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Учебник по английскому.doc
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1. Planning one’s daily round

Have you ever thought that 24 hours isn’t enough to do all you have to do? All of us have so many duties and obligations1! In addition to2 the daily routine at offices, schools, hospitals, etc., we have always got some housework to do and shopping, we have to cook the meals and keep the house clean. It is really surprising how much work some people manage3 to do! But it often happens that we don’t have enough time to do everything and put it off4 till “some other time” What do you think is the reason? Why do some people manage and not others?

A lot depends on5 how you plan your daily round. If you plan your day carefully, you’ll be able to do more and it takes you less time.

Planning the day is especially necessary for people who want to make time for important things. Many outstanding6 people say that a daily timetable has helped them greatly to achieve7 what they have.


1duties and obligations – обязанности и обязательства

2in addition to … - в добавление к …

3to manage – справиться, суметь сделать что-то

4to put off till …- откладывать до …

5to depend on – зависеть от

6outstanding - выдающийся

7to achieve – достичь, добиться

Task 36. Answer the questions.

  1. Do you agree that 24 hours isn’t enough to do all we have to do?

  2. Do you often put off things till some other time? Why?

  3. Do you find it necessary to plan your daily round? Give your reasons.

  4. Some people say that a strict timetable makes life dull and uninteresting. What do you think?

Task 37. Translate the texts in writing.

1. What are the ways to prevent tiredness? (Some important rules suggested by psychologists)

  1. Rest before you get tired (not after).

  2. Learn to relax. If you are having hard times find a quiet half-hour all for yourself to gain strength.

  3. Don’t forget about four good working habits:

  • clean your desk of all papers except those you need at hand1;

  • do things in order of their importance;

  • when you face a problem2, first analyse the facts, then make a decision;

  • learn to organize things.

  1. Put enthusiasm into your work; it’s the only way to enjoy what you are doing.

  2. Remember, no one was ever killed by doing well-organized work.

  3. Don’t be a mental loafer3. Don’t be afraid to concentrate on some ideas, to think hard and to exercise your will and memory.

  4. Don’t forget about good manners, avoid being hot-tempered.

  5. Take time4 to get the facts before you act.

  6. Live and learn; analise your mistakes.

  7. Think and act cheerfully and you will feel cheerful; keep smiling5.


1at hand – под рукой, близко

2to face a problem – стоять перед необходимостью решить проблему

3mental loafer – умственный бездельник

4to take time – не спешить

5to keep doing something – продолжать делать что-то

2.Virginia state police academy rules and regulations (excerpts)


  • Students will1 report2 promptly to all classes and all activities.

  • Students will be in their seats at the time the class is to begin.

  • No student may be absent from any class except on specific authority3 of a staff member.

  • The seating arrangement will be alphabetical. Classroom chairs will be kept in orderly arrangement at all times.

  • Students will display proper respect to all instructors.

  • Students will not converse with instructors during breaks unless the instructor prompts the conversation; however students are encouraged to ask questions during classes.

  • Students wishing to ask questions in class will raise their hands. Questions will be asked in a clear manner so that all may hear. Questions will pertain4 only to the subject under discussion.

  • Students will not open the windows in the classroom.

  • Each student will keep a notebook of lesson plans, handouts5 and notes taken in class. Notes will be checked periodically.


1will – (зд. модальный глагол) обязательно, непременно должны

2to report to – являться, докладывать о своем прибытии

3authority – санкция, разрешение

4to pertain to – иметь отношение к

5handouts – раздаточный материал для занятий