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Учебник по английскому.doc
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1) career (n) /kq'rIq/ - 1.карьера

2. род деятельности,


2) job (n) /GPb/ - 1. работа

2. место, служба

3) salary (n) /'sxlqri/ - жалование, оклад


4) wages (n) /'weIGIz/ - заработная плата (рабочих)

5) colleague (n) /'kPlJg/ - сослуживец, коллега

6) employ (v) /Im'plOI/ - предоставлять работу

employer (n) /Im'plOIq/ - работодатель, наниматель

employee (n) /Im'plOIJ/ - служащий

7) advise (v) /qd'vaIz/ - советовать

advise somebody about/on something - давать кому-либо совет по

поводу чего-либо

advice (n) /qd'vaIs/ - совет

on the advice of somebody - по чьему-либо совету

8) case (n) /keIs/ - 1. случай, обстоятельство

2. юр. судебное дело,

случай в судебной практике

defend the case /dI'fend/ - выступать защитником на


prosecute the case /'prPsIkjHt/ - поддерживать обвинение

9) deal with (v) /dJl/ - 1. общаться, иметь дело

2. вести дело, ведать, рас-

сматривать вопрос, проблему

10) represent somebody /"reprI'zent/ - представлять кого-либо

11) involve (v) /In'vPlv/ - вовлекать, затрагивать

12) bar (n) /bR/ - барьер, отделяющий судей

от подсудимых

the Bar (n) - адвокатура

13) conduct (v) /kqn'dAkt/ - 1. вести

2. руководить, проводить

conduct (n) /'kPndAkt/ - 1. поведение

2. руководство, проведение

14) refer (v) /rI'fE:/ - 1. отсылать, направлять

2. обращаться

15) consider (v) /kqn'sIdq/ - рассматривать, обсуждать

considerate (a) /kqn'sIdqrIt/ - внимательный к другим

16) justice (n) /'GAstIs/ - 1.справедливость


seek justice /sJk/ - искать справедливость

17) complaint (n) /kqm'pleInt/ - жалоба

to make a complaint against somebody - подавать жалобу на кого-


18) trial (n) /'traIql/ - судебное разбирательство,

судебный процесс

19) trust (v) /trAst/ - доверять(ся), верить

20) corrupt (v) /kq'rApt/ - 1. развращать

2. подкупать

corrupt (a) /kq'rApt/ - 1. развращенный

2. продажный, подкупный

21) obtain (v) /qb'teIn/ - получать, добывать

obtain evidence /'evIdqns/ - добывать улики,


22) power (n) /'paVq/ - 1. могущество, власть

2. полномочие

23) confess (v) /kqn'fes/ - признаваться, сознаваться

confess to something - признаться в чем-либо

confess (to) doing something - признаться в совершении


confession (n) /kqn'feSn/ - признание (вины, ошибки)

24) maintain (v) /meIn'teIn/ - поддерживать, сохранять

25) image (n) /'ImIG/ - лицо, репутация, образ

create/develop the image /krI'eIt/ - создавать репутацию

maintain the image - поддерживать репутацию

26) respect (v) /rI'spekt/ - уважать, почитать

respect for (n) /rI'spekt/ - уважение к

27) attitude (n) /'xtItjHd/ - отношение

28) favour (n) /'feIvq/ - 1. одолжение, любезность

2. одобрение, расположение

favour (v) /'feIvq/ - 1. оказывать внимание,


2. помогать, поддерживать

favourable (a) /'feIvqrqbl/ - 1. благоприятный

2. благосклонный,


29) improve (v) /Im'prHv/ - улучшать,


30) solve (v) /sPlv/ - решить (вопрос и т.п.)

solve a crime - раскрыть преступление

solve a case - разрешить дело

solve a problem - решить проблему

31) team (n) /tJm/ - команда, группа

32) instrument (n) /'InstrVmqnt/ - инструмент, орудие

instrument of the crime - орудие преступления

33) support (v) /sq'pLt/ - поддерживать, помогать

support (n) /sq'pLt/ - поддержка, помощь

34) courage (n) /'kArIG/ - смелость, отвага

35) preserve (v) /prI'sE:v/ - сохранять, оберегать

preserve evidence - сохранять улики

36) interrogate (v) /In'terqgeIt/ - допрашивать

interrogation (n) /In"terq'geISn/ - допрос

37) confidence (n) /'kPnfIdqns/ - доверие

inspire confidence /In'spaIq/ - внушать доверие

Task 1. Read and translate the sentences.

1) James has recently begun a successful career of a lawyer.

2) A career is a job or profession that you follow for your whole life.

3) Lawyers are usually paid huge salaries.

4) If you are prosecuted by the police, then it is essential that you take legal advice.

5) Mr. Johnson said you had solved some very unusual cases.

6) He is a hard man to deal with.

7) The offer was not accepted by the lawyer representing the victim.

8) I am glad to see your conduct at school has improved.

9) I considered changing my job, but then decided not to.

10) She is always very considerate towards her employees.

11) He could have been a great man, but he was corrupted by power.

12) The powers of the police must be clearly defined.

13) He confessed that he had not been telling the truth.

14) The government will have to improve its image if it wants to win the elections.

Task 2. Fill the gaps with the words from the box; translate the sentences.

case (2) job (2) advise trial support

conduct trust considered corrupt

obtain solve respect favourable

      1. What you do to earn your living is your …

      2. The police are required to … suspects on their rights.

      1. The police have several suspects in the … of five murders in Florida.

      1. The prisoner was released early because of good … .

      2. We have … your application carefully, but cannot offer you the … .

      3. They believed that his case would never come to … .

      4. You can’t always … what the papers say.

      5. He was sent to prison for trying to … a policeman.

      6. He was trying to … a false passport and other documents.

      7. Many young people show very little … for traditional values.

      8. The public reaction to the new tax law was generally … .

      9. How are you going to … the problem of environmental pollution?

      10. What evidence do you have to … your accusation?

      11. When does your … come before the court?

Task 3. Use the words in the box to say what you would call a person who

  • is in charge of a whole company?

  • teaches at a college or university?

  • looks after the records or accounts in an office or bank?

  • flies a plane?

  • puts out fires?

  • advises people about the law and represents them in court?

  • discovers what has happened in a crime or other situation, especially when it is supposed to be hidden?

  • decides how the law should be applied to people, how criminals should be punished?

  • gives out information to the press for a company?

  • handles applications for vacant posts?

  • makes sure parking laws are obeyed?

  • protects people and property, makes sure that everyone obeys the law, catches criminals?

Pattern: A person in charge of a whole company is a …

A person who teaches at a college or university is a …

a managing director a fire-fighter a police officer

a pilot a traffic warden a public relations officer

a lawyer a personnel officer a judge

a lecturer a clerk a detective

Task 4. Read and translate the text.