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Step 1: Understanding the Information Historical Background

  • Give the proper English equivalents

  1. буйность (непокорность)

  2. сосредоточить свое внимание

  3. поддерживать (субсидировать)

  4. богатый образ жизни

  5. чувственность

  6. суматоха (беспорядок)

  7. взаимосвязанные области

  8. смешивать (соединять)

  9. богато украшенный (витиеватый)

  10. позолоченный; трепещущий

  11. нарочитый (показной) стиль


  1. демонстрировать сдержанность

  2. соперничать

  3. запечатлеваться

в культурном наследии

  1. достигать самой причудливой точки

  2. задержаться

  3. пышный и великолепный

  • Answer the questions. Use the topical vocabulary

  1. What was the characteristic features of the period discussed?

  2. Where can we see the Baroque influence nowadays?

  3. What was the essence of religious and political conflicts of that time?

  4. What adjectives and word-combinations can be used to describe Baroque art?

  • Place Europe’s Baroque period in its correct historical and geographical setting

  • Fill in the gaps. Use the above given words and word combinations. Translate the utterances into good Russian. Reproduce them in a look-up-and-say manner

  1. The Baroque, which began about 1545, was a period of _____________.

  2. It was a time when the Renaissance celebration of all humanity __________________the rich, self-centered privileged class who could afford _________________ artists to immortalize their _____________.

  3. As is usually the case, the art, music, and writing of the Baroque reflect the world in which they were created, and that world was one of _________________________________________________________.

  4. Baroque art ___________________ compared with past styles, and these extravagances were soon ______________ in the palaces of the nobility.

  5. Obviously, this extravagant style still appeals to people today because certain Baroque musical works ________________________________.

  6. The Baroque style ______________________ with the development of a playful, sensual style called Rococo.

  7. This style ______________________ among the nobility even after some artists, scholars and philosophers had entered the Age of Enlightenment.

  8. All in all, Baroque artists have contributed much to what is considered ________________________________in Western civilization today.

Part I

  • Give the proper English equivalents. Learn the active vocabulary

  1. бурный (буйный)

  2. воспитывать (выращивать)

  3. разрываемый штормом

в море споров

  1. длительная непримиримая вражда

  2. ужасная инквизиция

  3. грабить

  4. неистовая борьба

  5. религиозные и политические перевороты

  6. распределение светотени

  7. соединять (включать)

  8. давать волю гневу

  9. замешательство, хаос и отчаяние

  10. родина Барокко

  11. стекаться со всего мира

  12. вступить в кампанию

по контрреформаци


  • Read out the proper names

    • Copernicus

    • John Donne

    • Rembrandt

    • Michelangelo Buonarroti

    • Bernini

    • Borromini

    • Caravaggio

    • Peter Paul Rubens

    • Nicolas Poussin

    • El Greco

  • Questions to answer

  1. What religious conflicts created unrest during the Baroque? What was the Reformation? What was the Counter-Reformation? What was the cause and effect of the Sack of Rome?

  2. How did the Renaissance era explorations of men like Columbus contribute to political unrest in the Baroque period? How did religious unrest lead to political unrest in Europe?

  3. How did the scientific discoveries of people like Copernicus upset the orderly world subscribed to by Renaissance intellectuals? How does this upset reveal itself in Baroque art?

  4. What is the meaning of the word chiaroscuro, and how does it relate to Baroque art?

  5. How did Michelangelo’s work change from the Renaissance to the Baroque? What new vision of the world did these changes reflect?

  6. Where was the birthplace of the Baroque, and who were some of the Baroque’s most famous artists?

  • Fill in the gaps. Use the above given words and word combinations. Translate the utterances into good Russian. Use the above given words and word combinations. Reproduce them in a look-up-and-say manner

  1. The 16th century _____________ a period of great conflicts and confusions – religious, political, and intellectual.

  2. The Catholic Counter-Reformation brought with it _________________and a great outburst of religious art.

  3. The discoveries of unknown continents and their resources during the early 16th century led to ____________________ for political power and economic riches…

  4. As if these ______________________________________ weren’t enough for Europe, Western man’s intellectual attitudes were also challenged and upset.

  5. Renaissance painters used architectural backgrounds to create ________________________________________________________.

  6. In contrast, the men of the 16th century ______________________________.

  7. Everywhere we see _____________________________________________.

  8. Rome, the city of Michelangelo’s triumphs, was ______________________.

  9. Painters, sculptors, and architects ____________________________to study the monuments of the city and to make their own special contributions to the sacred beauty of Rome.