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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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Role play

  1. You are the journalists of popular fashion magazines. You should comment whether you judge people by their appearance or not; whether people should be free to wear whatever they like or not. You should also explain whether the fashion industry has a good or a bad influence on people, in general. Be prepared to ask as many questions about fashion.

  2. Work in pairs. Study phrases with the word “Appearance” and make up short dialogues using some of these phrases: front ( sl. ) = a respectable appearance; to have a noble (charming, repulsive etc.) appearance; youthful appearance; emaciated appearance (истощенный, изнуренный вид); unkempt appearance (неряшливый, неопрятный вид); to be wonderfully improved in one’s appearance; appearances are all against you; to make one’s appearance in society; to put in (to make) an appearance ((появиться где-либо, заглянуть куда-либо ненадолго); to keep up (to preserve, to save) appearances (соблюдать приличия; делать вид, что ничего не произошло); to judge by appearances; to appear as helpless as a child; to have the appearance of being half-blooded (происходящий от родителей, принадлежащих к разным расам); strange as it may appear (как ни странно это может показаться ); it appears from this that…(из этого следует / ясно, что…).

3. Think of situations when you may want to make a good impression (at a job interview, when visiting relatives, etc.). Make a list of clothes you would wear and any additional objects (jewelry, possessions, etc.) you would want to show for each situation. Exchange your ideas in the groups discussing any differences of opinions you may have.

4. Perform these jokes in English and in Russian. Do you agree that they are insults? Why? Do you think that we can meet such situations in our everyday life? Think of real situations from your life.

1. A: Have I shown you my holiday photos?

B: No, and I appreciate it.

2. Mary: You’d be a good dancer but for two things.

Tom: What are they?

Mary: Your feet.

3. Albert: You’ve got a face like a million dollars.

Cynthia: Why, thank you.

Albert: Yes, all green and wrinkled.

4. ‘Is that your real face, or are you still wearing a gas mask?’

5. ‘What was the funniest thing you’ve seen?’

‘The first time you walked into a room’.

Listening comprehension

1. A Tale of Two Smiles

Pre-Text Activities

1. One of the most famous smiles is the Mona Lisa Smile. But what kind of smile is it? Finish the following sentences in different ways….

She’s smiling as if…

She’s smiling as though…

2. In what ways are Russians and Americans different? Think of clothes, behavior, attitude, and physical appearance. In a group of three, make a list like the one below. A few examples have been given to get you started. Be specific. You have 10 minutes to generate a list. The entire group will compare and discuss their lists.



Shine shoes

Women: more make-up

Men: carry handbag

Smile more. Phony/insincere?

Wear backpacks / rucksacks