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Part II

  • Give the proper English equivalents

  1. тоска по другим временам и местам

  2. павильон для отдыха

  3. удачно подходить под описание

  4. образный и экзотический

мир фантазии

  1. первобытный

  2. архитектура прошлых веков

  3. преднамеренно оставить

в разрушенном состоянии

  1. наслаждаться скалистыми руинами, порождать фантазии

  2. утверждать

  3. остро чувствующий

  4. демон-виртуоз

  5. одинокий, уверенный в себе гений

  6. размышлять над чем-либо

  7. вера в интуицию и воображение

  8. одинокий и интроспективный

  9. задумчивый

  10. отвечать велениям чувств

  11. кораблекрушение

  12. шторм (буря)

  13. век противоречивых реакций

  14. в ответ на что-либо

  15. культ личности

  16. восхвалять

  17. безумие страстей

  18. здравый, лишенный эмоций

  19. фактический, действительный

  • Questions to answer

  1. How did the Romantics react to the growth of industry? How did some Romantics express their attitudes toward the treatment of the poor, common people?

  2. How did the composers during this era express their Romantic views?

  3. As Romantic thought reached its extreme, a reaction against the Romanticism took place. Did the views of the Romantics become as overbearing as the views of the “enlightened” philosophes whose faith in reason left no room for emotion?

  • Fill in the gaps. Use the above given words and word combinations. Translate the utterances into good Russian. Reproduce them by heart in the way the speaker does

  1. “A mighty fountain momently was forced.” It was in such terms that the Romantics created ______________________________________________.

  2. ___________________was often imitated during the 18th and 19th centuries and was a favourite theme of painters.

  3. Although he ___________________ the brotherhood of all mankind, the __________________________ Romantic man felt himself to be alone in a vast and measureless world.

  4. Paganini, _________________________________________________, who enthralled audience with his violin pyrotechnics.

  5. The Romantic artists were usually ____________________________, who frequently lived outside the standards of a society, which did not understand them.

  6. They _______________________________ death and lost love.

  7. They lived by _________________________________________________.

  8. He responded _________________________________________________.

  9. To express such feelings, the artist painted violent scenes of struggle and conflict, such as ________________________________________________.

  10. Artists _____________________________________________ the peas of emotion, from

__________________________________ to tragic grief.

Tasks to the Pictures

Look at Picture 14.

1. This famous group portrait by Francisco Goya shows the family of Charles IV of Spain. This ruler, like his predecessor Charles III, led a relatively liberal period of Spanish history known as the

  1. Whiskey Rebellion

  2. White Lotus Rebellion

  3. Spanish Revolution

  4. Late Bourbon reforms

2. Art critics consider this painting, called “The Family of Charles IV” (1800), to be one of Francisco Goya’s early masterpieces. The painting demonstrates Goya’s place in art history as

  1. a pioneer of Romanticism

  2. a pioneer of modern printing techniques

  3. the official painter to the Spanish court

  4. the official chronicler of Napoleon