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Part III

Words to be pronounced and learnt

  • timeless – вечный

  • this technique is suggestive of supernatural and immortal power – эта техника вызывает мысли о сверхъестественной и бессмертной силе (власти)

  • mask-like – похожий на маску

  • serene [si`ri:n] – ясный, спокойный

  • sophisticated – утонченный, сложный, тонкий

  • chariot [`t∫æriət] – колесница

  • decade [`dekeid] – десятилетие

  • self-contained – необщительный, замкнутый, выдержанный, хорошо владеющий собой

  • to orchestrate – оркестровать, инструментировать

  • Altar [`o:ltə] of Zeus – алтарь Зевса

  • spectator [spek`teitə] – зритель, очевидец

Pre-Viewing Questions and Activities

Set up the end points of a time line beginning at 800 BC and ending at 146 BC. Calculate the number of years of Greek civilization. Divide the line into four periods, the first ending around 581 BC, the second ending at 478 BC and the third at 326 BC. Label the first Pre-Archaic Period, the second - Archaic Period. The third Classical Period and watch the programme for examples of works created in each period.

While watching find the answers to the following questions

1. How long does Greek history span?

2. When was the famous Aphrodite of Melos carved?

3. What was characteristic of the archaic period? What did it leave?

4. What does "The Discus Thrower" symbolize?

5. In what way does Athena differ from Nike?

6. What is the difference between the earliest classical Greeks and the later Hellenistic Greeks?

Post-Viewing Questions and Activities

  1. Why do you think naturalism in sculptures of both man and gods became more evident as Greek civilization became more modern?

2. Give some examples to contrast the reasoned Greek art and architecture of Classical Period with the emotion-filled styles of Hellenistic Age.

Step 2: Spelling and Vocabulary

Exercise 1: Match a word with a picture (not all the pictures have their names!)

Plate 1

The Egyptian Art

  1. pyramid, a royal tomb __

  2. funerary temple __

  3. Egyptian sphinx __

  4. lotus column __

  5. papyrus column __

  6. palm column __

  7. ornamented column __

The Art of the Persians

  1. tower tomb __

  2. stepped pyramid __

Plate 2

The Greek Art

  1. the Acropolis __

  2. the Parthenon __

  3. statue __

  4. temple wall __

  5. Doric column __

  6. Ionic column __

  7. Corinthian column __

  8. column shaft __

  9. base __

  10. caryatid __

  11. Greek vase __

  12. Greek ornamentation __

  13. leaf ornament __

  14. Greek theatre __

  15. scene __

  16. proscenium __

  17. orchestra __

  18. thymele (altar) __

Plate 6

Historical Costumes

  1. Greek woman ___

  2. Peplos ___

  3. Greek man ___

  4. petasus (Thessalonian hat) ___

  1. chiton, a linen gown worn as a basic garment ___

  2. himation, woollen cloak ___

Exercise 2: Developing spelling skills. Fill in the blanks with the missing letters. Remember the spelling of the words.

Ar - - te - - ure, sc – lpt - re, st – t – e, sculpt – r, c – v – l – z – tion, - - arecteristics, e- - ellent, b - - - ty, meas - - e, balan – e, portr - - t, p - - nting, h – man – ty, su – tle, tom -.

Exercise 3: Derivatives. Adverbs modify verbs. Use the given adjectives to form adverbs with the suffix -ly and find the adverbs in the text.

Excellent, actual, slight, exact, total, expressive, careful, slight, equal, violent.

Exercise 4: Suffixes. Analyze the following adjectives and group them in columns according to the suffixes they have.

Hellenistic, classical, enormous, timeless, gigantic, tremendous, motionless, famous, changeless, individual, continuous, repetitive, powerful, majestic, Ionic, jealous, democratic, historical, religious, logical, restless, humanistic, Doric, rational, harmonious, sensitive, natural, eternal, realistic, rhythmic, intellectual, artistic, emotional, immortal, previous, universal, materialistic, geometric, general, emotionless, massive, Archaic, symmetrical, traditional, graceful.

Exercise 5: Derivatives. Form abstract nouns from the following words. Underline the suffixes.

Excel – excellence

Achieve - ______________

Dictator - ______________

Perfect - _______________

Wise - ________________

Exact - ________________

Human - _______________

Associate - _____________

Imagine - ______________

Develop - ______________

Architect - _____________

Differ - ________________

Sculptor - ______________

Enter - ________________

Create - _______________

Avoid - _______________

Free - _________________

Unite - ________________

Democrat - ____________

Complete - ____________

Refine - _______________

Important - ____________

Great - ________________

Expand - ______________

Exercise 6: Linking devices. Use the following conjunctions and sentence connectors to combine the pairs of sentences into one. Match the sentences to contrast, compare, and explain the ideas or to give examples.

Nevertheless, for example, because, hence, to the contrary, so, thus, although, on the other hand

  1. The word polis meant the integrated relationship and the place where the community resided.

  2. Modern people are impressed by great size and large numbers.

  3. But the Greeks were not slaves of geometry.

  4. The Parthenon is a religious monument.

  5. The most striking difference of the Greeks from previous civilizations was the commitment to man himself, to his capacities, his potential, and his ideas.

  6. The Pharaohs built these awesome mountains of death in an attempt to prolong their tremendous power into eternity.

  7. There is nothing more logical than geometry.

  8. The Great Altar presents a huge staircase, inviting the worshippers to move inward and upward.

  9. The Greek gods were anthropomorphic, that is created in the image and shape of man.

  10. The rhythm is repetitious.

    1. We can appreciate the Greek emphasis upon quality.

    2. The polis was a community, a city and a state all in one.

    3. It was dedicated to the patron goddess of Athens.

    4. The most subtle refinements of the Parthenon are minute variations of geometric form.

    5. They preserved their mummified bodies deep within the gigantic tombs.

    6. Zeus was the powerful chief of the gods and the ruler of the heavens; Apollo was the sun god, the god of wisdom, light, poetry and healing.

    7. The Greeks were history’s first humanists, believing that man was the measure of all things.

    8. There are subtle variations.

    9. The Parthenon was based on the famous geometrical formula known as the Golden Section.

    10. The rows of columns of the earlier Parthenon enclose the temple and exclude the spectator.