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Учебник по английскому.doc
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Unit 1. About Oneself ………………………………………….. 7

Unit 2. About My Family ………………………………………..… 26

Unit 3. Daily Routine ………………………………………….. 40

Unit 4. Houses and Flats .…………………………………………. 61

Unit 5. Appearance. Personal Identification …………………………… 78

Unit 6. City and City Life …………………………………………... 98

Unit 7. Professional Education …………………………………………. 124

Unit 8. Crime and Society ………………………………………….. 150

Unit 9. Routine Police Activities ……………………………………….. 185

Unit 10. My Future Profession ………………………………………….. 206

Unit 11. British Police …………………………………………… 232

Unit 12. American Law Enforcement Organizations ……………………. 251

Appendix 1. Additional Texts for Reading and Translating …………….. 268

Appendix 2. Law and Justice in English Proverbs ……………………… 288

List of Abbreviations ……………………………………………. 291

Bibliography ……………………………………………. 293

Unit 1 about oneself


  1. name (n) /'neIm/ - имя

surname (family name) /'sE:neIm/ - фамилия

full name - полное имя (ФИО)

to be named after somebody - быть названным в честь


  1. nationality (n) /"nxSq'nxlqti/ - национальность

by nationality - по национальности

  1. look like somebody (v) - быть похожим на кого-то


  1. be like somebody (v) - быть похожим на кого-то

(по характеру)

What is he like? - Что он за человек?

5) come from (v) /'kAm frqm/ - быть родом из …

  1. spare (a) / speq/ - свободный

spare time - свободное время

  1. do sports /spLts/ - заниматься спортом

  2. interest (v) /'Intrqst/ - интересовать

be interested in something /'IntrqstId/ - интересоваться чем-то

  1. be fond of something /fPnd/ - любить что-то, увлекаться


  1. prefer (v) /prI'fE:/ - предпочитать

  2. birth (n) /bE:T/ - рождение

be born /bLn/ - родиться

  1. age (n) /eIG/ - возраст

at what age - в каком возрасте

at the age of (65) - в возрасте (65 лет)

of my age - моих лет, моего возраста

  1. grow up (v) /"grqV'Ap/ - расти, становиться


  1. occupation (n) /"PkjV'peISn/ - род занятий, профессия

  2. graduate from (v) /'grxGueIt/ - окончить (вуз)

graduate (n) /'grxGuIt/ - выпускник

graduation (n) /"grxGu'eISn/ - окончание (вуза)

  1. like/dislike doing something - любить/не любить

делать что-то

likes and dislikes /laIks/ /dIs'laIks/ - пристрастия и антипатии

  1. go to university /"jHnI'vE:sIti/ - учиться в университете

  2. school (n) /skHl/ - школа

go to school - учиться в школе

high/secondary school (Am/Br E) - средняя школа

finish school - окончить школу

  1. apply (v) /q'plaI/ - обращаться

apply to a university - подать заявление о приёме в университет

apply for a job /GPb/ - подать заявление о приёме на


applicant (n) /'xplIkqnt/ - тот, кто подаёт заявление:

абитуриент, кандидат

application (form) /"xplI'keISn/ - заявление (бланк)

  1. education (n) /"eGu'keISn/ - образование

higher education /'haIq/ - высшее образование

get education - получить образование

  1. law (n) /lL/ - право; закон

study law - изучать право

lawyer (n) /'lLjq/ - юрист

  1. fluently (adv) /'flHqntli/ - бегло

speak English fluently - говорить по английски


  1. marry (v) /'mxri/ - женить, выдать замуж

be married to somebody - быть женатым на ком-то,

быть замужем за кем-то

get married - жениться, выйти замуж

  1. hobby (n) /'hPbi/ - хобби, любимое занятие

  2. enjoy doing something /In'GOI/ - наслаждаться, получать


  1. be good at something /gVd/ - быть способным к чему-либо

  2. introduce somebody /"Intrq'djHs/ - представить кого-то кому-то

to somebody

  1. examination/exam (n) /Ig"zxmI'neISn/ - экзамен

take an examination/exam - сдавать экзамен

pass an examination/exam - сдать экзамен

oral/written examination - устный/письменный экзамен

  1. thank somebody for something /TxNk/ - благодарить кого-то за что-то

  2. native (a) /'neItIv/ - родной, местный

native (n) - уроженец

  1. subject (n) /'sAbGIkt/ - предмет, дисциплина

take subjects - изучать предметы

32) job (n) /GPb/ - работа

do a job - сделать работу

  1. retire (v) /rI'taIq/ - уйти на пенсию

  2. choose (v) /CHz/ - выбирать

choose a profession - выбирать профессию

choice (n) /COIs/ - выбор

make a choice - сделать выбор

  1. duty (n) /'djHti/ - долг, обязанность

professional duty -профессиональная бязанность

be on duty - дежурить; быть на службе

be off duty - быть не на службе

  1. leisure (n) /'leZq/ - досуг, свободное время

leisure time activities - свободное время препровож-


  1. sociable (a) /'sqVSqbl/ - общительный

  2. cheerful (a) /'CIqfl/ - весёлый, неунывающий

  3. calm (a) /kRm/ - спокойный

  4. hardworking (a) /"hRd'wE:kIN/ - трудолюбивый

  5. friendly (a) /'frendli/ - дружелюбный

Task 1. Read and translate the sentences.

