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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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2. Match Russian and English equivalents.

1. представитель

a. flexible

2. жестокость

b. representative

3. трамплин

c. principal

4. полицейский

d. spiritual

5. директор

e. cop

6. духовный

f. diligent

7. прилежный

g. rigidity

8. серьёзный

h. contribution

9. вклад

i. springboard

10. гибкий

j. no-nonsense

3. Make adjectives by combining a word from column a with a word from column b. Then complete the sentences below.



















    1. Don’t believe a word that that … little rat tells you: he couldn’t care less about anyone else.

    2. He’s so … : he just thinks he’s the best at everything.

    3. I’m getting so … : I keep losing things everywhere I go.

    4. I’ve never known anyone so … : not once in twelve years has he ever bought anyone a drink.

    5. She was so … that she thought the world stopped at the end of her street.

    6. Some of the children are a bit … so don’t leave anything valuable lying around.

    7. They were too … for us to be able catch them out.

    8. We really need somebody who will be totally … and not get upset by all the pressure.

4. Complete the sentences using one of the words below: aptitude, faculty, gift, talent, genius

  1. She had a lot of friends and they all believed in her _____ .

  2. Some people have _____ of making themselves agreeable.

  3. _____ or ability tests are part of the admission procedure in many colleges and most professional and graduate schools.

  4. He had _____ for languages and he spoke all the local dialects.

  5. Dr. N. Geschwind pointed out that what we consider _____ and disabilities depends greatly on the needs for particular abilities at particular times.

5. Read the text without a dictionary and explain the difference between character and temperament. Character Versus Temperament

CHARACTER is a term employed to define the moral excellence and firmness of a person. The term is sometimes equated incorrectly with the term personality itself. Most agree that it refers to the moral or ethical aspect of personality especially considered from the standpoint of specific moral and ethical standards. It is sometimes equated with the idea of integrity and addresses itself to the relative “goodness” or “badness” of a person within his cultural good. People are often described as being of “good character”, or “bad character”, or exhibiting “no character at all”, the latter describing some form of perceived moral or ethical depravity or immorality.

The concept TEMPERAMENT refers to the general emotional nature of a person as determined principally by his inheritance, and to a much lesser extent, his life history. Temperament refers to the characteristic phenomena of an individual’s emotional nature, including his susceptibility to emotional stimulation, his customary strength and speed of response, the quality of his prevailing mood and all peculiarities of fluctuation and intensity of mood. These phenomena are regarded as dependent upon constitutional make-up and are, therefore, largely hereditary in origin.