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Task 8. Practise the following for pronunciation. Decentralized /"dJ'sentrqlaIzd/ regulatory /'regjVlqtqri/

Various /'veqriqs/ trooper /'trHpq/

exclude /Ik'sklHd/ commissioner /kq'mISnq/

jurisdiction /"GVqrIs'dIkSn/ superintendent /"sHpqrIn'tendqnt/

internal /In'tE:nl/ Columbia /kq'lAmbIq/

revenue /'revqnjH/ authority /L'TPrIti/

evasion /I'veIZn/ tunnel /tAnl/

alcohol /'xlkqhPl/ conservation /"kPnsq'veISn/

tobacco /tq'bxkqV/ sheriff /'SerIf/

taxation /txk'seISn/ deputy /'depjVti/

interior /In'tIqrIq/ municipal /mjH'nIsIpl/

agriculture /'xgrI"kAlCq/ supervision /"sHpq'vIZn/

Task 9. Read and translate the text.

Law enforcement in the usa

The men who wrote the US Constitution believed in individual freedom and in cutting the power of the central government. Because of this the United States has the most decentralized police system in the world. There are 50 state systems, which are broken into county, city and township1 police forces, plus various federal Law Enforcement agencies. Because there is no federal government control to ensure uniform standards, every community is entitled to run its own police department but cannot exclude federal or state officials from investigating offences over which they have jurisdiction.

There are five major types of police agencies:

  • At national level there are a number of federal agencies whose task is to enforce federal laws. For example, the Federal Bureau of Investigation2, whose special agents investigate crimes across the US, is an agency within the Department of Justice3, as is the Drug Enforcement Administration4. The Internal Revenue Service5, enforcing tax laws and investigating tax evasions, is within the Treasury Department. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms6 is another agency of the Treasury Department. It enforces and administers laws covering the production, taxation, and distribution of alcohol and tobacco products, as well as laws relating to the use of firearms and explosives. It inspects plants, issues licenses, oversees tax collections on alcohol and tobacco, and investigates violations. The Department of the Interior7 and the Department of Agriculture8 also enforce some laws.

  • At state level, state police departments are established by each of the 50 states of the union and their officers are called state troopers. State police is headed by a commissioner or superintendent who is usually appointed by the governor of the state.

  • Each county within a state has an elected sheriff9 and the people who work in the sheriff’s office, deputies, are responsible for investigating crimes. The sheriff and his deputies have the power of police officers to enforce criminal law and may summon private citizens to help maintain the peace. The sheriff is also responsible for prisoners kept in the county jail.

  • Cities have their own police departments. They may be very large in cities like New York, but those in small towns have only a few officers. Town and city police are municipal agencies.

  • Most colleges and universities have their own small police forces. There are also village and township police forces. To this list must be added special categories, such as the police of the District of Columbia; various forces attached to authorities governing bridges, tunnels, parks and some units for policing special districts formed for fire protection, soil conservation, and other purposes.

These police forces are controlled in different ways. The federal bodies are responsible to the federal authorities, and the state forces to the governors of their states. At local levels there are variations. States are divided into counties, and every county has its sheriff with responsibilities for the investigation of crime and the supervision of the custody of prisoners. In some states there are county police forces under the control of county boards. In some places county police forces are completely independent of the sheriff’s office.


1township – тауншип (поселок городского типа), единица административного деления в некоторых штатах США (тауншипы входят в состав округов и имеют границы, установленные властями штатов)

2the Federal Bureau of InvestigationФедеральное бюро расследований. (Подразделение в Министерстве юстиции США, которое занимается расследованием нарушений федеральных законов (кроме тех, контроль за которыми возложен на другие агентства), а также ведет контрразведывательную деятельность.)

3the Department of JusticeМинистерство юстиции. (Правительственное ведомство, которое представляет американское государство во всех юридических делах и консультирует президента по вопросам правового характера. Министерство имеет 6 подразделений, каждое из которых возглавляется помощником Генерального прокурора (assistant attorney general).

4the Drug Enforcement Administrationадминистрация по контролю за соблюдением законов о наркотиках. (Основная деятельность – предотвращение контрабанды наркотиков в США и за рубежом.)

