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    • Versailles

    • Peter Paul Rubens

    • Poussin

    • Isaac Newton

    • Denis Diderot

    • Jean Jacques Rousseau

    • "Shepherds in Arcadia"

    • Joshua Reynolds

      • Questions to answer. Comment on your answer in a nutshell

  1. How did the Rococo style reflect the attitudes of the nobility? What did the nobility want most of all?

  2. The Rococo, which was a decorative style, was only one of the artistic traditions popular during the age of the Enlightenment. The other style reflected the desire to impose order on the world. Give examples of this idea. In what historic site can an example of the geometric order that illustrated the ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers be seen today?

  3. The discoveries, made by the seventeenth-century scientists such as Isaac Newton and Galileo were popularized by the philosophers such as Voltaire and Denis Diderot. What was Diderot trying to accomplish when he published the Encyclopedia?

  4. Nature has always had a place in the work of artists. What view did the Enlightenment artists take of nature? Give some examples of how the Enlightenment artists viewed their natural world.

  5. What is Academicism? How was this movement a natural outcome of an age when so much emphasis was placed on the development of the mind and on scientific discovery?

  • Fill in the gaps. Use the above given words and word combinations. Translate the utterances into good Russian. Reproduce them by heart in the way the speaker does

  1. When the 18th century began, _________________________ of the grand style of Louis XIV was diminishing.

  2. The Enlightenment grew out of __________________ in the 17th century.

  3. Louis XIV made Versailles into a splendid stage for his personal theatrical production - the absolute rule of France. _______________, the palace and grounds were planned in such a way that King Louis seemed to _________________________________________.

  4. The reign of Louis XIV represents ______________________________.

  5. The aristocracy of all of Europe spoke French and __________________.

  6. During the 17th century, great discoveries in the sciences opened up new areas of knowledge. _______________ was imposed on human existence.

  7. The philosophers made _______________________________________.

  8. Men of the Enlightenment were dissatisfied with traditional ideas and religions. They filled their need for faith with a profound belief in ________________________________ of man through Reason.

  9. Obviously, _______________________ for the French academics was the art of classical antiquity.

  10. “It is from a careful study of their works that you will be able _____________________.

Part II

  • Give the proper English equivalents

  1. достижение ясности и порядка

  2. прямой результат

научных изысканий

  1. достигнуть предела

  2. “Всякое действие

равно противодействию”

  1. обсуждать в модном салоне

  2. выдающиеся люди

  3. упадок аристократии

  4. поддерживать постоянно

возрастающий интерес

  1. стремление к упрощению

  2. расцвести пышным цветом

  3. садовый лабиринт

  4. сочинить тему для флейты

  5. вариации на тему

  6. постоянно повторяющаяся тема

  7. достижение

высших эталонов красоты

  1. здание законодательного органа

штата Вирджиния

  1. коррумпированная и всемогущая


  1. продумывать свои проблемы

до конца

  1. давать власть в обмен

на обещание исполнять их волю

  1. электризующий эффект

  2. перекладывать ответственность

на плечи другого

  1. наделять неотъемлемыми правами

  2. приносить личную жертву во имя

свободы, равенства и братства

  1. наслаждаться великолепием

  2. завершить (-ся) с тревогой

  • Check the spelling and the pronunciation of the proper names

  • Vesalius

  • Montesquieu

  • Madam de Pompadour

  • Benjamin Franklin

  • Watteau

  • Fragonard

  • Chardin

  • Jean Jacques Rousseau

  • Marie Antoinette

  • Johann Sebastian Bach

  • Thomas Jefferson

  • Maison Carree

  • Jacques-Louis David

  • Questions to answer

  1. How did the “Enlightened” individual’s quest for balance and order in life to carry over into politics?

  2. Why did the philosophers’ ideas regarding control and balance conflict with the kind of government that existed during the rule of Louis XIV?

  3. Name two of the most influential artists from the Renaissance whose work was admired by Enlightenment artists.

  4. Define classicism as seen by various Enlightenment people – in the arts it meant the attainment of the highest standards of beauty.

  5. How did the end of the Enlightenment come about? What events brought the Enlightenment era to a close?

  • Fill in the gaps. Use the above given words and word combinations. Translate the utterances into good Russian. Reproduce them by heart in the way the speaker does

  1. The Enlightenment ______________________________ into the physical world in the Renaissance.

  2. The spirit of scientific inquiry in the Enlightenment __________________ when an elegant 18-th century lady kept a cadaver in her carriage of study anatomy in her spare moments.

  3. The spirit of the Enlightenment, in its balance and symmetry, is reflected in Newton’s third law, which says ________________________________.

  4. The political and scientific ideas of the Enlightenment were discussed and debated ____________________________, the 18-th century equivalent of the modern cocktail party.

  5. Some painters of the 18-th century, like Watteau and Fragonard, illustrated ___________________________________________.

  6. However, many of the intellectuals and artists of the period ________________________________ in the middle and working classes.

  7. ___________________________, which these works reflect was a reaction to the pomp of the court.

  8. In the arts, classicism during the 18-th century meant ___________________________.

  9. The ___________________ was modeled after a Roman temple.

  10. In 1775 the “short heard ‘round the world” was fired. The American Revolution was to

have _______________________ on the Europe of the absolute monarchies.

  1. What the Americans had done – and done successfully – was to ____________________.

  2. The Age of Enlightenment had begun __________________ of King Louis XIV’s Court.

  3. The Age of Enlightenment _______________________ – with the rising up in violence

of the new forces for reform – for revolution.

Tasks to the Pictures

Look at Picture 10.

This is the music room at the palace of Frederick the Great, ruler of Prussia, a Germen state. What great musical name is associated with this room?

  1. Rameau

  2. Bach

  3. Handel

  4. Haydn

Look at Picture 11.

This picture shows the Hall of Mirrors in the Nymphenburg Palace in Munich, Germany. What other palace inspired this great hall?

  1. the Bastille

  2. Versailles

  3. Blenheim palace

  4. The Taj Mahal

Look at Picture 12.

This painting by Jean-Honore Fragonard is called “The Swing”. What is at the visual center of the picture?

  1. the trees

  2. the sky

  3. the audience

  4. the horizon