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4.Выполнить упражнения № 7,14-20

5.Прослушать текст и выполнить задания (упр. № 8)

6. Научиться: Понимать основное содержание текста и запрашиваемой информации. Воспринимать на слух лексику по теме. Детально понимать простые диалоги «О видах спорта». Дать совет другу при выборе вида спорта. Спросить совета при выборе вида спорта. Письменно ответить на вопросы по прослушанному тексту.

7. Научиться: переводить на родной язык диалогические тексты по теме.

Самостоятельная работа

Подготовить дискуссию «Все ли виды спорта полезны для здоровья?»

Дидактический материал к занятиям 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3

Lesson 2.2.1. Planning ahead


Ex 1. Complete the predictions, using the verbs in the list. Take, buy, paint, feed, win, sell.

1.He is going to win the race. 2. She … the house. 3. She … a necklace. 4. He … the door. 5. They … the ducks. 6. She … some picture.


Ex 2. Read the conversation and fill in the missing words.

P: Would you like to go out this evening?

A: Yes, why not? What do you have in mind?

P: 1) … going to a concert? The Ragford Symphony Orchestra’s playing at the Sindican Centre tonight at 7.30.

A: Oh, no! I’m not in the mood for that kind of thing. 2) … going to the theatre?

P: 3) … Oh, maybe not. There’s a pantomime on, but it starts at 6.30, and it’s 6.15 now.

A: Oh, I see. Well, 4) … go to the cinema? Rob Roy is on at the Odeon.

P: That sounds nice. 5) … have a quick snack before we buy our tickets.

A: That’s a lovely idea. 6) … go to Pierre’s.

Vocabulary practice

Ex 3. Choose the odd word out.

1. Funfair: ride, big wheel, autograph. 2. Cinema: screen, snack bar, fireworks.

3. Disco: dance floor, cable car, video wall. 4. Restaurant: stage, fizzy drinks, menu.

Ex 4. Underline the correct word then decide which type of entertainment each sentence refers to, as in the example.

1. “I was amazed/amazing when I walked into the place. The sounds, themes and colours in the games were beyond my expectations.” (amusement arcade)

2. “The most amused/amusing part of the show was the clowns. They were very funny.” 3. “The big wheel was really excited/exciting. I could see the whole city when we were up at the top.” 4. “I had been told that the conductor was the best in the world, but I had a terribly boring/bored evening”. 5. “Richard Richardson’s epic was very entertained/entertaining; the script and the soundtrack were excellent.” 6. “The play got such good reviews in the newspapers that Mabel was convinced/convincing she would enjoy it.” 7. “It was so disappointed/disappointing; the costumes were awful and the ballerinas were the worst I’ve ever seen!” 8. “I found the section on Roman art by far the most interested/interesting part of the exhibition.” 9. “I was shocked/shocking! Why do they keep lions and tigers in such small cages?” 10. “It was a thrilled/thrilling performance. The singing and acting were the best I’ve seen in a long time.”


Ex 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form. Then, in pairs, use the prompts to act out similar dialogues.

  • A: What are your plans for the summer?

B: We … (go) to Jamaica.

A: Wow! When … (you/leave)?

B: On 28th July.

-Christmas-Switzerland-20th December

  • A: It’s very cloudy today.

B: Yes. It’s … (rain).


  • A: Which extra subjects are you going to study next year?

B: I’m not sure yet, but I think I … (do) music and dance.

-languages-Spanish and Russian

Ex 6. Complete the dialogue below using will or won’t.

A: Remember, it’s chilly where you’re going, so pack some warm clothes.

J: I know, Mum, I 1) ….

A: And the roads might be icy, so please don’t drive too fast.

J: Don’t worry, Mum, I 2) …

A: Don’t forget to lock everything before you leave.

J: I 3) …

A: Do you promise to call me when you get there?

J: Yes, Mum, I 4) …, I promise, but stop worrying! I’m going to have a great time!

Ex 7. Complete the short dialogues below with will, won’t, is going to or am going to.

•A: Your appointment is at nine tomorrow morning.

B: Don’t worry. I … be late.

•A: I’m hungry.

B: I … make an omelette for you.

•A: Your shirt is dirty.

B: I know. I … wash it later.

•A: Why is Steve wearing his shorts?

B: He … play football with Bill.

•A: Did you post those letters this morning?

B: Oh, I forgot! I … post them tomorrow.


Ex 8. Make dialogues about the types of entertainments you would or wouldn’t like to go to, giving reasons. Use the following expressions:

I’d like … I’d rather … I wouldn’t fancy …

I fancy … I wouldn’t like … I’d rather not …

e.g. A: I’d like to go to the circus to see the clowns and the acrobats. I’m always fascinated by the tricks.

B: Oh, no I’m sure I’d be really bored. I’d rather go to …


Ex 9. Look at the notes, then listen and tick what Robin is going to do in the summer. Finally, ask and answer questions in pairs, as in the example.

1. travel abroad 5. take driving lessons

2. work as a waiter 6. move house

3. start rafting 7. study Maths

4. buy a car 8. join a gym

  • A: Is Robin going to travel this summer?

B: No, he isn’t. He isn’t going to travel abroad.

Ex 10. Listen and repeat the sentences.

1. I’ll see you then. 4. We’ll tell them tomorrow.

2. She’ll be back soon. 5. You’ll cut your finger.

3. He’ll meet us outside the shop. 6. They’ll lose their way.

Ex 11. You are going to hear a conversation between two friends about where they are planning to go for dinner. For questions 1 to 7, decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

They’re going out on Friday night. They don’t choose the Chinese restaurant because the food is greasy and very spicy. Steve has been to the Ethiopian restaurant before. The main dish at the Ethiopian restaurant consists of various kinds of food. Bouillabaisse is made with fish and vegetables. The French bistro closed down last Monday. Steve is going to make the reservation.


Ex 12. Listen to the people’s comments and decide what types of entertainment are being described. How does each person feel? Impressed, delighted, disturbed, bored or scared? Complete the table.

Types of entertainment


A funfair






Lesson 2.2.2. Hobbies and entertainments


What forms of entertainment can you think of? What is your favorite form of entertainment? Why?


Ex 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense, then match the paragraphs to these headings.

Recommendation Name/Location/Description

Historical Facts Things to see/do there

The Little Mermaid 1) … (locate) in the Langelinie harbour of Copenhagen and is the national symbol of Denmark. It is a small statue of a mermaid sitting on a rock. Like a real mermaid, she is half human, half fish.

The statue 2) … (inspire) by a fairy tale by the famous Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen. It 3) … (order) by Carl Jacobsen, of the famous Carlsberg Brewery, after he attended a performance of The Little Mermaid by the Royal Danish Ballet Company. The statue 4) … (make) by Edvard Eriksen and 5) … (put up) at Langelinie on 23rd August, 1913. Sadly, it 6) … (damage) many times since then.

The Little Mermaid 7) … (visit) by more than a million people every year. It 8) … (can/see) quite easily from the Langelinie Harbour. Tourists can also enjoy the wonderful harbour view and buy postcards, T-shirts and other souvenirs at the harbour.

You will be amazed by this delightful statue, which 9) … (should not/miss) by any visitor to the Copenhagen area.

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