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Step 2: Spelling and Vocabulary

Exercise 1: Developing spelling skills.

  1. Fill in the blanks with a silent consonant or vowel. Remember the spelling.

Knight, castle, column, chapel, dome, crude, design, style, apostle, scene.

  1. Choose –c- or –s- to fill in the blank.

Monastery, monasticism, mystery, salvation, crusade, treasure, cloister, civilization, symbol, ancient, skeleton, select, city, technique, style, century, cause, influence, necessary, dimension, increase, advance, sense, testament, resemblance, release, literacy, trace.

  1. Choose –ch-, -sh-,- th-,- ph- to fill in the blanks.

Threaten, Christianity, church, hardship, cathedral, chanting, mythical, architecture, worship, worth, fashion, physical, catholic, reach, characteristic, youthful, sophisticated, philosophy, anarchy, method, calligraphy.

  1. Which doubled letter is missing in the following words?

Classical, massive, progress, assimilate, commission, necessary, endless, buttress.

Exercise 5:

1. Pronounce the words below. Match a word with a picture (not all the pictures have their names!).

Plate 2

The Early Christian Art

  1. basilica 61

  2. nave 62

  3. aisle 63

  4. campanile 65

  5. atrium 66

  6. colonnade 67

  7. fountain 68

  8. altar 69

  9. triumphal arch 71

The Byzantine Art

  1. main dome 72

  2. semidome 73

  3. pendentive 74

  4. eye, a lighting aperture 75

Plate 3

The Romanesque Art

  1. Romanesque church 1-13

  2. nave 1

  3. aisle 2

  4. central tower 6

  5. pyramidal tower roof 7

  6. frieze of round arcading 9

  7. lesene, a pilaster strip 11

  8. circular window 12

  9. side entrance 13

  10. system of vaulting 17

  11. cushion capital 21

The Gothic Art

  1. Gothic cathedral 22

  2. rose window 23

  3. church door (portal) 24

  4. buttress 27

  5. flying buttress 28

  6. pinnacle 29

  7. cross (groin) vault 31-32

  8. ribs (cross ribs) 31

  9. clustered (compound) pier 34

Plate 4

Knight's castle 1

  1. inner ward (inner bailey) 2

  2. draw well 3

  3. dungeon 5

  4. tower platform 8

  5. watchman 9

  6. ladies' apartments (bowers) 10

  7. balcony 12

  8. storehouse (magazine) 13

  9. curtain wall (curtains, enclosure wall) 15

  10. bastion 16

  11. angle tower 17

  12. inner wall 19

  13. battlemented parapet 20

  14. drawbridge 25

  15. chapel 29

  16. great hall 30

  17. outer ward (outer bailey) 31

  18. castle gate 32

  19. moat (ditch) 33

  20. approach 34

  21. watchtower (turret) 35

  22. palisade (pallisade, palisading) 36

Knight's armour 38-65

  1. suit of armour 38

  2. helmet 39-42

  3. skull 39

  4. visor (vizor) 40

  5. beaver 41

  6. throat piece 42

  7. epauliere 44

  8. breastplate (cuirass) 46

  9. knee cap (knee piece, genouillere, poleyn) 53

  10. buckler (round shield) 57

  11. iron hat 59

  12. morion 60

  13. light casque 61

Accolade (dubbing, knighting) 66

  1. liege lord, a knight 67

  2. esquire 68

  3. cup bearer 69

  4. minstrel (minnesinger, troubadour) 70

Tournament (tourney, joust, just, tilt) 71

  1. crusader 72

  2. Knight Templar 73

  3. caparison (trappings) 74

  4. herald (marshal at tournament) 75

  5. tilting armour 76

  6. tilting helmet (jousting helmet) 77

  7. panache (plume of feathers) 78

  8. tilting target (tilting shield) 79

  9. lance rest 80

  10. tilting lance (lance) 81

  11. horse armour 83-88

Plate 6

Historical Costumes

  1. Byzantine empress 15

  2. pearl diadem 16

  3. jewels 17

  4. purple cloak 18

  5. long tunic 19

  6. German princess [13th cent.] 20

  7. crown (diadem) 21

  8. chinband 22

  9. cloak 26

  10. Burgundian [15th cent.] 40

  11. young nobleman [ca. 1400] 44

  12. dagged sleeves (petal-scalloped sleeves) 46

  13. hose 47