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Step 1: Understanding the Information Historical Background

  • Give the English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations. Learn the active vocabulary

  1. постоянно ускоряющийся темп

  2. доступный в самых несбыточных


  1. мгновенный доступ к информации

  2. приобретать знания

  3. разрушительный масштаб

  4. превосходить свои возможности

  5. простая прогулка

  6. безвозвратная потеря

  7. формы художественного выражения

  8. захватывающий прогресс

  9. занять видное положение

  10. наследие Древней Греции и Рима

  11. безмятежный

  • Answer the questions, using the information you have learnt from the tape

  1. How can we describe what has happened in the 20th century?

  2. What are the positive and the negative experiences of the modern world?

  3. Identify some of the new artistic movements that have emerged during the 20th century?

  4. Does the appearance of new artistic movements mean the denial of the legacy of the past?

  • Fill in the gaps, using the active vocabulary. Reproduce the sentences in the form of a monologue (combine the sentences logically)

  1. We can describe what has happened in the 20th century – the years of earth-shattering events, _______________________________________ – the phenomenal improvement of all technology and so on.

  2. On the positive side, a revolution in transportation has made all parts of the world _____________________________________.

  3. The moon has been reached and distant lands are ____________________.

  4. Telephones, radio, television, lasers, computers, and satellites have made communication and ___________________________________________.

  5. ______________________________ during this Information Revolution has far exceeded all the knowledge acquired throughout the previous history of mankind.

  6. Also in this century, the world’s population is ______________________ to feed itself.

  7. And, in the name of progress, people have destroyed much of earth’s environment, in some instances to the point where _________________________________ and may threaten our existence.

  8. Many different and often conflicting __________________________ have emerged.

  9. At the same time, ________________________________________ and all major artistic styles since then have continued and have been joined by influences from cultures in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

Part I

  • Find the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Learn the active vocabulary

  1. традиционная точка зрения

  2. разделяться

  3. производить беспорядок (разрушать)

  4. разлагать целое на отдельные фрагменты

  5. многократная перспектива

  6. преобразовывать окружающий мир

  7. по той или иной причине

  8. манера восприятия

  9. второстепенный характер

  10. чувство спонтанности

  11. предопределенный

  12. изображение движения в живописи

  13. границы искусства

  14. иллюзия трехмерного пространства

  15. изобразить объем

на ровной поверхности

  1. разрабатывать проект

  2. недоумение

  3. использовать

(в качестве источника энергии)

  1. бессистемная структура

  2. обобщать опыт

  3. служить примером

  4. возвеличивать красоту машины

  5. сходство с чем-либо

  6. чистота помыслов

  7. посторонний

  8. упрощать действительность

  9. целостность

  10. объективная безупречность

  11. устранить изгибы и диагонали

на ощуп


  • Post-viewing Questions and Activities

  1. Discuss change and the advances in technology over the past one hundred years. How does change, such as the kind we have witnessed in this century, force people to examine their place in the world? People have always found change to be difficult, and the artists of the 20th century were no exception. What changes were the early 20th-century artists reacting to or against?

  2. What was an important musical development during the beginning of the 20th century? How does this musical form reflect the attitudes of the 20th century?

  3. The Futurist movement of 1910 rejected the past and hailed the beauty of the machine. What later event caused people to rethink their ideas about the machine and the development of a mechanized world? Why did it do that?

  4. Give a definition of abstraction. How did the Cubists use abstraction? What is referred to as the “traditional world order”? How does the abstract view of the world differ from the traditional one? What do Mondrian’s paintings say about the importance of perspective? (recall the works of Piet Mondrian that were seen in the program)

  • Finish the sentences logically, using the active vocabulary. Reproduce the sentences by hear

  1. During the 19th century, ideas and institutions which once had appeared so solid and real began to seem much less so. The ______________________________ world order ________________________________________.

  2. The Industrial Revolution _____________________________________ the old divisions of social order.

  3. Some artists reflected the new sensibility by _________________________ of vibrating dots.

  4. There were many new ways of seeing things. Objects were broken and displaced into _________________________________________ - as if we could see the objects from all sides.

  5. Sometimes artists ______________________________________ to reflect their inner visions.

  6. For many, doubt became ________________________________________.

  7. Artists sought to communicate their experience _________________________________ of modern life.

  8. Early in the 20th century, jazz became an important form of musical expression. Improvisation is an integral part of jazz, which at its best has ______________________________________________________________________.

  9. Nothing was certain - not even a definition of art. Here, the painter sought to achieve what had been considered impossible: _________________________________________.

  10. We are no longer certain about ___________________________________.

  11. Painting was to be about painting. The artists sought to find ways in which


  1. The machine is of the age. None of us can escape its influence. As the machine ________

____________________________ – there is nothing ____________________________ – here – so, too have our artists sought to purify their means.