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Ex 4. Give some advises to your friend how to Preventing office injuries.

Ex 5. Now read the passage below. Put the words below to the text: avoidable, roads, avoided, occur, workplace, accident, types, machinery

Health and Safety

Many accidents are….. . Our health & safety section shows you how.

A large percentage of the accidents which regularly …… at work and in public places in the UK can be …… by carrying out the appropriate risk assessments and health and safety checks. If you have been injured in an ……. that was not your fault and you believe health and safety regulations have been breached, you may be eligible to claim no win no fee compensation. The National Accident Helpline can help you claim, regardless of whether you were injured at work, whilst on holiday, on the ….. or in a public place.

Health and Safety at Work

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the most important piece of legislation relating to occupational health and safety in the UK. It clearly sets out the requirements that employers must follow to try to ensure the welfare of employees. Of course, it may not be possible to avoid every accident, but the Health and Safety Act states that employers must ensure employee welfare “as far as is reasonably practicable”.

Since the introduction of the Health and Safety Act in 1974, employers have been legally required to run regular health and safety checks and risk assessments to make sure the …… is as safe as possible. In addition to these checks, appropriate training is an important part of making sure people aren’t injured in accidents that could have been avoided.

Health and Safety Claims and Industrial jobs

Attention to health and safety at work is absolutely vital if your job involves using dangerous….., and there are certain extra precautions that your employer should take. You should always be fully trained on the machinery you use and must be provided with any protective clothing or equipment necessary. This may include earplugs to prevent noise induced hearing loss, gloves, goggles, a hard hat or safety boots.

Health and safety in public places

According to the Health and Safety Executive, the most common …. of accident are slips, trips and falls, many of which happen in public places. The causes of slips, trips and falls vary from slippery floors which have not had a warning cone put in place, to sudden changes in floor level or poor lighting conditions which make it harder to see potential obstacles.


Ex 6. Write a letter to your employer with the advices how to make your workplace trouble-free.

Lesson 6.3.3. first aid procedures

Lead in

1. What do you know about first aid procedures ?

2. What happens to you mentally and physically when you are injured?

3. Is it necessary to know first aid procedures?


Ex 1. Study the information about first aid procedures

First Aid procedures: burns and scalds

What are they?

Burns are caused by dry heat and scalds are caused by wet heat.

Both burns and scalds damage the body by removing the layer of skin that protects the body from infection.


  • Extreme pain

  • Swelling around site of burn

  • Redness and blistering

First aid aims

  • Halt the burning

  • Alleviate pain

  • Minimise risk of infection


  • Put the burn under cold running water for at least 10 minutes

  • Cover wound with cling film placed lengthways over the area – avoid wrapping it tightly round the limb

  • Remove any jewellery near burn site

  • Treat for shock

Further action

Call 999 if necessary

First Aid procedures: cuts and grazes

Most cuts and grazes can be treated by a first aider.

Most cuts and grazes can be easily treated.

Cleaning the wound

  • Wash wound gently with water and mild soap

  • Remove any debris and dirt

  • Press clean pad on wound to halt bleeding

  • Cover with sterile adhesive bandage

  • Inspect regularly and remove bandage when a scab has formed

When to seek medical advice

See a doctor if:

  • You're unable to clean all the dirt from the wound

  • The cut is more than 1cm long, or is deep

Further action

Get help if:

  • Bleeding persists

  • Casualty shows symptoms of shock

First Aid procedures: children with broken bones

Broken bones always need professional attention, but there's action you can take immediately to help the casualty.

Because children tend to put their arms out as they fall, arms, elbows and wrists are where breaks tend to occur.


  • Intense pain

  • Inability to use the limb

  • Bruising or deformity at site of the break

Actions - broken arm

  • Sit child down

  • Ask them to support injured arm with other hand

  • Put a pad between arm and chest

  • Put injured arm in a sling

  • Place a broad-fold bandage over sling and around arm and chest

  • Take child to hospital

Actions - broken leg

  • Lay child down and support leg at ankle and knee joints - by hand if an ambulance is expected soon, or on a chair if not

  • Steady injured leg with padding

  • Put rolled-up blankets outside injured limb and between legs

  • Keep child warm

  • Call 999

First Aid procedures: eye injury

What is it?

Foreign bodies (such as eyelashes) in the white of the eye can cause discomfort until they're removed.

Eye injuries are caused by objects embedded in the eye (such as grit or pieces of debris from an explosion). Only a health professional should attempt to remove anything embedded or resting on the coloured part of the eye.


  • Redness and watering of eye

  • Eyelids closing

  • Blurred vision

  • Pain

First aid aims

  • Prevent any further injury to the eye


  • Sit casualty in a good light

  • Advise casualty not to rub or touch the eye

  • Separate eyelids carefully and examine the eye

  • If there's a free-floating object clearly visible in the white of the eye, try to remove it

  • Use clean water to wash it out or the corner of a clean handkerchief

Further action

If it's not possible to remove the object, arrange for the casualty to attend hospital.

Ex 2. Match the bodily injuries with their causes.

burns and scalds

caused by any sharp object

eye injury

caused by downfall or a car accident

cuts and grazes

caused by dry heat and wet heat

broken bones

caused by objects embedded in the eye

Ex 3. Explain what a person feels when he has a) burns and scalds b) cuts and grazes c) broken bones d) eye injury.

Ex 4. Your friend is injured. What are your actions if he has a) burns and scalds b) cuts and grazes c) broken bones d) eye injury.


Ex 5. Your friend is going. White him some tips about first aid procedures.

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