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Учебник по английскому.doc
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  1. Before the Interview

  • Find out what you can about the firm.

  • Find out the interviewer’s name and telephone number.

  • Find out where the interview is.

  • Find out how long it will take you to get there.

  • Make sure you know what the job involves.

  • Dress to look clean and tidy.

  1. At the Interview

  • Do arrive early. Phone if you are held up.

  • Do try to smile.

  • Do show interest in the job and ask questions.

  • Do be polite.

  • Don’t panic, even if faced by more than one person.

  • Don’t slouch around3 and look bored.

  • Don’t smoke or chew4.

  • Don’t give one word answer or say you don’t care what you do.


1Careers Advisory Service /kq'rIqz qd'vaIzqri 'sE:vIs/ – служба консультаций по профессиональной ориентации

2 leaflet /'lJflIt/ - листовка, тонкая брошюра

3 to slouch around /slaVC/ - слоняться

4 to chew /CH/ - жевать

Task 9. Read and translate the text; answer the questions.

Although the majority of people say that they work “for the money”, the financial reward1 isn’t actually the only thing that they think about.

Recently, the research has shown that people consider many different factors to be of importance when they make their choice. A worldwide survey of students showed that after graduation they would be looking for jobs that allowed them to balance their personal lives with their work lives.


1reward /rI'wLd/ - вознаграждение

1. What are the most important factors for you in choosing or keeping a job? Put the following factors in order of importance; give your reasons.

2. In your opinion, which jobs or professions fit your criteria? Does the job you hope to have fit them?

  1. Good salary or wages.

  2. Interesting and varied work, not boring and monotonous.

  3. Work which is useful to society.

  4. Good working conditions.

  5. Flexible hours.

  6. Meeting people through work.

  7. Friendly and considerate management and colleagues.

  8. Opportunities to travel.

  9. Long holidays.

  10. Personal freedom.

  11. Being praised by your superior.

  12. Being part of a team.

  13. Exercising power.

  14. Learning something new.

  15. Social status

  16. The respect of the colleagues.

You may begin like this: The most important factors for me in choosing (keeping) a job are the following. First, this is (these are) … . Then come(s) … . And finally this is (these are) …

Task 10. Practise the following for pronunciation.

client /'klaIqnt/ evidence /'evIdqns/

variety /vq'raIqti/ cross-examine /"krPsIg'zxmIn/

barrier /'bxrIq/ expert /'ekspE:t/

opinion /q'pInjqn/ draft /drRft/

Task 11. Read and translate the text.


A lawyer is a person who is trained in the law and advises others on legal problems. A lawyer may prepare legal documents, such as wills1 and contracts and papers to be used in court, as well as representing clients or the state in a legal action.

Most lawyers specialize in a particular type of work, which can be broadly divided into appearing in court (litigation2), and advising clients on a variety of matters which may or may not result in a court case. Litigation lawyers are sometimes known collectively as the bar after the barrier that existed, in England, between the judge and the rest of the court.

Litigation work includes giving opinions as to whether a case should be “fought”, advising on calling witnesses and other evidence. A lawyer who specializes on litigation must be prepared to become an expert on almost any subject at short notice3 in order to be able to cross-examine witnesses.

Lawyers who do not deal with litigation may advise clients on a great variety of matters or they may specialize in only one branch of the law, such as tax law, family law, or buying and selling property (called conveyancing4). They may also draft contracts, wills, deeds, and other documents and may ask the opinion of litigation lawyers as to whether a case should go to court.


1 will /wIl/ - завещание

2 litigation /"lItI'geISn/ - судебный процесс, тяжба

3 at short notice /qt"SLt'nqVtIs/ - тотчас же

4conveyancing /kqn'veIqnsIN/ - составление актов передачи прав собственности на недвижимость

Task 12. Make up a list of word-combinations naming actions of different types of lawyers.

Pattern: to advise on legal problems; to prepare legal documents; etc.

Use these key phrases to speak briefly on what lawyers’ work generally includes.

Pattern: Lawyers’ work generally includes advising others on legal problems; preparing legal documents; etc.

Task 13. Fill the gaps with the prepositions from the box; translate the sentences. Some prepositions may be used more than once.

to for with against about of in

  1. The police have a clear case … the prisoner.

  2. How would you deal … an armed burglar.

  3. The police received several complaints … the noise from your party.

  4. The case was referred … the Court of Appeal.

  5. The police have the power … arrest.

  6. She finally confessed … having stolen the money.

  7. He spoke of his respect … the law.

  8. She shows a very positive attitude … her work.

  9. Don’t put too much confidence … what the papers say.

Task 14. Practise the following for pronunciation.

vary /'veqri/ fuse /fjHz/

barrister /'bxrIstq/ divorce /dI'vLs/

solicitor /sq'lIsItq/ complete /kqm'plJt/

client /'klaIqnt/ association /q"sqVSI'eISn/

advocate /'xdvqkIt/ conduct (n) /'kPndAkt/

refer /rI'fE:/ conduct (v) /kqn'dAkt/

judge /GAG/ unify /'jHnIfaI/

remote /rI'mqVt/ grievance /'grJvqns/

society /sq'saIqti/ complaint /kqm'pleInt/

Task 15. Read and translate the text.