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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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  1. Find in the text the equivalents to the following Russian expressions:

Физические нагрузки; ежедневная программа; небольшие физические нагрузки; продлевать жизнь; восприимчивый к болезням; решающий, критический; программа контроля за весом; постоянные упражнения; сжигать калории; более удобный в пользовании; лежебока; продолжительность жизни; дельтапланеризм; утонуть; «тарзанка»; травма, связанная со сопртом; удушение; боевые искусства; очень напряженный; ослаблять иммунную систему.

  1. Are these statements true or false according to the text?

1.The positive influence of sport on a human being has been thoroughly studied. 2) To maintain fitness intensive exercise is absolutely necessary. 3) Those people who do sports are healthier. 4) Sporty people do not put on extra weight. 5) Most people don’t take up sports because they don’t know the positive benefits of exercise. 6) Running is more effective than walking for increasing weight. 7) Walking is a cheap way to stay fit and healthy. 8) Being a couch potato is good for your health. 9) People get a lot of sport related injuries. 10) Coach potatoes fall ill more often than sportsmen.

  1. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1.All sportsmen are rich. 2. People who go in for sports live longer and are healthier. 3. Famous sportsmen become millionaires and can live on this money all their life. 4. Sport helps children study better. 5. Sport is an honest business.

5. Express your opinion on the folloling points.

1.What are the motives for taking up extreme kinds of sports? 2. What features of character does an athlete need? 3. Who sponsors sporting events? 4. What is the role of a coach? 5. Are you satisfied with the development of children’s sports in our country? What would you change if you had a power? 6. What must you sacrifice if you are in big sport?

6.Complete the gaps with the words and phrases given below. There may be more than one answer.

most, lots, lot of, few, some, some, many, many, all

The Cost of Smoking

Everybody knows smoking is bad for your health. There are health warnings on packets of cigarettes in _____ countries of the world. However, if you don’t smoke it can also save you ____ of money. It’s difficult to calculate what the costs really are because ____ smokers admit how much they smoke, but we can guess.

There are ____ people who smoke two packets of cigarettes a day. Not _____ packets of cigarettes cost less than 2.50 Euro, so the cost of smoking two packets a day for one year is at least 1,825 Euro. Then the health costs of smoking are 660 Euro for each smoker. Now we have a total of 2,485 Euro per smoker.

Smoking also costs employers a ______ money. According to _____ estimates an employee who smokes costs a company an extra 1,000 Euro a year. Apart from smokers taking more sick leave, _____ the walls and furniture in the office are affected by tobacco smoke and need to be cleaned. If we add 1,000 Euro to the previous total we reach the figure of 3,485 Euro a year, or 290 Euro a month. If the smoker continues smoking for fifty years, the final total would be 174,250 Euro, the price of a medium-sized flat in _____ European cities!