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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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Listening comprehension Stranger Than Fiction

  1. Translate the words:

faucet, news conference, overturns, scary, splattered, believe, opposite, teenage, turn on, coincidence

  1. Answer some questions.

  • Has is ever happened to you:

• You decided to call a friend and just then your friend called you.

• You needed some money and you found some.

• You were in a coffee shop thinking about a friend and the friend walked in.

• You received a letter from someone you had been thinking about.

• Did your friend call you because your friend knew you were thinking about her?

• Was it luck?

3. What do you think the story would be about judging by the title “Stranger than fiction”?

Use their imaginations and give reasons for your answers.

4. Listen to the story. Then check (V') the best summary.

1. It's about a girl who causes things to disappear in her home.

2. It's about a girl who causes things to to fly around in her home.

3. It's about a girl who flies around in her home.

5. Read the sentences below. Listen to the story, then check (V') True or False.

True False

  1. The Resch family lives in Columbus, Ohio.

  2. Strange things have been happening in their home for about a year.

  3. Tina Resch is a teenager.

4. Strange things happen only when Tina is in the living room.

5. A reporter who was visiting the house saw a chair overturn.

6. The reporter didn't know why the chair overturned.

7. Tina is very frightened by what is happening.

8. Tina wants the strange thing to continue.

  1. Choose the correct answer.

  1. According to the story, lights and faucets have turned themselves off/on/

  2. Eggs have splattered on the kitchen walls/ceiling.

  3. The telephones have risen/fallen from the tables.

  4. The news conference was on Thursday morning/ afternoon.

  5. Tina was/wasn’t near the chair when it overturned during the conference.

  6. Tina’s parents have taken her to several/seven specialists.

  7. Tina is/isn’t frightened by what is happening.

  8. Tina wants strange things to continue/to stop.

  1. Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences.

  1. If something overturns…

  2. A faucet is used …

  3. If something is splattered on the surface …

  4. A news conference is …

  5. If something is scary …

  6. A specialist is …

  1. it is frightening

  2. a meeting where news reporters ask questions

  3. an expert in something

  4. turn water on and off at a sink.

  5. it turns on its side or upside down.

  6. small amounts of it are splashed over a wide area.

  1. Make up a talk between Tina and her classmate. Writing

  1. Write an article for a scientific popular magazine about supernatural phenomena. You can write about ghosts, ESP (Extrasensory Perception), UFO (Unidentified flying objects).

  2. Write a letter to your friend about an unusual experience: you have seen a flying saucer.

  3. Write an article about a phobia for a scientific journal.


Basic textbooks

Коваленко, П.И. Английский для психологов/ П.И.Коваленко. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2005. – С.

Донченко, Е.Н. Английский для психологов и социологов/ Е.Н.Донченко. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2006. С.

Additional Literature

Бочарова, Г.В. Английский язык для психологов / Г.В.Бочарова. – М.: Флинта, 2006. С.

Forsyth, W. Skills Plus. Reading and Speaking (Advanced) / W. Forsyth. – Heinemann, London, 1996. – P.

Craven M. People Like Us, Too. Exploring cultural values and attitudes./ M.Craven. -

Macmillan, Oxford, 2007. – P.85, 112.

Jones,L, Kimbrough V. Great Ideas. Listening and speaking activities./L.Jones, V.Kimbrough. –Cambridge University Press, 1987. – P.42.

Kerr, P., Jones, C. Straightforward (Upper Intermediate) / P.Kerr, C. Jones. – Macmillan,

Oxford, 2007. – P. 36-37, 112.

Rathus, S.F. Psychology. Principles in Practice/ S.A.Rathus. – Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1998. – P.