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Dictation 10

The Middle Ages. Vocabulary Dictation

  1. Раннее средневековье – the Dark Ages

  2. Готический/романский стиль – Gothic/Romanesque style

  3. Феодальный, феодализм – feudal, feudalism

  4. Рискованное существование – perilous existence

  5. Принять христианство – to adopt Christianity

  6. Вечное прощение/проклятье – eternal grace/damnation

  7. Крестовый поход – Crusade

  8. Наследственный – hereditary

  9. Требовать выкуп – to extract ransom

  10. Архитектурный фон – architectural background

  11. На переднем/заднем плане – in the foreground/in the background

  12. Классические греческие и римские формы – classical Greek and Roman values and forms

  13. Неизвестные ремесленники – anonymous craftsmen

  14. Буйный, бурный – turbulent/tempestuous

  15. Ужасная инквизиция – dread Inquisition

  16. Грабить – to sack

  17. Родина Барокко – the birthplace of the Baroque

  18. Ощущение геометрической ясности и порядка – a feeling for geometrical clarity and order

  19. Суматоха, беспорядок – turmoil

  20. Чувственность – sensuality

  21. Демонстрировать сдержанность – to show restraint

  22. Освящать церковью – to sanctify by the Church

  23. Витраж – stained-glass window

  24. Вести разрушительную войну – to wage a destructive war

Keys to


Part I. The Offspring of Western Civilization

Ancient Greece

STEP 2: Spelling and Vocabulary

Exercise 1: Match a word with a picture (not all the pictures have their names!)

Plate 1

The Egyptian art

  1. pyramid, a royal tomb 1

  2. funerary temple 7

  3. Egyptian sphinx 11

  4. lotus column 13

  5. papyrus column 15

  6. palm column 17

  7. ornamented column 18

The Art of the Persians

  1. tower tomb 21

  2. stepped pyramid 22

Plate 2

The Greek Art

  1. the Acropolis 1-7

  2. the Parthenon 1

  3. statue 5

  4. temple wall 6

  5. Doric column 8

  6. Ionic column 9

  7. Corinthian column 10

  8. column shaft 26

  9. base 28-31

  10. caryatid 36

  11. Greek vase 37

  12. Greek ornamentation 38-43

  13. leaf ornament 40

  14. Greek theatre 44

  15. scene 45

  16. proscenium 46

  17. orchestra 47

  18. thymele (altar) 48

Plate 6

Historical Costumes

  1. Greek woman 1

  2. peplos 2

  3. Greek man 3

  4. petasus (Thessalonian hat) 4

  5. chiton, a linen gown worn as a basic garment 5

  6. himation, woollen cloak 6

Exercise 2: Developing spelling skills. Fill in the blanks with the missing letters. Remember the spelling of the words.

Architecture, sculpture, statue, sculptor, civilization, characteristics, excellent, beauty, measure, balance, portrait, painting, humanity, subtle, tomb.