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Дидактический материал для занятий 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3.

Lesson 9.1.1. Business Trip Preparations. Obtaining a Visa аnd Travel Health Insurance.

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Business trips are a necessary evil – or a much longed-for break from domestic life. However you view them, they require some preparation to ensure you make the most of your business encounters during your trip. This allows you to make business connections where you can and to maximize the return from any meetings you’ve got scheduled or happen into during your trip.

  1. Do you agree with the main idea of the above paragraph?

  2. Have you ever applied for any visas? Was it difficult? Why/why not?

Ex 1. Expand your vocabulary for the topic:

to apply for a visa

запросить визу, обращаться за визой

a spelling mistake

ошибка в написании

costs in re-applying

затраты на повторное обращение

obtain a Business Visit Visa.

получить Бизнес визу

to attend a meeting or conference

посетить встречу или конференцию

to support your stay

обеспечить проживание

one entry

однократный въезд

to go on а business trip

поехать в командировку

itinerary of the trip

маршрут поездки

long term/ a short term

долгосрочный/ краткосрочный

terms of delivery/shipment

условия поставки/ отгрузки

have a wealth of experience

иметь обширный опыт

detailed assessment

тщательное изучение

submission of the application

подача прошения

to make business connections

завести деловые контакты

rejection of your visa application

отказ в выдаче визы

to sign contracts

подписывать контракты

in your favour

в вашу пользу

to pay cash for medical services

платить наличными за медицинское обслуживание

hospital treatments

лечение в больнице

travel health insurance

медицинская страховка

to fulfill insurance requirements

выполнять условия страховки

to purchase online

покупать через Интернет


Ex 2. a) Read the text and answer the questions:

1. What can be the reasons for a rejection of your visa application?

2. What are the circumstances that would require a Business Visitor Visa application?

3. Name some of the criteria for a Business Visit Visa?

4. What can you do if your application was unsuccessful?

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