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Part II

  • Give the proper English equivalents

  1. исчезнувший, несуществующий

  2. опустошать страну (о неприятеле)

  3. исламские племена

  4. спасение

  5. убежище

  6. период хаоса

  7. грамотность

  8. созерцать

  9. анархия внешнего мира

  10. миниатюра

  11. давать клятву целомудрия, бедности и послушания

  12. уединенные стены;

  13. светский

  14. варвары

  15. основа языческого искусства

  16. уникальный стиль

  17. возродить раннюю христианскую традицию

  18. монашеский

  19. процветать

  20. набожный, благочестивый

  21. уединяться в отдаленных монастырях

  22. рискованное существование

  23. крепостной

  24. знать

  25. на нижней ступени социальной и политической лестницы

  26. феодальный

  27. феодализм

  28. приносить выгоду

  29. крестьянин

  30. держава (королевская регалия)

  31. меч

  32. наследственный

  33. похищать

  34. получать выкуп

  35. укрепленный замок

  36. амбициозный

  37. грубость средневековой жизни

  38. замковая архитектура

  39. каменная кладка

  40. случайно

  41. оживлять

  42. мифический

  43. демон

  44. населять

вечное проклять


  • Questions to answer

  1. What tribes invaded the Western Roman Empire?

  2. Where were literacy and learning kept alive during the Dark Ages?

  3. What did the monks do within the cloistered walls of the monastery?

  4. What was Charlemagne’s greatest project?

  5. What was the principal occupation of hereditary lords in the Middle Ages?

  6. What was the principal occupation of serfs?

  7. How was the crudeness of medieval life reflected in the arts?

  • As you listen, pick out words and word combinations pertaining to the feudal life style. Speak about the responsibilities the nobility and average people had to shoulder

  • Fill in the gaps. Use the above given words and word combinations. Translate the utterances into good Russian. Reproduce them in a look-up-and-say manner

  1. During the so-called Dark Ages the defunct Western Roman Empire was overrun by _____________ and by _____________ from the South and East.

  2. As a result many Christians drew together into communities to seek protection and _________________________________________________.

  3. These communities or monasteries were places of _____________________.

  4. There man could _________ God within a disciplined and dedicated system.

  5. The remote and isolated monastery and its abbey church became the focus of Christian life in the early Middle Ages. Monastic arts continued to ________.

  6. They portrayed everything from _______________ angelic visions to homely religious scenes and glimpses of daily life.

  7. But the Middle Ages mean more than monasticism. In fact most people didn’t isolate themselves in _______________________________________.

  8. For the average man in the Middle Ages ordinary existence was hard and ______________________.

  9. The great emperor Charlemagne represented the __________ ideal: he holds the imperial ___________ in his left hand; his right one holds the ________.

Tasks to the Pictures

Look at Picture 3.

In 1050 AD in the town of Pisa, Italy, the beginning of the construction of the Cathedral Group took its place. What element doesn’t belong to the group?

  1. baptistry

  2. cathedral

  3. chapel

  4. campanile