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  1. Read and translate the text. Diet and Health

How important is an individual’s diet to his or her health? Researchers often look at Asian countries, where rates for cancer and heart diseases are notably lower than in Western countries. Research indicates that death from cancer and heart disease is relatively high in Western countries and the United States, where people eat foods with a high fat content.

The most extensive nutritional research was undertaken by the scientists from the USA, Britain and China. They collected information about the eating habits and health records of thousands of people in 65 Chinese provinces. The researchers found out that the Chinese consume far greater amounts of rice and other grains, vegetables, and legumes (beans and peas) than Americans do. They also found that Asian diets are much lower in protein than an average American diet. On average, Asians eat far less meat and diary products than Americans do. The Chinese plant-based diets are much more healthful because they consist of significantly less fat and animal protein.

The conclusion is that good-quality plant foods prevent a wide range of degenerative diseases. The closer one approaches a total plant-food diet, the greater the health benefits.

The two most recent tendencies of today are to become superslim and to be a vegetarian. Psychologists are sure that young girls, who wish to look like fashion models, might have some eating disorder, like anorexia. When women and girls look at supermodels who are beanpoles (very thin), they may imagine themselves fatter than they really are. They keep to all kinds of diets that are bad for their health. Fortunately, many young people are not victims of image-makers. Here’s what some of the students say:

“If you’re constantly dieting, you can’t enjoy life.” “I find nothing attractive about six-foot models (1 meter 83) who are two stone (about 13 kilos) underweight; they just look ill.”

Now, is being a vegetarian good or bad? The parents’ biggest fear is that the children don’t get enough protein. But doctors think that protein is not a problem. It is plentiful in the whole grains vegetarians are so fond of. Iron and zinc are a more serious consideration, however, since they are most concentrated in animal flesh.

Most adolescent veggies have the same problem as their carnivorous peers: they like junk food. They eat a lot of greasy cheese pizza and peanut-butter sandwiches (both high in fat as well as protein).

Giving up meat can sometimes be a warning sign of something more serious, like an eating disorder. Experts say many young women who suffer from anorexia start out as vegetarians.

  1. Complete these sentences with too much, too many, enough or more.

1. British schoolchildren eat ____ sugar and animal fat. 2. They also consume ____ additives and colourants. 3. Eating ____ fat can make you overweight. 4. Children who eat ____ sweets don’t get ____ fibre. 5. ____ schools should sell fruit in their shops. 6. Schools should spend ____ time on food education. 7. ____ children eat crisps and biscuits for their evening meal. 8. Some parents should take _____ trouble over their children’s food.