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Учебник по английскому.doc
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Pickpockets. Pickpockets operate in many of the large cities in Britain. They are very active in the West End of London, especially in the underground stations and in large shops and department stores. They also operate on buses, particularly when passengers are getting on and off.

Wallets. Carry your wallet in an inside pocket. If you take off your jacket carry your wallet with you.

Handbags. Never leave your handbag even for short periods. Always take it with you.

Hand luggage. Do not leave luggage or your briefcase unattended in waiting rooms or on railway platforms, luggage racks or anywhere else. Valuables such as cameras, radios should be carried and a note kept of the serial numbers.

Cash. Do not carry a large amount of cash with you. If it is stolen or lost it is not likely to be recovered. Carry only enough cash to meet your day-to-day expenses. If you are staying in a hotel, hand any large sum of cash to the manager for safe keeping and obtain a receipt.

Documents. Special care should be taken of your passport, air tickets and other personal documents.

Task 54. Look at the list of crime preventing measures on the part of individuals and say what else people should do to protect themselves and their property.

  • Don’t walk along dark streets late at night on your own.

  • Don’t wear expensive jewellery.

  • Make sure your money is safe, e.g. wear a money belt.

  • Don’t keep large amounts of cash or valuables at home. If you must, buy a small safe.

  • Lock all doors and windows when you go out.

  • If you are away at night, leave on at least one light and perhaps a radio.

  • Fit a burglar alarm.

Use the following: People should …

People shouldn’t …

Task 55. Practise the following for pronunciation.

mayor /'meq/ dominate /'dPmIneIt/

zero /'zIqrqV/ terrorize /'terqraIz/

essence /'esqns/ dramatic /drx'mxtIk/

ignore /Ig'nL/ alcohol /'xlkqhPl/

graffiti /grq'fJti/ curfew /'kE:fjH/

atmosphere /'xtmqsfIq/ initial /I'nISql/

Task 56. Read and translate the text.

Zero tolerance

In 1994, the Mayor of New York, Rudolf Giuliani, decided to tackle crime in his city with a new approach which has come to be known as zero tolerance. Although the problems were not nearly so great, this was being tried at the same time in one of the small towns in northern England.

The essence of the idea is this: instead of ignoring minor crimes, you treat them very seriously – and in this way you prevent young criminals from going on to more serious crimes. So, for example, the police always stop and question or arrest teenagers who break windows or write graffiti on walls. As a result, the atmosphere in public places changes; people feel safer, and they go out more. Then it is more difficult for groups of young boys to dominate the area and terrorize older or weaker people. In New York the effect was dramatic1: car theft, for example, fell by 56%.

Zero tolerance has proved quite popular, and other parts of the UK have been experimenting with it. In Glasgow they used to have a lot of alcohol-related problems, especially with young people. The local council has made it illegal to drink alcohol in public places, and the police enforce the rule strictly. It has also tried a curfew for children in certain problem parts of town; anyone under the age of 16 on the streets after 7.30 p.m. can be taken home or to a police station.

The danger with zero tolerance is that the effect may wear off after a period of time. It may only be the initial shock which has the good effect.


1dramatic – разительный, впечатляющий

Task 57. Find the English equivalents for the following.

    1. полная нетерпимость

    2. суть идеи

    3. игнорировать незначительные преступления

    4. впечатляющий эффект

    5. проблемы, связанные с алкоголем

    6. распивать алкогольные напитки в общественных местах

7) комендантский час для детей

Task 58. Complete the sentences.

  1. A new approach to tackling crime in New York has come to be known …

  2. The essence of zero tolerance is this: …

  3. In this way you prevent young criminals from …

  4. The atmosphere in public places has changed for the better: people …

  5. Groups of teenagers no longer dominate the area and …

  6. In Glasgow they used to have a lot of …

  7. The local council made it illegal to …

  1. The effect of zero tolerance may …

  2. People think that it may only be the initial shock which …

Task 59. Render the contents of the text in Russian without looking up the dictionary.