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II. Men and Women in the Workplace

Pre-Text Activities

    1. Read and remember the following words. Make up sentences with them.

Commit a crime, verify, fraud, guidelines, financial statements, stealing.

    1. Complete the following sentences using the following phrases:

Guidelines, committing yourself, financial, verification, commit a crime, travel guide, stealing.

  1. We need … of your new address.

  2. The study aims to find out what makes people …

  3. The Department of Education had issued new national … for science teachers.

  4. Take a little time to think before …

  5. It’s worthy buying a good … .

  6. She is an independent … adviser.

  7. Jonny was accused for … from the shop.

3. Before listening to the story “Men and Women in the Workplace”, try to answer the following questions.

  1. Do you think that men are less ethical than women?

  2. Do you agree that women are more honest and carrying by nature than men?

  3. Are women as corruptive as men?

Post-Text Activities

4. Listen to the story and answer the questions from ex. 3.

5. Listen to the story again and decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

1) Some say that women are less likely to commit corporate crimes than men.

2) Companies that are led by men set high ethical standards.

3) Men commit more crimes in the workplace than women.

4) More women have started to commit corporate crimes.

6. Retell the story and draw your own conclusions.

7. Make a research finding information on the role of men and women in modern Russian society. Exchange information with your partners.


1. Write about a time when you misinterpreted as negative a remark made to you by a friend. Why did you consider the remark to be an insult? How did the remark make you feel? Did it produce aggressive feelings? How did you respond to the remark? Looking back on the incident, would you respond to it in a different way today?

2. Write about a situation in which you acted altruistically. How did the situation come about? How did your behavior in the situation make you feel about yourselves? How is altruism rewarded in our society?

3. Describe two situations, one in which bystanders are likely to help a person in trouble and one in which bystanders are less likely to help. Explain these situations.

4. Read more about the sociobiological explanation (or human aggression or altruism). What types of evidence and arguments are used to back the claims that the behavior helps individuals survive, reproduce, and contribute their genes to the next generation? What evidence and arguments is have been presented to refute the claims? Summarize both the pros and the cons in a short written report, ending with a statement of your own position on the subject.

5. Let’s say you have a pen pal from overseas (he or she can be from whatever country you like). Your pen pal has read about something called “the wide Russian soul.” He or she wants to know what it is, and if it’s only Russians who have this certain kind of soul. Also, did Russians always have this Russian soul, or if not, when did it start? Write a letter to your friend that answers his questions to the best of your abilities. There’s no harm in researching the subject if you want to.

6. Over the next week, take a survey of several television programs that are aimed at young children. As you watch each program, make note of all verbal and physical aggressive behaviors that occur. Calculate how many times aggression occurs per hour of viewing time. What effect do you think this amount of television violence has on viewers? Summarize your observations and analysis in a brief written report.