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17. Передача конструкций с отглагольными существительными

Для функционирования рынка требуется прежде всего реализация многообразных форм собственности и создание рыночной инфраструктуры.

First of all the diversified legal forms of ownership and market infrastructure are necessary to provide market performance.

Комментарий: Отглагольные существительные реализация и создание при переводе опускаются, что способствует большей компактности английского предложения.

Примечание: При защите переводческого диплома удачные переводческие варианты распечатываются для членов государственной комиссии списком с указанием названий лексико-семантических трансформаций и соответствующими примерами (см. выше). Комментарии обычно презентуются в устной форме.

IX. Ключи к некоторым заданиям

Часть III. Лексические приемы перевода

27. 1. A veritable revolution 2. Made a sharp turnabout 3. Respectful debate 4. Human individuality 5. Literary debate 6. Artistic forms 7. Was horrified to discover migrating birds 8. Inaugural banquet 9. Hastily trained 10. settled themselves in their seats 11. Laid end to end 12.don't stay too long 13.have brought to the limelight 14. The technology is essentially 15. A more responsible attitude 16. Earned itself a nice little profit 17. Were snapped up 18. Gathers dust 19. Are spoilt for choice with 20. Payment by installments.

28. 1. Illustrate 2. Depth-probed 3. Breakthroughs 4. Poor planner 5. Roared 6. Popular concepts of 7. Key supplier 8. Key exporter 9. Number one killer 10. Market-oriented development policies 11. A critical success and a runaway bestseller 12. The US naval presence 13. Was tasked 14. To salvage the foreign aid programme

30. 1. A technical secondary school 2. At university and vocational school 3. Staff 4. Material and technical supply 5. Morals and ethics 6. Local government official, cooperatives that sought to profit by dishonest means 7. Black market dealers, corrupt officials, shadow economics 8. Farce 9. Party spirit 10. Compulsory permits 11. Bad roads 12. The differences between 13. Far flung corners of the country

Часть IV. Cтилистика перевода.

6. 1. If it relies exclusively on that might 2. This seemed an economic victory 3. The freedom of choice principle is a must 4. When people are poor and the state is poor 5..since both had the same view of post-war Europe 6. As the many-sided nature of the world asserts itself

7. 1. As we elaborated our proposals for the transitions to a market economy 2.when the law is broken 3. When we badly need national accord 4. Since it started reforms 5. If we yield to the exigencies of objective conditions and deliberate pressure 6. If it disregards human and national rights and freedoms, or is detrimental to the environment. 7. They did not have appropriate instructions from their governments 8. They were born angry; they lost the privileges they used to have; they have the inferiority complex.

8. 1. that is holding the reforms back 2. When asked to assess the reasons for the country's economic plight and how to escape from it 3. Economic discipline is on the decline, state orders and contracts are concerned 4. Military co-operation also covers space and missiles

9. 1.What remains to be seen is whether these countries will follow the old… 2. There are many problems independent unions are faced with today. They have to discern the main…3. A new world armed conflict was rapidly brewing. The seats of war in Europe and the Far East were close to its borders. All this created a real threat to the country. 4. The U.S. wielded great military and industrial power and had considerable influence. This gave it an ample possibility for… 5. We shall face extremely difficult problems in the nearest future. The prospect gives rise to… 6. The Italian government was unable to pursue an active policy in Central Europe because of its intervention in Spain. As a result, it …7. Hitler treated the Italians with contempt and gave them a low rating as military allies. Just the same, he decided to use… 8. Some sectors have achieved certain improvements, but the economic situation… 9. In the long run someone will have to be responsible for all this. They are aware of it and are trying to…

10. That produce goods and provide services 2. It is vital for our survival and progress 3. It had been smuggled out of London by Italian Intelligence Agents 4. It deserves serious discussion 5. Which is conducted intensively and purposefully 6. Scientific seminars (workshops) held each second week 7. The volume of research recently conducted in this field 8. The abstract journal planned to be issued next year by the scientific society 9. Notes at the end of the article 10. The article concerning an insufficiently explored field of chemistry; the results presented in it; with the help of an absolutely new method developed by the authors.

11. 1.The number of women in the economically active population has grown in real and absolute terms. The process known as feminization of wage labour, deserves special attention.

2. The central figure of this literature is the Pious Woman who despite all the hardships of life remains true to her religious instincts. She is to be found, for example, in Solzhenitsin's short story «Matryona's Home», one of the earliest works of Village Prose.

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