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Clothes count for first impressions only

The Russian proverb says “Clothes count for first impressions only”. Nevertheless, it is quite important nowadays how you look. You are what you wear. Your clothes make a great impression on people. Everybody knows that we wear clothes for safety, comfort and to reflect religious, cultural and social meaning.

Surveys say that it is natural to see students or teenagers wearing jeans, T-shirts etc. But if you work in a company you should follow the dress code: to wear suits, jackets and so on. The dress code has social significance. All societies, groups have their own dress codes, most of which are unwritten but understood and accepted by most members. Various traditions suggest that certain items of clothing intrinsically suit different gender roles. In particular, the wearing of skirts and trousers has given rise to common phrases expressing implied restrictions in use and disapproval of offending behavior. So, one should be very attentive and neat in his/her dress.

Nowadays, makeup and perfume play a great role. Gaudy and flashy makeup or pungent and strong smell of your perfume have no good effect on how people treat you.

Lesson 4.3.2. Facial expression and gestures

Ex 1. Look at the pictures. Then discuss the questions below.

  • What do the people’s expressions and gestures tell you about their feelings?

  • Can any expressions or gestures have different meanings?

  • Do you ever use these gestures? When?

  • Do you usually show or hide your feelings? Why?

Ex 2. Read the title of the text. What do you think the information is about?

Body Language

Dr Kevin Lacely is a psychologist who specializes in body language – that is, the way people unconsciously reveal their thoughts and feelings simply by the way they sit, stand or move their arms. “Nowadays,” Dr Lacely says, “more and more people recognize that, in order to make a good impression, saying the right thing isn’t enough. How we say it, and the body language we use, can be just as important”. So what does he suggest we do to improve the sort of message our body language is sending? “Firstly, don’t cross your arms or legs,” he advises, “and if you are wearing a jacket, open it. And open posture makes people think that you are being honest and having nothing to hide. If you want to show that you are interested in what someone is saying, you shouldn’t lean forward and tilt your head slightly to one side. Making direct eye contact is usually a good idea, too – although in some cultures it can be a sign of disrespect.” It can also be very useful to be able to understand someone else’s body language. If, for example, you want to know whether someone is telling the truth or not, there are a number of signs to look out for. “If someone’s eyes dart around the room and they repeatedly touch their face,” Dr Lacey explains, “especially by covering their mouth with their hand, there is a good chance that the person is not being completely honest”. Remembering these simple points, he insists, can prove to be very useful in all sorts of situations.

Ex 3. Read the text again and say if these statements are True or False? Explain your answers.

1.Body language is connected with conscious display of a person’s thoughts and feelings.2.To say right words is enough to make a good impression. 3. To show the interest in somebody’s information you should lean forward. 4. Making eye contact is a sign of respect in any culture. 5. To show that you are absolutely honest you should cover your mouth with the hands. 6. It is necessary to know the language of the body to feel well in any situation.

Ex 4. Look through the text and try to explain the words in bold.

Ex 5. Look at these common gestures people use in the United States. Match the pictures with their meaning below.

____ I’m thinking ____ I’m sorry ___ It’s a secret ____ Calm down

____ Phone for you ____I’m puzzled ___ Just kidding ____ Be quiet

Ex 6 . Discuss these questions with your partner.

  • Which gestures have the same meaning in your culture?

  • Which gestures have a different meaning?

  • What gestures do you use to communicate these ideas?

  • Are there any gestures you especially like? Dislike? Why?

Ex 7. Translate from English into Russian.

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