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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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  1. Read the text. Choose a title to it.

  1. Depression.

  2. The devil inside you.

  3. November moods.

  4. How to beat stress.

I started to lose interest in everything I liked. As late November covered the city in rain, it became harder to get out of bed. Feeling down became a serious problem. Many people feel like they have no energy and can’t concentrate on things they could easily concentrate on before. Other people feel irritable for no specific reason.

The symptoms vary from person to person. It all depends on your character and on the circumstances. But if you feel “down” for more than a month that means you may well be clinically depressed.

You probably never thought (as well as me) that depression is an illness. Many people think it is just a synonym to “bad mood”. It is not! The reason it is so popular nowadays is that due to computer technologies we use manual labour less, so we are not tired enough to devote our bodies to simple rest. The energy becomes stale – it poisons our minds. Depression is becoming a great illness of the 21st century.

The symptoms that help the doctor to identify depression include:

  • constant feeling of sadness, irritability or tension;

  • decreased interest or pleasure in usual activities and hobbies;

  • loss of energy, feeling tired in spite of the lack of activity;

  • a change in appetite, with significant weight loss or weight gain;

  • a change in sleeping patters, such as insomnia, early awakening or sleeping too much;

  • restlessness or feeling slowed down;

  • decreased ability to make decisions or concentrate;

  • feeling of worthlessness, hopelessness or guilt;

  • thoughts of suicide or death.

Psychotherapy or “talk therapy” is said to be one of the most effective ways to treat depression. Talking to an expert about your problems or feelings can help you feel better. Just expressing what you are feeling can bring some relief.

There is the second way to kill your depression. People who are predisposed to depressions are also as a rule predisposed to creative work. You have to explore your talents even if they are hidden very deeply. And it works, believe me. When you are full of one subject, there is no space for another. After I drew flowers on the white wall of my room, things changed. There was feeling my soul came back into my body.

Remember, if it doesn’t work, you will have to return to the point about the doctor. Depression is not to be neglected. By the way, one of my friends made a complete recovery from depression by falling in love.

  1. Answer the questions.

1.What months are especially dangerous as far as the depression is concerned? 2. Does depression depend on the weather? 3. How do people feel if they have depression? 4. What are the main symptoms of depression? 5. What two methods of treating depression are mentioned in the text? 6. How can “talk therapy” help? 7. What is the second method? 7. Do you agree with the author’s idea that creative people are usually predisposed to depression?