  1. He is Italian by nationality but he lives in Great Britain.

  2. Where do you come from? – India.

  3. Robert Peel was born in 1788.

  4. John is a graduate of Stanford University.

  5. Last year she graduated from Law School.

  6. Her one aim in life is to go to University.

  7. I don’t know what she is like.

  8. She has her likes and dislikes as we all have.

  9. I don’t think she is of my age, she looks much younger.

  10. He died at the age of 79.

  11. Do you know the boy by the name of David?

  12. She was named after her mother.

  13. A lawyer is a person who is qualified to advise people about the law.

  14. I didn’t know he was good at sport, he never told me about it.

Task 2. Fill the gaps with the words from the box; translate the sentences.

examination fluently retired applications married (2) on duty an applicant introduced

sociable enjoy off duty subject

1) I wrote 5 … for jobs but got nothing.

2) My father … at the age of 60.

  1. My daughter is … to a doctor.

4) He speaks German …, though not quite correctly.

  1. … is someone who asks for a job or a place at a college.

  2. At a party in Hollywood he was … to Charlie Chaplin.

  3. … people are friendly and enjoy talking to other people.

  4. He is …, with two children.

  5. They had a three-hour written … .

  6. When policemen are … they are working, when they are … they are not working.

  7. History was my best … at school.

  8. Reading detective stories is something that I really … doing.

Task 3. Match the questions and the answers; then tell about John Green.

  1. What’s your name?

  2. Where are you from?

  3. What nationality are you?

  4. Where do you live?

  5. What’s your address?

  6. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

  7. What does your father look like?

  8. What is your mother like?

  9. Do you do any sport?

  10. What kind of music do you like?

  11. What kind of books do you read?

  12. What do you like doing in your spare time?

  13. Can you speak French?

  14. Do you like watching football matches?

  15. How do you feel about horror films?

a) I’m American.

b) 46, Oak Street.

c) He is tall and fair.

d) John Green.

e) Yes, long-distance running.

f) Playing chess and reading.

g) I’m from the USA.

h) Mostly novels, sometimes history books.

i) They don’t interest me.

j) I prefer playing games to watching them.

k) Yes, but not very fluently. l) Classical music.

m) She is very calm and cheerful.

n) In Los Angeles, California. o) Yes, an elder brother.

Task 4. Study the following form and complete the same form about yourself.

Family name

First name

Date of birth

Place of birth

Permanent address

Telephone number



Marital status1




November, 10, 1970

Richmond, the USA

46, Oxford Street, Richmond

259- 6845

Virginia University


Married, two children

Tennis, travelling, reading

1marital status /"mxrItl'steItqs/ - семейное положение

Task 5. Complete the story.

Peter Brown is a police officer. He is a graduate of … . He is … years old and he is … . His wife’s name is … and she is … . They live in … . Their address is … and their telephone number is … . In his spare time Peter … . At home he … . In the evenings he reads … . He likes … . He dislikes … .

Task 6. Work in pairs; take turns interviewing each other.

  • Hi! My name is …

  • Hello, I’m … . Nice to meet you.

  • Nice to meet you, too. Could you tell me a little about yourself?

  • Sure. What do you want to know?

  • Well, where are you from?

  • How old are you?

  • When were you born?

  • Where did you grow up?

  • When did you finish high school?

  • What do you do now?

  • What do you like doing in your spare time?

  • Thanks for answering my questions.

  • You are welcome.

Task 7. Read and translate the text; complete the form given after the text.

I was named Stanley after my father, Stanley George Hooper, who had been, among other things, the mayor1 of Preston. I’ve been a teacher all my life in different parts of the country. I now teach at a Preston school where I went to school myself before going to Liverpool University to study English. I am a widower2 now. My wife died three years ago and I live with my eldest daughter at 26, Poplar Avenue, Preston, which is only a stone’s throw from3 where I was born in 1925. I am a great believer in astrology. I am a Taurus4 myself, having been born on 15th May.


1mayor /meq/ - мэр

2widower /'wIdqVq/ - вдовец

3a stone’s throw from /'stqVnz'TrqV/ - рукой подать

4Taurus /'tLrqs/ - Телец (созвездие и знак зодиака)

Family name

First name(s)

Date of birth

Place of birth





Marital status

Task 8. Fill the gaps with prepositions where necessary.

  1. Susan was born … the 7th … May.

  2. John graduated … the University two years ago.

  3. My grandmother died … the age … 75.

  4. He spends much time playing … chess.

  5. She comes … Italy and Italian is her native language.

  6. He is interested … different kinds of sports.

  7. … what age did you finish school?

  8. He is going to apply … another job.

  9. No wonder he speaks … French fluently. He spent three years in France.

  10. There are some more boys … my age in our group.

  11. He is finishing … school this year and is going to apply … University.

  12. My sister is married … a lawyer.

  13. We thanked him … helping us to get the information.

  14. My younger brother is especially good … computing.

Task 9. Study the following form and complete the same form about yourself.
















red, orange, green, white

steak, chips, ice-cream

juice, milk

pop, classical

judo1, karate2, boxing

friendly, honest, strong, reliable, intelligent








black, yellow, violet

cabbage, cakes, cheese

whisky, coke, beer


disco, ballet

bad drivers, liars, cowards

1judo /'GHdqV/ - дзюдо

2karate /kq'rRti/ - каратэ

Task 10. Work in pairs; imagine you are going to be together for a long time on a desert (необитаемый) island. List your likes and dislikes; compare them. See how easily (or not!) you will get on (ладить) together.

Task 11. What are your favourite leisure time activities? Answer these questions and tell the class what you do in your free time.

  1. How many hours of TV do you watch every day?

  2. What kind of TV programmes do you like?

  3. What do you think are the most interesting TV shows these days?

  4. Are you interested in sports?

  5. How often do you play sports?

  6. What kind of sports do you do?

  7. Are you interested in music?

  8. What kind of music do you like?

  9. What hobbies are you interested in?

  10. Do you collect anything?

  11. Do you belong to any clubs?

  12. Are you fond of reading?

  13. What kind of books and magazines do you like reading?

Task 12. Make up sentences about yourself with: