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Учебник по английскому.doc
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Giving Directions


- Excuse me, would you please tell me how to get to the

Police station?

  1. - Walk along Central Avenue until you get to River Street, then turn left. Then walk down River Street and you’ll see the police station on the left, across from the gas station.

  2. - Thank you very much.


  1. - Excuse me, how do I get to Albert Road?

  2. - Albert Road? Let me see … Take the 24 bus. The stop is over there across the road. The 24 bus will take you as far as the new City Library. Get off there, and change to the 15 bus, it’ll take you to Albert Road.

  3. - Thank you ever so much.

  4. - That’s all right.


  1. - Excuse me, officer, can you tell us the way to the Museum of Modern Art?

  2. - Certainly. Walk down this road to the third traffic light, cross the road, turn right, walk a bit, and take the first turning on the left and you’ll see the museum. It’s opposite the City Bank, you can’t miss it.

  3. - Thank you very much. And is it a very long walk? Wouldn’t it be a better idea to take a bus?

  4. - Well, I don’t think so. It isn’t very far, and you’ll enjoy the walk.

  5. - Thanks again.

  6. - Not at all.

Task 10. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations; memorize them.

  1. добраться до какого-либо места

  2. сесть на какой-либо автобус

  3. довезти до …

  4. сойти с автобуса

  5. пересесть на автобус № …

  6. дойти до светофора

  7. нельзя не заметить

  8. не лучше ли сесть в автобус

Task 11. Think of the questions you could ask in the following situations:

  1. You are not sure what bus will take you to the centre of the city.

  2. You are a stranger in the city and don’t have a place to stay.

  3. You are a stranger in the city and got lost while sightseeing, but you remember the name of the hotel you are staying at.

  4. You are travelling by train and have an hour stop in one of the cities. You have never been to this city before.

  5. You want to post some letters but don’t know where the post office is.

  6. You are hungry. You want to find out where you could have dinner.

  7. Your visit to the city is over. You are leaving for your home town and want to find out how to get to the railway station from your hotel.

Task 12. Read and translate the text; ask 6 wh-questions on it.

Arnold Never Got There

Arnold had a very difficult time last night. All the other students in his English class went to a party at their teacher’s house, but Arnold never got there. He followed his teacher’s directions to the house, but he made one little mistake.

From their school, he walked along Main Street to Central Avenue and turned left. He walked up Central Avenue two blocks to the bus stop at the corner, in front of the post office. He took the Central Avenue bus and got off at Fifth Street. He turned left and walked along Fifth Street three blocks to Park Avenue and turned right. He walked up Park Avenue to the bus stop at the corner of Park Avenue and Sixth Street.

He took bus number 42, but he got off at the wrong stop. He got off at River Road instead of Rolling Road. He turned left, walked two blocks, turned right and got completely lost.

Arnold was very upset. He really wanted to go to the party last night, and he couldn’t believe he had made such a stupid mistake.

Task13. Work in pairs. Give directions to your partner who wants to find out how to get:

  • from your home to the Institute;

  • from the centre of the city to the City Militia Department;

  • from the centre of the city to the railway station;

  • from the railway station to the Opera House;

  • from your house to the Drama Theatre;

  • from the centre of the city to the Central Post Office;

  • from your Institute to the nearest tram/bus stop.

Begin your instructions with:

The best way to get there is by bus/tram/trolley bus/to walk …

First … . Then … .