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Учебник по английскому.doc
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Task 14. Read the text and answer the questions. Young Man Hit by a Car

At 4.05 p.m. on Friday, June 7, there was an accident at the junction of Euston Road and St. Pancras Road when a boy of 18 was knocked off his bicycle by a car. Luckily he was not seriously injured. Steve Winters, the 18-year-old boy, was taken to the hospital where he was treated for shock and a broken arm. The accident was witnessed by several people, and it was reported minutes later by the driver of the car, Barry Kay, 54, of Wimbledon. Both the young man and the driver of the car were questioned afterwards by the police, who took the names and addresses of three witnesses.

1. What happened on June 7?

2. Who was knocked off the bicycle?

  1. 3. Was the boy seriously injured?

  2. 4. What was the boy’s name and how old was he?

  3. 5. Where was he taken?

  4. 6. What was he treated for?

  5. 7. Was the accident witnessed by anyone?

  6. 8. Who reported the accident?

  7. 9. Who was questioned by the police?

Task 15. Practise the following for pronunciation.

vehicle /'vJIkl/ tyre /taIq/

announcement /q'naVnsmqnt/ equipment /I'kwIpmqnt/

reminder /rI'maIndq/ pedestrian /pI'destriqn/

including /In'klHdIN/ junction /'GANkSn/

disregard /"dIsrI'gRd/ jaywalking /'GeIwLkIN/

windscreen /'wIndskrJn/ campaign /kxm'peIn/

slogan /'slqVgqn/ impose /Im'pqVz/

Task 16. Read and translate the text. Road Safety

As the number of motor vehicles has increased, so has the number of vehicle accidents.

At a holiday weekend motor vehicles fill the roads. Several hundred people may be killed in a weekend, in spite of police patrols, newspaper and radio announcements, and other reminders to drive carefully.

Road accidents occur for many reasons including speeding; disregarding traffic signs; weather conditions, darkness, and fog; failure of brakes, windscreen wipers, tyres, or other equipment; and roads that are not suitable for the amount of traffic. Young drivers have a high rate of accidents. Driving after drinking alcohol or while sleepy is most dangerous. Pedestrians cause accidents by careless crossing at road junctions, jaywalking and walking without due care on country roads.

To educate people there are safe-driving campaigns (films, contests, slogans, stickers, announcements, articles in newspapers). Drivers must have licences and pass skill tests before they can drive. The Highway Code, or Rules of the Road, tells people about road laws and what they should do as they travel on the roads. Police officers patrol highways to direct traffic and arrest speeders and careless drivers. The court imposes heavy fines for speeding, extreme carelessness or drunken driving. Drivers can take courses in defensive driving to help them avoid accidents.

Task 17. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations; memorize them.

  1. заполнять дороги

  2. напоминания об осторожной езде

  3. игнорирование дорожных знаков

  4. неисправность тормозов, стеклоочистителя («дворника»), покрышек

  5. неосторожный переход проезжей части на перекрестке дорог

  6. кампания по безопасности движения

  7. управлять дорожным движением

8. налагать штраф

9. управление транспортом в состоянии алкогольного опьянения

Task 18. Fill the gaps with the words from the box.

fined the Highway Code safe-driving reminders fill

jaywalking defensive driving speeders traffic signs

  1. Not all the roads are suitable for the amount of motor vehicles that … them at weekends.

  2. … campaigns are very popular in Europe and the USA.

  3. You may be … for speeding and careless driving.

  4. Pedestrians may cause road accidents by … and careless crossing at road junctions.

  5. Disregarding … may lead to traffic accidents.

  6. Police officers patrol highways to direct traffic and arrest … and careless drivers who violate … .

  7. Special courses in … are organized to help drivers to avoid accidents.

  8. Despite different … to drive carefully the number of road accidents increases.