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Men Who Have Longer Ring Fingers Run Faster

1. Match the words and their translation.

1. index finger, forefinger

a. пропорция; соотношение

2. ring finger

b. соперник; конкурент

3. middle finger

c. утроба; чрево

4. little finger; pinkie, pinky (Am.E.)

d. средний палец

5. exposure [ɪk'spəυʒə]

e. указательный палец

6. womb [wu:m]

f. заработок

7. earnings ['ɜ:nɪŋz]

g. подвергание

8. ratio ['reɪʃɪəυ]

h. безымянный палец

9. rival ['raɪvl]

i. мизинец

2. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. У него безымянные пальцы длиннее указательных.

  2. Этот спортсмен бегает быстрее, чем его соперники.

  3. Учёные связывают длинные безымянные пальцы с агрессией у мужчин и более высоким заработком.

  4. Существует мнение, что пропорция между правой и левой рукой с хорошими достижениями в мужском беге.

  5. Длина пальцев мужчины зависит от содержания гормона тестостерона (testosterone) в утробе его матери на момент рождения.

3. In pars, discuss the following questions.

  1. Do you think that men whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers run faster?

  2. Do longer ring fingers promote a lower risk of heart disease, exam success, male aggression and higher earnings in the workplace?

Post-Text Activities

1. Listen to the text “Men Who Have Longer Ring Fingers Run Faster” from “Daily Telegraph” and answer the questions from ex.1.

2. Listen to the text again and complete the sentences.

1. Researchers think finger length reflects …

2. The scientists at the Medical Research Council’s Epidemiology Resource Unit studied …

3. The boys took part in a sports …

4. Each runner had their hands measured to see the …

5. The results, published in the American Journal of Human Biology, showed those with …

6. Dr John Manning said it’s unlikely that boys exposed to higher levels of testosterone in the womb are simply …

7. Instead, they may owe their sporting success to better ..

3. Listen to the second part of the text and insert the necessary words: feature, stage, results, runners, scientists, study, levels.

1. Men run faster due to testosterone … .

2. The … was fulfilled at Southampton University.

3. The … studied 241 boys aged 10 to 17.

4. The … were then timed over a 50 metre sprint.

5. The … were published in the American Journal of Human Biology.

6. The runners with longer ring fingers were faster at every … of the race.

7. Previous studies have shown long-distance runners have the same … .

4 a). In pairs, make up a conversation between a journalist from “Daily Telegraph” and Dr John Manning.

b). Organize a press-conference with this scientist. Ask as many questions as you can on the topic discussed.