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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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  1. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the words in italics.

  1. There is nothing to be afraid of. 2. I was afraid to hurt his feelings. 3. Don’t be afraid to ask for my help. 4. They stood there in fear and were trembling. 5. He was overcome with fear. 6. He obeyed from fear. 7. He was unable to speak for fear. 8. What a fearful accident! 9. She feared to speak in his presence. 10. He did not fear to die. 11. We feared for his safety. 12. You gave me a fright! 13. The barking of the dog frightened the burglars away. 14. I’m frightfully sorry! 15. The children were scared to death by the thunder. 16. The sound of footsteps scared him out of his wits. 17. He is anxious about her safety. 18. We waited with anxiety for the news of her arrival. 19. Tom’s foolish behavior caused his parents great anxiety.

  1. Match the beginning of the sentence with the ending.


To wish someone good luck

you cross your fingers

It is unlucky

if you crack or break a mirror

If you spilt salt

you should throw some over your left shoulder

If you smile when you see a new moon

you will be lucky that month

Tuesday the 13th

is a very unlucky day

If you walk under a ladder

it’s bad luck

You can’t visit a newborn baby

until 22 days after the birth

If you bite your lip when you eat

someone it thinking of you

If you dream of a snake that bites you

someone will ask to marry you

If it rains on Friday

it will rain for the whole week

  1. Read the dialogue about superstitions and play it with your partners in class. Say what you think about the superstitions they discuss. Make a dialogue of your own about things you believe in.

Interviewer Do you have any superstitions to do with numbers?

Marianella Yes. We have Tuesday the 13th. It’s not Friday the 13th, it’s Tuesday/ That’s the only one, but now people don’t pay much attention to it.

Interviewer What about animals?

Marianella The black cat.

Interviewer Is that good luck or bad luck?

Marianella It’s unlucky.

Interviewer Colors?

Marianella I think they say that you cannot wear pink. For example, some people say that you shouldn’t wear pink, but in general, we don’t have that. And they say that you shouldn’t get married on Tuesday the 13th.

Interviewer How about any other special occasions?

Marianella Well, another superstition is that you can’t say the word ‘snake’ – that’s ‘vibora’ in Spanish. – on TV. It’s bad luck on TV, so they avoid that word.

Interviewer Interesting. What about things like walking under ladders?

Marianella Yes, walking under ladders is bad luck, and if you see a black cat you have to try to avoid it, and a rabbit’s foot is a lucky charm.

Interviewer Is there anything you can say or do, if you’ve made a mistake, to avoid bad luck?

Marianella If you spill some salt, you have to throw it over your shoulder.

Interviewer OK. Do you have any lucky charms or special rituals?

Marianella Not really. Well, when I was in school, when I had to take an exam, I used to wear the same pair of earrings, but that was my invention. I think I was lucky I didn’t fail any one, so I wore them to all my school tests. But many people pray before the exam, or they take in images of saints, and they out the saint’s image in their pencil case or in their books.

Interviewer And this would be which saint, their name saint?

Marianella No, I think that there is a saint for success in exams or in your studies. I don’t remember his name, it’s a man. There’s a specific one.