5the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)Налоговое управление США. (Федеральное ведомство, созданное с целью сбора налогов и контроля за выполнением налогового законодательства США; входит в состав Министерства финансов.)

6the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and FirearmsБюро по контролю за продажей алкогольных напитков, табачных изделий и оружия (Образовано в составе Министерства финансов; в функции Бюро входит осуществление контроля за соблюдением законов, касающихся оружия и взрывчатых веществ и регулирующих производство и продажу алкогольных напитков и табачных изделии.)

7the Department of the InteriorМинистерство внутренних дел (ведает вопросами геологии, охраны окружающей среды, национальными парками и индейскими резервациями.)

8the Department of AgricultureМинистерство сельского хозяйства (Обеспечивает государственное регулирование в сфере сельскохозяйственного производства, контролирует использование природных ресурсов страны.)

9sheriff шериф (Административно-судебное должностное лицо округа, начальник окружного полицейского управления. В число обязанностей входит поддержание правопорядка, включая борьбу с преступностью, помощь в отправлении правосудия, функции судебного пристава, административное управление тюрьмой.)

Task 10. Find the English equivalents for the following word-combinations; memorize them.

  1. обеспечить единый стандарт

  2. обладать юрисдикцией в отношении чего-либо

  3. исключать кого-либо из расследования преступления

  4. обеспечивать исполнение федеральных законов

  5. расследовать преступления по всей территории Соединенных Штатов

  6. расследовать случаи уклонения от уплаты налогов

  7. быть назначенным на какую-либо должность губернатором штата

  8. иметь полномочия сотрудника полиции

  9. надзирать за содержанием заключенных под стражей

  10. быть полностью независимым от кого-либо

Task 11. Say whether the following statements are true or false; correct the false ones.

1. American police system is the most decentralized police in the world.

2. There is no need for the community to run its own police department because all the offences are investigated by federal officials.

3. The five major types of police agencies include national agencies only.

4. State troopers are the agents of federal agencies.

5. The Department of the Interior is responsible for the work of the police.

6. In the USA states are divided into counties, and every county has its sheriff.

7. Sheriffs are appointed by the governor of the state.

8. It is the duty of the sheriff to supervise the custody of prisoners.

9. City police may vary in size.

10. All law enforcement agencies in the USA are controlled in a similar way.

Task 12.Complete the following sentences.

  1. The United States has the most decentralized police system because …

  2. Every community is entitled to …

  3. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Drug Enforcement Administration are the agencies …

  4. The Internal Revenue Service investigates …

  5. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms enforces and administers …

  6. State Police departments are established by …

  7. Sheriffs and their deputies have the power …

  8. The sheriff is also responsible for …

  9. Town and city police are …

  10. There are special categories of police, such as …

Task 13. Read the text and render it in Russian.

The existing American police structure reflects public opposition to any concentration of police power. It has been argued that the nation would suffer should all offences become federal offences and should power be transferred to Washington, D.C., and local governments be enfeebled1. Local problems require local remedies2, and the weaknesses of big government are all too apparent3. On the other hand, it is argued that the integration and consolidation of police forces could result in an improved service that would reduce costs, increase efficiency, and eliminate the problem of overlapping4 jurisdictions. The first steps in this direction have been taken in respect to training. Nowadays no police officer in the state of New York, for example, has been able to begin his duties until he has received a certificate for successfully completing basic training.


1 to enfeeble - ослаблять

2 remedy – средство, мера (против чего-либо)

3 apparent – явный, очевидный

4 overlapping – частично совпадающий, частично дублирующий

Task 14. Practise the following for pronunciation.

rural /'rVqrql/ routine /"rH'tJn/

supportive /sq'pLtIv/ emergency /I'mE:Gqnsi/

preserve /prI'zE:v/ highway /'haIweI/

regulatory /'regjVlqtqri/ commercial /kq'mE:Sl/

measure /'meZq/ hazardous /'hxzqdqs/

owner /'qVnq/ airplane /'eqpleIn/

jurisdiction /"GVqrIs'dIkSn/ fatality /fq'txlIti/

serious /'sIqriqs/ honest /'PnIst/

clothes /klqVDz/ dangerous /'deInGqrqs/

empowered /Im'paVqd/ prejudice /'preGVdIs/

Task 15. Read and translate the text.