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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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Critical thinking

  1. Match the words and phrases (1-7) to the gaps a-g. Say what you agree or disagree with. What is your idea of happiness?

1) happiest 2) not as busy 3) much happier 4) the least satisfying 5) most hated 6) more slowly

7) much more comfortable

Time, Money, and Happiness

What makes us feel good? A recent study by Richard Layard of the London School of Economics compares the amount of time people use for different day tasks, and the ‘happiness’ that each of these tasks gives them. The activities that make us feel a) happiest include socializing, relaxing, sex, doing sport and playing. We only spend around 23% of our time doing these things. The b) _____ activities include travelling to work, working, returning home from work., looking after children and doing the housework. We spend 42% of our time doing these things. In other words, we spend most of our time on c) _____ things. Although society encourages us to work hard and to earn as much as we can, being rich doesn’t seem to make most people d)_____.

People complain about the stress of modern life, but we actually work less and have more holidays than in the past. In practical terms, life is e) ______ for us than for our grandparents, but perhaps they lived f) _____. They had less to do and were g) _____ in their spare time.

  1. Many things happen in the world that we cannot explain. Many people say they have seen or heard ghosts. Do you think they exist?

  2. Have you read or heard about the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle? Can you find any reasonable explanations to it?

  3. Are UFOs spaceships from another planet?

  4. What do you think about the phenomenon of clairvoyance? Can some people really see objects hidden behind a wall, or see objects that are miles away?

  5. Do you believe that astrology is a real science? Can the stars and planets influence personality and behavior?

  6. Do you believe in reincarnation? When people die, can they return to earth as someone or something else?

Role play

  1. Work in pairs (one student from Group A and one student from Group B). You will be discussing phobias.

Group A: Choose a phobia from the list.

  • Fear of crossing bridges.

  • Fear of speaking in public.

  • Feat of electricity.

  • Fear of vegetables.

Group B: Choose a phobia from the list.

  • Fear of phones.

  • Fear of flying.

  • Fear of the number 13.

  • Fear of stairs

Some phrases that can help you in the discussion:

Suffers of this phobia have to ____ , otherwise _____. They need to _____ so that ______. They always _____ in case _____.

Some useful language:

You poor thing! That must be really difficult for you. That can’t be easy. How do you manage that? What a pain!

Interview your partner about their phobias using the questions:

What phobia do you suffer from? How long have you suffered from it? How did it start? How does it affect your day-to-day life?

  1. Make up a dialogue with your partner discussing some friends. Define if they are optimists or pessimists. Prove your point with some examples and situations.