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Учебник по английскому.doc
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John smith’s daily routine

My day starts very early. You see, I live a long way from where I work, so I usually wake up at about 5.30. The first thing I do is to have a shower, then at around six o’clock I have breakfast. At about quarter to seven I leave the house and catch the bus to work. I haven't got a car, you see. I usually get to work by eight or so. Lessons start at half past eight and last until 1.30. At half past one I have lunch. Then I’m back to work again. At half past four I finish work and take the bus home. I usually get home by 6.15. In the evening I prepare my lessons for the next day, then I have dinner at around quarter past eight. After dinner, I sometimes go out and meet friends, or stay at home and read a book. I never go to bed before 11.00.

Task 14. Answer the questions about John Smith and yourself.

  1. What does John do?

What do you do?

  1. Does John’s day start late?

Does your day start late?

  1. Does John live a short way from where he works?

Do you live a short way from your Institute?

  1. When does John wake up?

When do you wake up?

  1. What is the first thing John does in the morning?

What is the first thing you do in the morning?

  1. When does John have breakfast?

When do you have breakfast?

  1. When does John leave house for work?

When do you leave house for the Institute?

  1. By what time does John get to work?

By what time do you get to the Institute?

  1. What time do John’s lessons start and until what time do they last?

What time do your classes start and until what time do they last?

  1. By what time does John get home after work?

By what time do you get home after the Institute?

  1. What does John do in the evening?

What do you do in the evening?

Task 15. Read the text and fill the gaps with the words from the box; translate the text.

Getting up

next then finally after that first

… I get out of bed, go to the toilet, and wash and shave. … I get dressed and brush my hair. … I go downstairs and pick up the post and the newspaper. … I have a long slow breakfast while I read my letters and the paper. … I brush my teeth, put on my coat and leave for work.

Task 16. Tell about Ann’s daily routine.

This is ann’s day

7.00 – gets up

7.15 – takes a shower

7.30 – cooks breakfast

8.00 – 8.30 – has breakfast

8.30 – takes her son to school

9.00 – 11.00 – does the housework

11.00 – reads the paper

11.30 –12.30 – goes shopping

12.30 – cooks lunch

1.30 – has lunch

    1. – writes letters

2.45 – takes the dog for a walk

3.30 – collects her son from school

4.00 – gives her son his tea

4.30 – 5.30 – helps her son with his homework

6.00 – picks up her husband at the station

6.15 – cooks supper

7.00 – 7.45 – the family have supper

8.00 – washes up after supper

8.00 – 11.00 – has a rest, talks, watches TV, reads

11.00 – goes to bed

Task 17. Say how long it takes Ann to do the following things; use the pattern.

Pattern: It takes Ann half an hour to cook breakfast.

  1. to take her son to school

  2. to do the housework

  3. to do shopping

  4. to cook lunch

  5. to take the dog for a walk

  6. to collect her son from school

  7. to help her son with his homework

  8. to wash up after supper

  9. to have a rest in the evening

Task 18. Work in pairs; ask your partner how long it takes him to do this or that.

Pattern: - How long does it take you to make your bed?

  • It takes me five minutes (or even less /more) to make my bed.

  1. to do the morning exercises

  2. to take a shower

  3. to have breakfast

  4. to get to the Institute

  5. to get ready for the seminars

  6. to do English

  7. to have dinner

  8. to have a rest after classes

  9. to get home from the Institute

  10. to wash up after supper

Task 19. Read the text and use the verbs from the box in the correct form to fill the gaps; translate the text.

go enjoy type wake up cook arrive finish

have watch dress say catch take answer

Cindy Mills is a secretary at a large computer company. She … at half past seven and … a shower. She … quickly, and leaves the house at a quarter past eight. Then she … the bus and … at work just before nine o’clock. She makes a cup of coffee, then sits down to read the mail. She … letters and … the phone all morning. She … a break at half past twelve and … to the restaurant next door1 to have lunch. She … at five o’clock and usually arrives home at about six. She … dinner at about 7 o’clock, then … TV until it’s time to go to bed.

In her free time, Cindy … reading and going to the theatre.

Cindy likes being a secretary. “I like the people I work with, and the pay is good.” she … . “Yes, I am happy with my life at the moment”.


1next door – соседний, ближайший

Task 20. Are you sometimes late for class? How do you usually explain your being late? Read and translate the dialogue (A) and some common excuses for being late (B).

- John, why were you late for class? Did you get up late?

  • No. I didn’t get up late.

  • Did you have a headache1 this morning?

  • No, I didn’t have a headache. I feel pretty good.

  • Well, why were you late?

  • Someone stole my car.

  • Excuses! Excuses!2



  • I am sorry I am late but I got up late.

  • I missed the bus.

  • I missed the train.

  • I had a headache this morning.

  • I had to go to the dentist before class.

  • I forgot to take my textbooks and had to go back home to get them.

  • I met my friend on my way to class.

  • Someone stole my car and I had to take a bus.

  • My alarm-clock didn’t go off3 and I woke up late.


1headache /'hedeIk/ – головная боль

2Excuses! Excuses! /Ik'skjHsIz/ – Отговорки!

3the alarm-clock didn’t go off /q'lRmklPk/ - будильник не зазвонил

Task 21. Work in pairs; make up similar dialogues with your partner.

Task 22. Study the information.

Одним из основных способов словообразования в английском языке является конверсия. При конверсии новые слова возникают без изменения основной формы слов, из которых они образуются, т.е. слово начинает употребляться как другая часть речи и приобретает все свойства этой другой части речи.


dust – пыль; to dust – вытирать пыль

lecture – лекция; to lecture – читать лекции

change – изменение, перемена; to change – менять(ся)

clean – чистый; to clean – убирать, чистить

Task 23. Read and translate the sentences; say to what part of speech the words in bold type belong.

  1. There was so much dust on the floor.

  2. Every morning the students dust their rooms.

  3. He heard the noise of the vacuum in the hall.

  4. I vacuumed the carpet yesterday.

  5. The students are ready for their classes.

  6. We had half an hour to ready the room for inspection.

  7. The soldiers marched along the road.

  8. The students were ready for the march to breakfast.

  9. That was the end of a long day.

  10. Classes ended at half past five.

  11. In the middle of the day we have a short rest.

  12. It was very hot, so we rested for a while after dinner.

Task 24. Practise the following for pronunciation.

typical /'tIpIkl/ riot /'raIqt/

reveille /rI'vxli/ personal /'pE:snl/

hygiene /'haIGJn/ include /In'klHd/

vacuum /'vxkjuqm/ professionalism /prq'feSnqlIzm/

squad /skwPd/ investigation /In"vestI'geISn/

demerit /dJ'merIt/ latent /'leItqnt/

issue /'ISH/ fingerprint /'fINgq"prInt/

fasten /'fRsn/ photography /fq'tPgrqfi/

escape /I'skeIp/ restaurant /'restrPnt/

Task 25. Read and translate the text.