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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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  1. Read the following true story. Then work with a partner and list all the coincidences you can find.

James Springer of Dayton, Ohio, and James Lewis of Lima, Ohio, are identical twins who met for the first time at the age of 39. They were each adopted by different couples who named them both James. Each was told that his brother had died at birth. Springer has been married twice. His first wife’s name was Linda, and his second wife’s name is Betty. Lewis has been married three times. His first wife was named Linda and his second wife was named Betty. One named his son James Allan, the other James Alan. Springer has a dog named Toy, and Lewis had a dog named Toy when he was a child. Each has the same hobbies, goes to the same vacation resort in Florida, drinks the same brand of beer, smokes the same kind of cigarettes, liked the same subject –maths –in high school, and has had law-enforcement training. They are the same height and weight, and both have high blood pressure.

  • Do you believe in coincidences?

  • Can you remember any coincidences that happened in your life? In books or films?

  • Go around the class and talk to as many people as you can. Find out if anyone was born on the same day with you, likes the same sports, subjects at school, books, has the same astrological sign, has the same number of sisters or brothers, has the same habits as you.

Text B

  1. Before reading the text discuss some points.

  1. What are the most common phobias?

  2. What is the difference between a fear, anxiety and a phobia?

  3. Can a phobia be treated? How?

  1. Read the text and translate it. Fears, Anxiety and Phobias

All people are afraid of something. Children may be afraid of darkness or a thunderstorm. Teenagers may be afraid of exams or of being neglected by their peers. Fear is a normal reaction of a person to a real danger or threat.

Anxiety is typically characterized by nervousness, inability to relax, and concern about losing control. Physical signs and symptoms of anxiety may include trembling, sweating, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, increased blood pressure, and feelings of faintness and light-headedness.

The word “phobia” derives from the Greek root “phobos”, which means “fear”.

Simple phobia is the most common of all anxiety disorders. It refers to a persistent excessive or irrational fear of a particular object or a situation. This fear leads to an avoidance behavior which interferes with the person’s normal life.

Almost any object or situation may lead to a phobic reaction. Several phobias, however, are especially common. The most common include zoophobia (a fear of animals), claustrophobia (a fear of enclosed spaces), acrophobia (a fear of heights), arachnophobia (a fear of spiders). Other relatively common phobias include fear of storms, blood, snakes, dental procedures, driving, and air travel.

Phobias can develop in early childhood. A kid with a social phobia might feel scared of talking to a teacher or a coach or might be afraid of walking in front of the class when he or she needs to go to the restroom.

A social phobia can make it nearly impossible for a kid to stand up and make a report or even enjoy a birthday party. Sometimes people think that a kid with a social phobia is just shy, but it isn’t the same thing. A kid with a social phobia can’t control his or her fear of being with others.

Agoraphobia is another kind of phobia. This causes a person to worry about having a panic attack in a place where leaving would be hard or embarrassing. The fear of the panic is so strong that they often avoid places (like crowds, highways, or a busy store) where they might have a panic attack.

Claustrophobia is a fear of being in an enclosed space, like an elevator, a tunnel, or an airplane.

There are almost as many phobias as there are things and situations: arachnophobia is a fear of spiders, whereas ablutophobia is a fear of washing yourself or taking a bath or a shower.

Why do kids have phobias? No one really knows exactly why certain kids get phobias. Some scientists think that a person’s genes may have something to do with it, that a kid who has a social phobia may have a parent with one, too. Sometimes a traumatic thing in the kid’s life – like the death of a parent, dealing with parents’ divorce, or a big move – can cause a phobia to start.

Scientists do know some things about phobias, though. They know that about five out of 100 people in the USA have one or more phobias. Women are more likely to have phobias than men. Most social phobias start when a person is a teenager, although this and other kinds of phobias can also start when a kid is younger.

How are phobias treated? Kids who have phobias often start by seeing their doctors. In many cases, the doctor will suggest that the kid should visit a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist. If one of these specialists diagnoses a kid with a phobia, he or she can help. Some kids will take medication that help them better handle their phobias. Sometimes a kid can learn new ways of dealing with the phobia. This would include relaxation exercises that help the kid feel more in control. Part of handling the phobia may be just facing it. For example, if a child is afraid of riding on an elevator, he/she may start slowly by just watching other people get on the elevator or just stepping inside with the doors open.

Depending on the kid and how severe the phobia is, treatment can take weeks, months, or longer. The important thing to remember is that phobias can be treated, and kids can learn to deal with them and feel more in control of their lives.