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Учебник по английскому.doc
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  1. Like/ love/ enjoy doing something

Pattern: I like meeting people.

II. Don’t like/dislike doing something

Pattern: I dislike making a fool of myself.

III. Am interested in/ tired of doing something

Pattern: I am tired of doing the same things.

Task 13. Work in pairs; use the following prompts to find out as much as you can about each other.

  1. Have you …?

  2. What’s your favourite …?

  3. Who …?

  4. Do you enjoy …?

  5. Are you good at …?

  6. Can you …?

  7. Do you ever …?

  8. Are you interested in …?

  9. Why do you …?

  10. How do you …?

  11. Do you like …?

  12. What do you prefer …?

Task 14. Read and translate the following sentences.

  1. Let me introduce myself.

  2. Let me answer this question.

  3. Let me help you.

  4. Let us check the information.

  5. Let us listen to their story.

  6. Let her tell us about her job.

  7. Let her apply to the university.

  8. Let him tell us about himself.

  9. Let him write his address.

  10. Let them do this work on their own.

Task 15. Use the chart to make up English sentences of your own.

me назвать свое полное имя

us дать свой адрес

him представить своих друзей

Let her рассказать о своих увлечениях

them сдавать экзамен

my friend посмотреть футбольный матч

this student поблагодарить их за помощь

your brother подать документы в университет

Task 16. Study the following information.

Countries. Nationalities. Languages.

Country Nationality Language People

She - He of the country

Australia Australian – an Australian English the Australians

Brazil Brazilian – a Brazilian Portuguese the Brazilians

Britain British – a British English the British

Canada Canadian – a Canadian English; the Canadians


China Chinese – a Chinese Mandarin; the Chinese


Denmark Danish – a Dane Danish the Danes

Finland Finnish – a Finn Finnish the Finns

France French – a Frenchman French the French

Germany German – a German German the Germans

Greece Greek – a Greek Greek the Greeks

Holland Dutch – a Dutchman Dutch the Dutch

Ireland Irish – an Irishman English the Irish

Italy Italian – an Italian Italian the Italians

Japan Japanese – a Japanese Japanese the Japanese

Korea Korean – a Korean Korean the Koreans

Poland Polish – a Pole Polish the Poles

Russia Russian – a Russian Russian the Russians

Scotland Scottish – a Scot English the Scots

Spain Spanish – a Spaniard Spanish the Spanish

Sweden Swedish – a Swede Swedish the Swedes

Switzerland Swiss – a Swiss Swiss-German; the Swiss

French; Italian

Turkey Turkish – a Turk Turkish the Turks

The USA American – an American English the Americans

*** Примечание:

  1. Для обозначения национальности лиц женского пола чаще используются прилагательные: French, Spanish, English, Danish, etc.; для обозначения национальности лиц мужского пола чаще используются существительные: an Englishman, a Spaniard, a Frenchman, a Pole, etc. но возможно иcпользование и прилагательных. Например:

He is an Englishman. His wife’s English as well.

Pedro is a Spaniard. He is Spanish.

Формы некоторых прилагательных и существительных совпадают:

German – a German; Italian – an Italian; Greek – a Greek; Chinese –

a Chinese; American – an American, etc.

Task 17. What do you call the people of these countries ?

  1. Britain _____________ 6) China ____________________

  2. Spain ______________ 7) America __________________

  3. Scotland ____________ 8) Sweden ___________________

  4. Japan ______________ 9) Germany __________________

  5. Denmark ___________ 10) Your own country __________

Task 18. Answer the questions.

  1. What language do they speak in Germany?

  2. What do we call the natives of France?

  3. What are the countries where the first language is English?

  4. What nationality are the people from Italy?

  5. What is your native language?

  6. What European countries would you like to go to?

  7. What foreign languages can you speak?

  8. His parents come from Ireland. What is their native language?

  9. He is a Dane. What country does he come from?

  10. His native language is Dutch. What country does he come from?

Task 19. Complete the following tag questions.

Pattern: You learn English, don’t you?

Your sister doesn’t go to school, does she?

You are 20 years old, aren’t you?

She isn’t a journalist, is she?

  1. You are a first year student, …?

  2. You aren’t married, …?

  3. You read a lot, …?

  4. He is interested in music, …?

  5. They do sports, …?

  6. She doesn’t speak French, …?

  7. He is going to apply to university, …?

  8. His father is a police officer, …?

  9. Your sister is a college graduate, …?

  10. Your brother studies law, …?

  11. Her parents come from Scotland,…?

  12. Their native language is English, …?

  13. You are going to be a lawyer, …?

  14. You look like your father, …?

Task 20. Complete the tag questions; read and translate the dialogue.