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3. Groups will take any three of their observations and posit why such a cultural difference exists. Here are some examples:

American women don’t wear as much make-up because comfort is more important to them than fashion.

4. Discuss these statements as a class. Which statements meet with general agreement and which with general discord? Post – Text Activities

1. In the US, a positive outlook is promoted by parents, physicians, and politicians. Americans are generally optimistic and perhaps this is a reason for their smiles. The text compares two smiles, Russian and American, and what produces them. Listen to the text and choose the right variant.

  1. a) Most Russians believe Americans smile more than they do.

b) Most Americans believe Americans smile more than they do.

2. a) Employees at the Aeroflot always smile.

b) Employees at the Aeroflot don’t smile.

3. a) Many Russians consider the American smile insincere.

b) Many Russians consider the American smile sincere.

4. a) American waiters don’t smile.

b) American waiters smile because they try to be friendly.

5. a) The waiter’s lack of smile in Russian restaurants make American tourists unwelcome.

b) The waiter’s lack of smile in Russian restaurants doesn’t make American tourists unwelcome.

6. a) Americans think Russians are often friendly.

b) Americans think Russians are often rude.

2. Listen to the text again. Read the following paragraph and find six mistakes. Write the correct variant and check your answers with your group mates.

Many Russians are considering the American smile insincere. “I don’t think that the American wants something when he smiles much,” one Russian child said. Larissa, an English teacher from Novosibirsk told me the story of man - a fellow Russian - who asked money from her on the street. She was in a good mood, smiling as she gave the directions, and the man said, “Are you telling the truth? Why are you making fun of me?” and he went away.

3. Read the following abstract and choose one variant in italics.

Imagine the reaction of a Russian/American tourist who visits a restaurant/cafe in San Francisco when the waiter approaches with a big smile, and says, “Hi! How are you all doing? My name is Gervais/Ted, and I’ll be your waiter/instructor tonight. Can I tell you about our menu/specials?” Even Americans think this is a bit friendly/phony. But they forgive/understand the waiter, because he’s trying to be friendly/polite.

4. Answer the questions, beginning with ‘Why’. You can add your own positions.


- don’t employees at the Aeroflot smile?

- do many Russians consider the American smile insincere?

- do even Americans think smiling is a bit a bit phony?

- do Americans forgive waiters’ smiling?

- do Americans think Russians are often grump?

5. Retell the story with your own attitude and conclusion.

Pre-Text Activities