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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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2. Match the two halves of each sentence.

How to study efficiently

1. Begin by

a. making plans you can’t possibly keep

2. Be realistic: there’s no point in

b. making a list of what you have to do.

3. Find a quiet place where you can work without

c. studying

4. If possible, use it only for

d. marking each topic on your list as you complete it.

5. Check you have everything you need before

e. jumping up to fetch things every five minutes.

6. This means you won’t waste time

f. being interrupted.

7. Encourage yourself by

g. starting work.

3. Complete the following pieces of advice with your own ideas.

1. You should take regular exercise instead … . 2. You can’t earn a lot of money by … . 3. It’s rude to borrow people’s things without … . 4. You must always thank people for … . 5. You mustn’t insist on … . 6. It’s wrong to make accusations without … . 7. It’s good manners to apologize for … . 8. You should fill up with petrol before … .

Infinitive - gerund

1. Complete the mini-dialogue with the correct form of the verb in brackets. On two occasions both forms are possible.

Thomas: Hi, Carla. I’ve been meaning (1) ... (speaking/to speak) Co you all day. We’re trying (2) ... (booking/to book) a table at that new Chinese restaurant tonight. Would you like to come too?

Carla: Oh, thanks, I’d really like to, but I was intending (3) ... (starting/to start) work on my monthly sales report tonight.

Thomas: Really? Wouldn’t you prefer (4) ... (coming/to come) out with us? Just this once?

Carla: Of course I want (5) ... (going/to go) out with you tonight, but I really have to get this report done. I’m sorry it means (6) ... (missing/to miss) dinner with you guys tonight.

Thomas: Well, perhaps next time then.

Carla: Yeah. And next time don’t forget (7) ... (giving/to give) me as much notice as possible beforehand so I can keep the evening free.

Thomas: Oh, the trouble with you, Carla, is that you never stop (8) ... (working/to work). You should remember (9) ... (having/to have) some fun sometimes.

Carla: Look, Thomas, you know I’d really love (10) ... (joining/to join) you, but I just ...

Thomas: Well, if you go on (11) ... (working/to work) like you do at the moment, you’ll start (12) ... (getting/to get) really stressed, and then you’ll regret (13) ... (missing out/to miss out) on your social life. It happened to a friend of mine – in the end he went on (14) ... (having/to have) a nervous breakdown.

Carla: Oh, come on. Stop (15) ... (being/to be) so dramatic. 1 don’t enjoy (16) ... (taking/to take) work home, it’s just that I like (17) ... (finishing/to finish) my reports on time.

2. Underline the correct item.

Countries all over the world have superstitions which some people believe or others don’t. Several superstitions are the same in many countries.

Many people avoid 1) walking/to walk under ladders, as this is believed to bring bad luck. Some people expect things 2) go/to go wrong on the thirteenth day of the month, particularly if it’s Friday. Some say you must never 3) put/to put up an umbrella inside the house or 4) place/to place a pair of new shoes on the table. In many places, it is considered unlucky 5) to see/seeing a symbol of good lick. 7) Break/breaking a mirror results in seven years of bad luck and if you spill salt, you must 8) to throw/throw a pinch of it over your left shoulder immediately.

These are just a few superstitions which some people believe in. Do you know any more?