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Part II

  • Give the proper English equivalents

  1. противостоять Реформации

  2. сторонник

  3. воинствующий

  4. колоннада

  5. неясно вырисовываться

  6. гармоничное великолепие

  7. ослепительный купол

  8. захватывающая иллюзия

  9. открыть удивительные пейзажи рая

  10. мистические видения

и религиозный экстаз

  1. душераздирающий образ мученичества и страдания

  2. расцветать

  3. покончить с порядком

и точностью

  1. располагаться на освещенном

переднем плане

  1. театральный прием

  2. создавать напряжение

у зрителя

  1. сходиться и сосредоточиваться на

  2. придавать атмосферу волнения

  3. театральное свечение

  4. лучезарный Христос в духе …


  1. аристократический двор Версаля

  2. покровитель искусства

  • Questions to answer

  1. How did the Catholic church use art and architecture to attract straying members who were “confused” by Protestant theology?

  2. Was the style primarily intellectual or emotional?

  3. How were this style and its religious content intended to affect the viewer?

  4. What conclusions can you draw about how the Church viewed its members?

  5. What city did the Baroque style center after Rome?

  6. Why might it have been called Queen of the Adriatic?

  7. How does the element of drama help to separate Renaissance from Baroque art? (Use any picture, mentioned in the text, as an example to explain.)

  • Fill in the gaps. Use the above given words and word combinations. Translate the utterances into good Russian. Reproduce them by heart in the way the speaker does

  1. The Catholic church turned to art – Baroque art – as propaganda ______________________________, to bring back its confused children.

  2. It appealed to the emotions and made its ____________________ feel the power of God.

  3. __________________________ of the mother-church was to have its influence throughout Europe.

  4. New churches were built everywhere – with exciting, rippling facades, with brilliantly decorated interiors, like stage sets and _______________________________________.

  5. Ceiling painters created ___________________ of the church roof blasted away __________________________________.

  6. The eyes of their saints are filled with ___________________________.

  7. From their brushes flowed ____________________________________.

  8. Tintoretto and the other Venetian painters of the 16th century __________________________________ of the Renaissance.

  9. Tintoretto of Venice also painted a Last Supper, but now the sweeping diagonal lines _______________________________________________.

  10. The scene is dark, while a __________________ spot-lights the apostles and


Tasks to the Pictures

Look at Picture 8.

The great sculptor of this Colonnade may be said to represent the international style of the High Baroque at its zenith. Who’s he?

  1. Bernini

  2. Michelangelo

  3. Carracci

  4. Donatello