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A working day at a law institute

Life at the Institute begins early. For the students who live in the dormitory the reveille is at a quarter past six in the morning. The students get up, dress, make their beds and leave their rooms to do the morning exercises. If the weather permits they do the morning exercises in the open air. At a quarter past seven they go to the dining hall to have breakfast.

At 8.30 the students fall in the line for the morning inspection. It usually lasts ten minutes. After that the students go to their classrooms and have several hours of classroom instruction. The classes begin at 9 o’clock and last till ten minutes to two. Then there is an hour and a half break for dinner and a short rest. At twenty minutes to three the students are back in their classrooms for some more hours of classes and self-study. They take many different subjects. In their first year the students have mostly general education subjects such as History of Russia, Philosophy, Logic, Foreign Languages, etc. Much attention is paid to physical training, marching drill and firing drill. A great number of special education subjects are taught to the students so that they could master their profession: Criminal Law, Civil Law, Criminal Procedure, Crime Detection, Forensic Sciences, Criminology and many other subjects.

The students stay in their classrooms till six in the evening. They get ready for the next day classes or do some other kind of self-study. After that they have an evening inspection and supper.

From eight o’clock till ten in the evening the students attend to their personal needs. They work in the library, finish doing tasks for the next day classes, watch TV or have a rest.

At 10.30 the lights are out and it is the end of another full day.

Task 31. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations; memorize them.

  1. делать утреннюю зарядку

  2. если позволяет погода

  3. на воздухе

  4. утреннее/вечернее построение

  5. изучать предметы

  6. общеобразовательные предметы

  7. специальные предметы

  8. овладеть профессией

  9. строевая подготовка

  10. огневая подготовка

  11. уголовный процесс

  12. оперативно-розыскная деятельность

  13. криминалистика

  14. самостоятельная работа

Task 32. Fill the gaps with prepositions.

  1. … warm days they do the morning exercises … the open air.

  2. Dinner is served … half past one.

  3. The students attend … their personal needs …ten …night.

  4. Do they pay much attention … marching drill?

  5. Thee times a day the students fall … the line …inspections.

  6. They don't have much time … self-study.

  7. The students have only a quarter … an hour to attend …personal hygiene.

  8. Those who couldn’t escape the week “demeritless” have to work off demerits … Sundays and Saturdays.

  9. Demerits are issued … breaking the rules and regulations.

  10. The students have two hours … the evening to attend … their personal needs.

  11. We arrived … the station five minutes late.

  12. He studied law taking classes … night.

  13. Office hours are … 9 a.m. … 5 p.m.

  14. They will arrive … New York … midnight.

Task 33. Answer the questions.

  1. What is your name?

  2. What do you do?

3) What year student are you?

  1. Do you live at home or in the dormitory?

  2. Is your home a long way from the Institute?

  3. When do you get up?

  4. How long does it take you to attend to your personal hygiene?

  5. Do you regularly do your morning exercises?

  6. When do you have breakfast?

  7. What time do your classes begin?

  8. How many classes a day do you usually have?

  9. What general education subjects do you take?

  10. What subjects do you take to master your profession?

  11. When do you have dinner?

  12. How long is the dinner break?

  13. Do you have enough time to get ready for your classes?

  14. How many hours a day do you have for self-study?

  15. How often do you fall in the line for inspections?

  16. When do you have time to attend to your personal needs?

  17. How often do you have to work off demerits?

  18. What are demerits issued for?

  19. Do you have enough time to read a book or to watch TV?

  20. When do you go to bed?

Task 34. Speak on the daily routine at your Institute.

Task 35. Translate the text