximately a) головний

  2. medieval b) машинобудування

  3. treasury с) скарбниця

  4. attractive d) згідно з

  5. network e) привабливий

  6. junction f) підземна печера

  7. according to g) вузол

  8. major h) середньовічний

  9. engineering i) мережа

10) catacomb j) приблизно

5.Decide if the following statements are true or false.

1.Kyiv is one of the oldest cities of Eastern Europe.

2.Kyiv is situated on the hilly left bank and on the low right bank of the Dnieper river.

3.Kyiv was founded approximately in 842.

4.The Church of St. Andrew and Hyde Park are the landmarks of Kyiv.

5.Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, which has a lot of catacombs, dates from the Middle Ages.

6.Our capital is the seat of our government.

7.Kyiv was founded by three sisters Kyy, Shchek, Khoriv and their brother Lybid.

6.Make up questions to the following answers.

1.It is situated on the river Dnieper.

2.In 482.

3.Over 3 million people.

4.Yes, it is. It’s the seat of the government.

5.The Monastery of Caves, the Church of St. Andrew, the Golden Gates and others.

6.In 1918.

7.Yes, it is. The city is an important railroad junction and transportation hub.

8.Yes, it is. Kyiv has a lot of colleges, universities and research institutes.

9.The University of Kyiv named after Taras Shevchenko.

10. Khreshchatyk.

7.Speak about Kyiv as the capital of Ukraine.