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Step 1: Understanding the Information Historical Background

  • Give the proper English equivalents

  1. интерес к учению

  2. заметное улучшение благосостояния

  3. возрождение интереса к чему-либо

  4. гуманистическая философия

  5. состоятельная семья Медичи

  6. возобновить интерес

  7. волнение и энергия Ренессанса

  8. способствовать продвижению идей

  9. основать университет

  10. Древний Рим

  11. быть одаренным

  12. полукруглая арка

  13. общие представления художника

  14. безымянный ремесленник

  15. в соответствии с

  16. мастерская

  17. формулировать новые

представления о красоте

  1. наука рисования в перспективе

  2. сильно требоваться

  3. принимать местный характер

  4. прославлять достоинство

и красоту человек


  • Questions to answer

  1. When and where did the period of the Renaissance begin?

  2. What doe the word Renaissance mean?

  3. What was this period characterized by?

  4. What facilitated the movement of ideas at that time?

  5. What changes did the following concepts undergo:

a) architecture;

b) painting?

  • Fill in the gaps. Use the above given words and word combinations. Translate the utterances into good Russian. Reproduce them in a look-up-and-say manner

  1. The Renaissance was characterized by ________, leisure time, and __________.

  2. The word Renaissance means ________________________.

  3. This word is the best to describe this period because it began as _______________________ and literature of Ancient Greece and Rome.

  4. Soon this renewed interest in learning grew to include other fields; such as science, history, education, political science and art – and in this expansion the Renaissance was born! __________________ could not be contained in Italy.

  5. It traveled by land and sea from Italy’s great trade cities to other parts of Europe and the world beyond. ______________________ facilitated this movement of ideas.

  6. New theories about the world were tested. The explorers lived the Renaissance philosophy that human beings ___________________ doing anything they can imagine.

  7. ____________________________ changed along with everything else.

  8. Artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo helped all artists to move from their status of ______________ to that of respected, educated people.

  9. The education of artists moved from ________________ to the academy.

  10. Renaissance artists _________________________________________.

  11. And even _________________________________________________.

  12. As a consequence of the enormous appeal of these new classic-based ideas, Italian artists

and architects __________________ all over Europe.

  1. Many Renaissance ideas – especially those that ______________ – still flourish in

today’s Western culture.

Part I

  • Give the proper English equivalents

  1. “Рождение Венеры”

  2. предвещать

  3. тени средневековья

  4. в свете новой эпохи

  5. забывать бога

  6. уверенность в себе

  7. распространение коммерции и


  1. важная основа для личной власти

  2. делать заказ художнику

  3. сохранить для следующих


  1. показ благосостояния и силы

  2. портреты отдельных людей

  3. изобразить юную жизненную

энергию Ренессанса

  1. мягкая неловкость ранней юности

  2. развязность и самоуверенность

в молодом теле

  1. возвышаться на … метров от пола

  2. уважение человека Возрождения к

человеческому достоинству

  1. искать славы и признания

  2. смиренный (скромный) в своем

отношении к богоматери

  1. оставить свою келью

  2. размещать фигуры

в игрушечном пейзаже

  1. извиваться по ландшафту холмов

с вкраплениями деревьев

  1. восхищение всеми сторонами


  • Questions to answer

  1. Who was “The Birth of Venus” painted by?

  2. What was the spiritual aim of the Renaissance man (compared to the medieval man)?

  3. What was a favorite subject for Renaissance artist?

  4. What other subjects assumed importance in art?

  • Choose one painting of any of the famous Renaissance artists, describe it and prove that the artist of that time really fascinated all aspects of the world around

  • Fill in the gaps. Use the above given words and word combinations. Translate the utterances into good Russian. Use the above given words and word combinations. Reproduce them in a look-up-and-say manner

  1. The "Birth of Venus" ______________ an increased interest in man and in the civilization of Ancient Greece and Rome.

  2. But _____________ dimmed the art and ideas of classical Greece and Rome.

  3. Renaissance man did not ______________, but with Christopher Columbus, but he had more _____________________ and believed more strongly in the world around him than did his medieval ancestors.

  4. Money became ________________________________________________.

  5. Renaissance man, full of pride, ________________________ to preserve his face _________________________________________________________.

  6. With the coming of the Renaissance, art was filled suddenly with ____________________ - a subject matter absent since the ancient Romans.

  7. A favorite subject for Renaissance artists was the young David, popular because ______________________________________________________.

  8. Renaissance artists frequently used as models the people and things familiar to them, even when their subjects, like David, were Biblical. Michelangelo’s David represents _______________________________________________.