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Англійська мова, 2 курс.doc
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1.Passive Voice with Verbs which have Two Objects

Somebody gave Tom an apple.

1.Tom was given an apple. 2.An apple was given to Tom.

Тому дали яблуко.

Other verbs with two objects: give, send, tell, show, pay, promise, offer, allow, lend, refuse, ask, etc.

1.1.Give sentences with both passive constructions according to the model, translate them into Ukrainian.

M O D E L : They gave him an apple.

a)He was given an apple.

b)An apple was given (to) him.

1.They showed us the way to the station. 2.He will give me the money for my holiday. 3.Did you send him a letter? 4.They promised the boy a bicycle. 5.They can’t tell her the truth. 6.They told him the truth. 7.They gave us no explanation. 8.After graduation they offered him a good job.

1.2. Put questions to the parts in bold type.

1.He was given two days to think the matter over. 2.We were shown a new film. 3.The instructions were given to everybody. 4.The new method will be shown to the young specialist today. 5.He was told that she had finished school the year before.

1.3.Give English equivalents to these word combinations and make up true sentences with them.

M O D E L: I was shown the new edition of William Shakespeare’s sonnets.

  1. мені показали 6) вас запитали

  2. нам позичили 7) їй відмовили

  3. їм заплатили 8) їм відіслали

  4. йому сказали 9) їй дали

  5. мені запропонували 10)тобі дозволили

1.4.Translate the following sentences (give two variants where possible)

1.Відповідь нам пришлють поштою. 2.Йому дали декілька книг для доповіді. 3.По телебаченню нам показали дуже цікавий фільм. 4.Мені заплатили 50 доларів за переклад статті. 5.Коли їй відправили листа? 6.Нам пообіцяли нову квартиру. 7.Йому сказали, що вона навчається в аграрному університеті.

2.Passive Voice with Verbs which Have a Prepositional Object

to look after to be looked after

to laugh at to be laughed at

to look for to be looked for

to send for to be sent for

to speak to to be spoken to

to speak of/about to be spoken of/about

He is much spoken about. Про нього багато говорять.

She was never laughed at. З неї ніколи не сміялися.

Will he be spoken to? З ним поговорять?

2.1. Use the Passive Voice in the following sentences according to the model, translate them into Ukrainian.

M O D E L: They looked at the picture with admiration.

The picture was looked at with admiration.

1.They listened to his lectures with great interest. 2.He throws away all his old note-books at the end of the school year. 3.You must think the matter over. 4.They spoke to the Dean on the subject. 5.We must send for the doctor immediately. 6.People talk much about this film. 7.People always laughed at his jokes. 8.They argued about the incident for a long time. 9.We can’t speak of such important matters lightly. 10.She likes when people talk about her.

2.2 . Supply the missing prepositions.

1.They read all the books that are much talked . . . . 2.She always felt uncomfortable when she was looked . . .. 3.When will the old newspapers be thrown . . . ? 4.He is spoken . . . with warmth. 5.The question was not to be argued . . . .6.The tickets must be paid . . . immediately. 7.Each word he spoke was listened . . . 8.The matter was argued . . . for days.

2.3.Complete the table to practise passive structures.



1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.They will look after the children.

3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.We sent for the cab.

5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.The film is much spoken about.

2.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.The little girl was laughed at.

4.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.His speech won’t be listened to.

6.The students will be spoken to tomorrow.

2.4.Translate the following sentences.

1.Про цей фільм багато говорять. 2.Пошта була переглянута вранці. 3.Якщо їй не стане краще, необхідно послати за лікарем. 4.Про неї говорили з захопленням. 5.З ним потрібно поговорити про це. 6.Її уважно слухали. 7.Над ним часто сміються.


Topical Vocabulary