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Учебник по английскому.doc
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Task 1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. We hope that they are going to administer justice impartially.

  2. The crowd was eventually pacified by the officers of the local police force.

  3. It is dangerous to smoke when handling explosive materials.

  4. The matter requires further investigation.

  5. Special police units were assigned to protect the visitors.

  6. I wouldn’t trust her; she has a long criminal record.

  7. The police are trying to trace two men seen leaving the house just before 8 a.m.

  8. This rule does not have the force of law.

  9. According to the best available information the facts are these.

  10. The club is under investigation by the fraud squad.

  11. When a riot broke out the police had to intervene.

  12. Further disorders occurred in town after dark.

  13. They tried to get access to the top secret police files.

  14. Three young children were taken hostage during the bank robbery.

  15. The young girl’s screams alerted the passerby who went to her rescue.

Task 2. Fill the gaps with the words from the box; translate the sentences.

were searched required to handle investigating

force emergency patrol hostages pursued

encourage the scene of crime on the beat riot intervened

  1. When there is a …, a crowd of people behave violently in a public place, for example, they fight, throw stones, or damage buildings and vehicles.

  2. When soldiers or police … an area or building, they move around it in order to make sure that there is no trouble there.

  3. The homes of suspected terrorists … by the police.

  4. Police are still … how the accident happened.

  5. The government decided against using … to break up the demonstration.

  6. The police closely … the bank robbers.

  7. The situation calmed down when the police … .

  8. Don’t … bad habits in a child.

  9. The police are looking for the traces left at … .

  10. A police officer … makes people feel safer.

  11. You must learn how … a dangerous situation.

  12. There was hope that the two … would be freed in the next few days.

  13. I have done everything that is … by law.

  14. Ring the bell in case of … .

Task 3. Practise the following for pronunciation.

administer /qd'mInIstq/ warden /wLdn/

throughout /TrH'aVt/ record /'rekLd/

mounted /'maVntId/ computerized /kqm'pjHtqraIzd/

include /In'klHd/ motor cycle /'mqVtq"saIkl/

riot /'raIqt/ juvenile /'GHvqnaIl/

explosives /Ik'splqVsIvz/ fraud /frLd/

motor-vehicle /'mqVtq"vJIkl/ pursuit /pq'sjHt/

auxiliary /Lg'zIljqri/ authority /L'TPrIti/

Task 4. Read and translate the text.

Police Organization

Although police forces are controlled and administered in different ways throughout the world, their duties can usually be divided into similar categories. They are normally organized in several divisions, each having a special duty.

The uniformed division, the backbone of the force, patrols the area, catching those who break laws, and preventing crime. This division may also include mounted police1 (used mainly for crowd and riot control) and police dogs which can be trained to search for people, drugs, and explosives.

Traffic division officers enforce motor vehicle laws and find out who is responsible for traffic accidents. They have control over auxiliary forces2 such as traffic wardens3.

The detective division investigates crime. Detectives usually do not work in uniform and have more flexible hours than patrol officers. Detectives in small police departments tend to be generalists, investigating whatever crime occurs. The rest are assigned to specialty units, such as homicide, robbery, commercial crime, auto thefts, burglary, computer crime, etc. Criminal records and fingerprints are kept, often on computerized systems, to help trace suspects quickly.

The communications division is in charge of the radio systems and sends patrol cars or motor cycles to trouble scenes. It also operates the radio, teletype, and computerized information systems which keep the police force in touch with other police agencies.

There may be a juvenile4 division to handle all law enforcement for young people and children as well as problems in the community that may lead to their breaking the law.

Depending upon the size of the force, there may also be other divisions, such as drug or fraud squads.

Police have no powers to enforce law outside their own territory or legal limits. However arrangements such as the “fresh pursuit” law are now available to give policemen the authority to pursue a criminal into neighbouring territory.


1mounted police - конная полиция

2auxiliary forces - вспомогательные подразделения

3traffic warden – инспектор дорожного движения (главным образом контролирует соблюдение правил стоянки автомобилей)

3juvenile - несовершеннолетний

Task 5. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations; memorize them.

  1. во всем мире

  2. главная опора полицейских подразделений

  3. ловить тех, кто нарушает законы

  4. контролирование поведения толпы и сдерживание массовых беспорядков

  5. быть натренированным для поиска людей, наркотиков и взрывчатых веществ

  6. нести ответственность за дорожно-транспортные происшествия

  7. выслеживать подозреваемого в преступлении

  8. поддерживать контакт с другими полицейскими подразделениями

  9. привести к нарушению закона

  10. преследование по горячим следам

Task 6. Make word combinations using the words from lists A & B; translate them into Russian.

A: police, division, crime, offence, criminal, law;

B: to prevent, force, uniformed, dog, to enforce, mounted, to break, detective, to investigate, traffic, records, to trace, scene, agency, juvenile, enforcement, to pursue, communications.

Pattern: police force - полиция

Task 7. Complete the following sentences.

  1. The backbone of the police force is …

  2. The special duties of the uniformed divisions are …

  3. Mounted police are mainly used for …

  4. Police dogs can be trained to …

  5. It is the duty of the traffic division to find out …

  6. … are the only police forcers who do not wear a uniform.

  7. Most detectives are assigned to …

  8. … are to help trace suspects quickly.

  9. The communications division is in charge of …

  10. Arrangements such as the … are available to give policemen the authority to … .

Task 8. Match the name of the police division and its duties; speak briefly on the duties of each police division.

The uniformed

The traffic

The detective

The communications

The juvenile


a) handles law enforcement for young people

b) operates radio systems, teletype and computerized information systems

c) patrols the area

d) investigates crime

e) enforces motor vehicle laws

f) catches criminals

g) finds out who is responsible for traffic accidents

h) prevents crime

i) controls traffic wardens

j) sends patrol cars to trouble scenes

Task 9. Fill the gaps with prepositions; translate the sentences.

  1. A military government took control … the country.

  2. Terrorists attacked two soldiers … foot patrol.

  3. The police searched the woods … the lost girl.

  4. After five years of service in police he was assigned … the detective division.

  5. Parents should discourage their children … smoking.

  6. He was allowed access … the police computerized system of fingerprints.

  7. Depending … the sphere of activities police forces are normally organized in several divisions.

  8. If it is a small police department detectives are … charge of investigating whatever crime occurs, but in large police departments they are assigned … specialty units and investigate particular types of crime.

Task 10. Practise the following for pronunciation.

preserve /prI'zE:v/ dangerous /'deInGqrqs/

tour /tVq/ auto /'LtqV/

superior /sH'pIqriq/ injure /'InGq/

include /In'klHd/ concealed /kqn'sJld/

vehicle /'vJIkl/ intervene /"Intq'vJn/

range /reInG/ urgent /'E:Gqnt/

interrupt /"Intq'rApt/ squad /skwPd/

dispute /dIs'pjHt/ inevitably /I'nevItqbli/

potential /pq'tenSl/ scheme /skJm/